Don’t Reply!

Don’t Reply!

답장하지 마세요!
Native LanguageKorean
[Please be a kind person! From now on, the final response is up to you.]

On the first day of the new year, while going to see a fortune-teller, I ended up under a strange curse.

If I fail to give the final response, my whole body will turn into stone?

I tried to endure it for a year… but the Villain Duke, the one who asks for responses, appeared.

[Yes, thank you.] [Yes^^ Have a nice day!] [I hope you have a good day too, Count ^^] [Yes, thank you!] [Thank you too.] [^0^] [^^] [You don’t have to respond anymore!] [Yes, Count, you don’t have to respond either.]

I said you don’t have to respond! Please don’t reply! I can’t help it because of the curse, but what on the earth is wrong with you?

I think I might retire earlier from this world because of this guy.

But this duke, does he have unique tastes?

“From the moment I first saw you, my heart was drawn to you.”

That moment when I shouted at you to not to reply? the moment when I seemed insane? Why?

Followed 14 people
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not work with dark mode