My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 26.1

After a while, the barbeque restaurant’s door was pushed open by a fire-red five-tailed fox, with a school badge around his neck. After looking around the restaurant, he saw Yu Xiu eating.

Behind the big fox were several human students with school badges on their chests and the student council’s executive badges on their bodies.

Yu Xiu noticed the movement at the door. When he saw the big fox, he jumped up and tried to run, leaving his girlfriend behind.

The big fox narrowed his eyes and leaped in front of Yu Xiu, blocking his way. He lifted his paws and struck the fox to the ground.

“Ooowwww, brother, I was wrong. I was wrong, I was truly wrong, I won’t dare!”

Yu Xiu’s head was pressed down by the fox as he screamed miserably, his three tails seemingly stuck to the ground and his ears pressed back. This fox understood how to behave.

A few human students behind the big fox went towards the girl. They smiled politely, said something to her, then took her away.

The girl didn’t want to part with Yu Xiu and looked at the little fox, panicking. She then saw Yu Xiu pleading to the big fox with his paws, wailing to let him go and promising not to contact the girl again.

Girl: ……

Oh, male foxes.

The big fox listened, then punched him with his paws. “You still dare to be a scumbag?”

Yu Xiu became aggrieved when he was beaten. He looked up at the big fox, then looked at his pretty little girlfriend. He raised his furry fox paw, touched Sui Sui’s calf, and carefully proposed:

“How about we play together again over winter break?”

Sui Sui: “Yuck! Who wants to be with you!? Scum fox!”

After thinking about it, Sui Sui pulled a necklace off her neck and threw it at the little fox’s paws: “I’m giving it back to you, I don’t want it!”

Breaking up meant breaking all ties with that person.

The little fox looked at the “token of love” he had made that was once again returned by his girlfriend, his entire being wilting as he said: “Take it…as a breakup gift.”

Sui Sui became even angrier when she heard that and stared at the little fox.

Sui Sui had just entered her first year of college this year in an ordinary human university. Their military training would start in September and it was only August, so she wanted to take advantage of this time to play with the fox.

She genuinely hadn’t expected this furry friend to turn out to be a scum, to fall out with him and be hostile. They had just been pampering each other a while ago but when he was caught, he immediately said that he wouldn’t contact her again, hurting her feelings.

Ah, her chest ached from the anger.

She simply couldn’t accept her feelings being deceived by a little fox.

The big fox glanced in front of him at the new girlfriend his younger brother was looking at. He lifted his paw, and a delicate little box appeared in front of the girl.

The big fox apologized: “Sorry, my brother has given you trouble, so this is a small token of apology. The way Yu Xiu brought you here was illegal, so we will send you back safely. If you still want to come over to play, you can apply at the Administration Office a month in advance.”

Sui Sui looked at the big fox, his beautiful red fur, upturned bright eyes, and the five big, furry tails at his back that were swaying rhythmically. He was quite an attractive fox.

Sui Sui: ……

She was full of regrets. If only she had first met this fox at the park; then everything would be better.

What a beautiful big brother.

Feeling the girl’s regretful gaze slowly gliding across his fur, the big fox felt so uncomfortable that his fur wanted to stand up.

Sui Sui: “Well then, I’ll go now.”

Sui Sui didn’t accept the gift given by the big fox. She squatted down and grabbed Yu Xiu’s head, viciously rubbing his fur into a mess. Only then did she get up and walk away.

It was hard to say if she had really liked the little fox, since she had grown up with various movies and animations, and always had some girlish fantasies within her heart. Unexpectedly, the fox who had broken away from animated movies turned into a scum fox. At any rate, the little fox was still quite cute, except for the fact that he had deceived her.

After Sui Sui left, the big fox raised his paw and stepped on Yu Xiu’s head. “Get up and come with me.”

The wilted little fox stood up, not even daring to shake his fur, and with a messy appearance, followed the big fox.

When he passed by Lang Chen, the big fox stopped and greeted him before taking the little fox away.

Qi Xiaohan looked at this scene and forgot to continue eating.

Many people in the restaurant looked over towards their side, and within just a few minutes, Yu Xiu was taken away.

Seeing that the little cat was still looking in that direction, Lang Chen reached out and rubbed her head.

Qi Xiaohan looked back at Lang Chen and asked, “Senior brother, are different races not allowed to get together in our school?” Just like on TV, love between humans and demons wasn’t allowed?

Lang Chen raised his eyes, looked at the kitten in front of him, and calmly said, “No, the school doesn’t interfere with the students’ love. That fox was arrested purely because he leaked his identity to the public, deceived many people’s feelings on the Internet, and additionally, brought undocumented people into the boundary. Repeat offenders with multiple crimes are punished.”

Thinking of the little fox with his head hanging down as he was taken away, the little cat put her paw down and meowed.

After eating barbeque, Lang Chen sent the little cat back.

When Qi Xiaohan returned to the dormitory, her roommates were already talking about the incident with Yu Xiu.

When Yu Xiu was caught, some of the other students at the barbecue restaurant took a video condemning the scum fox and posted it on the school’s internal forum, which was now trending as a hot post.

Seeing that Qi Xiaohan was back, the little snow leopard jumped in front of her. The group of cats surrounded her and began to question her.

“You also ate at this barbecue restaurant today; did you see this fox being captured?”

The little snow leopard pushed the phone in front of the little cat’s face.

Qi Xiaohan took a look and saw the little fox’s mournful face.

The little cat meowed, “I saw it. At that time, Senior Lang Chen was present, and Yu Xiu basically crashed into his hands.”

Lu Ling: “Wow, this is too bad. He really drilled a hole for himself when he violated the rules in front of senior brother Lang Chen. I don’t know what else to say about this fox.”

The golden cat Xiao Mengmeng: “Recently, you’ve been eating with senior brother Lang Chen a lot.”

Qi Xiaohan somehow thought of Lang Chen’s figure sitting in the dining room eating alone at noon today and scratched her ears with her paws: “We don’t always eat together. I invited senior brother Lang Chen tonight; he’s been taking care of me for a long time.”

The little snow leopard: “Yes, it’s time to thank senior brother. I’ve invited my senior sister to dinner too.”

The golden cat’s ears twitched, a little confused, feeling that something was wrong, but their logic also made sense.

The little lynx was still keeping watch of the hot pot, and at this time, she was waving her paws for them to come over to see: “I heard the fox senior was to be disciplined. It wasn’t the first time that he has gone outside and cheated human girls into coming here, but this time his plotting was particularly bad.”

The golden cat: “What about the girl? Is it okay for her to be sent back like this?”

The little mountain cat: “She’ll be sent to the General Administration of Paranormal Processing to sign an agreement. Apart from the things allowed by the Xunhai Union University General Assembly, nothing else is allowed to be taken away, not even a single hair. And maybe it’ll be recorded in a hidden file. It’s indeed troublesome, but doesn’t have much of an impact.”

The little white cat thought of the big fox today, looked up, and asked the little mountain cat: “Lu Ling, do you know who the big fox that caught Yu Xiu today was?”

Lu Ling: “It’s Yu Lan, Yu Xiu’s brother. He is also a sophomore. The two brothers enrolled at the same time. However, Yu Lan is talented and has a higher number of tails. He seems to be the vice minister of law enforcement in the student council, and will soon be able to transform.”

Students of Xunhai Union University had varying ages. Cases like the Yu brothers weren’t uncommon. After all, for cultivators, who could set a certain and accurate age at which to be able to go to school?

Senior brother Yu Lan was really handsome. The big fox had appeared unexpectedly, rushed directly to Yu Xiu, and held him down with one paw. He was really super handsome.

A small cat such as Qi Xiaohan couldn’t do that and also didn’t know when she would be able to grow that big.

The little cat was full of longing thoughts.





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