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An Investor Who Sees The Future

An Investor Who Sees The Future

미래를 보는 투자자
Native LanguageKorean

“There may be great entrepreneurs, but there are no great investors. That’s the reality of this country.”

One day, something started to appear before my eyes.
What could I possibly do with this ability?

From now on, I will reshape the global financial landscape!

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Read An Investor Who Sees The Future

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  1. Patra says:

    Continue it if possible

    1. GibeHug says:

      New chapters will be updated today 🍱

      1. Tarik says:

        When Will Chapter 136 Will Be Released

        1. GibeHug says:

          Very soon. Thank for reading, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. ❤️

          1. gobigorgohome says:

            when will chapter 141 will be released ?

      2. Hemanth Kallepalli says:

        Chapter 176 release date please

        1. GibeHug says:

          It’s released. Thank u for reading ❤️

      3. pookiechan says:

        When do the chapters get unlocked?

        1. GibeHug says:

          The chapters are unlocked daily.

          1. Duchess_Pauline says:

            Ok so something weird happened. I know the chapters are supposed to be unlocked daily but I when i open one chapter with moondust, i have to wait a lot for the next to be opened. For example, when latest chapters were added on march 9 (241-245) chapter 240 was unlocked. I couldnt wait and immediately opened chapter 241 using moondust. According to logic, chapter 241 was supposed to be unlocked on march 10 and 242 on 11 march. It’s 13 march and 242 is still locked? What is going on?

          2. GibeHug says:

            Hi, first thank u for reading. And secondly there is no scheduled/fixed date for release. I usually release 1 chapter after every 1 day. I’ve been a bit busy so I couldn’t unlock it in time.

            Thank you for your patience ❤️

  2. mystery says:

    Great translation!
    Hope you keep releasing the full novel and don’t drop it in the future.
    Would love to have bought more chapters but 15 is a bit high for my wallet when the novel is 500+ chapters, still try to buy a few from time to time to support the translator.

    1. GibeHug says:

      No worries, reading the novel and leaving a comment is also a big support for me. And as for the novel I don’t intend to drop it. The story is pretty good and I myself want to see the ending 😉

  3. Birju Raeskhan says:

    Teman aku sudah tidak bisa membacanya karena mood dust ku sudah habis, jadi cukup sampai disini, jika moon dust ku sudah cukup aku akan kembali

    1. GibeHug says:

      🤭No worries, you can always wait for new chapters to be unlocked if you don’t have any moondust.

  4. Birju Raeskhan says:

    Temanku moon dust habis sudah habis lagi, sampai jumpa di chapter 65

  5. Birju Raeskhan says:

    Aku kembali dari chap 65 tapi cukup hanya sampai disitu T T

  6. mystery says:

    I have a question, what is the release schedule of free chapters?

    1. GibeHug says:

      Sorry, I’m having some issues with my internet, it might still take around a week or so. The chapters should be able available soon.

  7. starkaster says:

    Just wanted to drop by and thank the translator for all their hard work. I’m very much enjoying the series. I’d love to buy chapters ahead of time but $1.50usd per chapter is scary!

    1. GibeHug says:

      Thank so much for reading. I’m glad you’re enjoying this novel ❤️☺️

      As for the chapter price, all I would say is your support means alot whether it’s buying a chapter or just reading and leaving a comment. 💮

  8. mystery says:

    Could you upload 10 more chapters please, this novel is too good just to read 5 chapters a week.
    Keep up the good work.

    1. GibeHug says:

      Will try but no promises and thank you for reading ❤️😉

  9. kazuha says:

    I love this novel so much!! its different from other i have read. Keep updating please 🙏 i am always reading it. You are doing an amazing job🧚🏻‍♀️

    1. GibeHug says:

      Tysm for reading ❤️ I’m glad you’re enjoying it (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ

  10. mystery says:

    Could you upload some more chapters please.
    Your doing such a good job translating this novel that i cant get enough of it.

  11. polobernard12 says:

    I dont have any moondust to read the novel. I guess i just have to wait when its available. But its a great read. A gem among gem.

  12. gobigorgohome says:

    Keep translating if possible

    1. GibeHug says:

      I definitely will and thank you for reading ❤️

      1. gobigorgohome says:

        i want to donate some ko fi but in your ko fi page there is no button to donate.

  13. gobigorgohome says:

    Brother tell me how can I support you

    1. GibeHug says:

      It’s ok. There’s no need for donations. You can support me by reading and unlocking the locked chapters when available. ❤️😊

  14. Yashveer Singh Makkar says:

    W story

    1. GibeHug says:

      Thank u for reading ❤️

  15. Volim Rabá says:

    Really good, thank You. When we’ll get more chapters?

    1. GibeHug says:

      New chapters uploaded. Thank u for reading ❤️

  16. 4121f5 says:

    When is 181?

    1. GibeHug says:

      Uploaded today. Thank u for reading ❤️

  17. shuiko says:

    i would support more if paypal shame.

    1. GibeHug says:

      No worries. Thank u for reading. I’m glad you’re enjoying it ☺️❤️

  18. Yggdrasil2126 says:

    Big thanks for translating this novel, I really like this novel and wanna see the end of it. Also sorry for now I still can’t support you by buying the paid chapter yet since I haven’t got any stable income, so I appreciate you so much for providing the free chapter so far.

    1. GibeHug says:

      No worries. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Thank you for reading ❤️

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