My Time as a Cat in College

Chapter 10

To be honest, Yan Chong had been struggling with money for a while.

How poor you wonder? When Yan Chong reported last year, he only carried a small and pitiful bag when he entered the university. After entering the University, he was teased because he was a country demon.

Now seeing that just this little kitten had so much luggage, the impact on Yan Chong, a demon who was still struggling at the poverty line, was very big.

It was a critical hit.

Yan Chong covered his face and said, “Let’s go, I’ll help you move your bags.”

The little white cat meowed and ran happily towards the luggage. She exerted force to push the luggage cart towards Senior Brother Yan Chong who stretched out his hand to grab it.

As soon as the demon and the kitten left the utility room, they saw a Siamese cat standing at the door of the office, raising its paw before putting it down again.

The Siamese cat poked its head inside, but when it saw so many people in the office, it paused.

Qi Xiaohan looked at the cold cat, which suddenly turned its head. When it saw the beautiful little white cat from the plane, the Siamese cat looked at her silently, then opened the door and went in.

Yan Chong: “Let’s go?”

The little white cat nodded and padded along with Yan Chong.

Yan Chong looked at the kitten’s paws, which were moving quite fast, and suppressed the urge to laugh, and said to her: “Sister Lusha said on WeChat before that your things should be put in the refrigerator as soon as possible, otherwise they will spoil?”

Qi Xiaohan nodded quickly and looked up at her senior brother: “My sister heard that there was a refrigerator in the school, so she sent me a lot of food, many of which were frozen food.”

Especially now that the weather was so hot, it can easily spoil.

“By the way, Senior Brother, do you want some beef jerky? I brought a lot of it from home and I’ll share some with you when I get to the dormitory.”

Yan Chong: “Okay, okay.”

The cat and the demon chatted happily and walked outside.

“By the way, do you want to eat first or go back to the dormitory first? I see you have so many things, why don’t you go to the dormitory to put them down first? I’ll wait for you downstairs in the lobby and we can go to eat after you put them away?”

The little white cat nodded immediately.

Ning Ning was afraid that she wouldn’t be used to school food, so she sent her a lot of food. One of the large suitcases was specially filled with food for her. Many of which were ingredients that Qi Ning took out from the freezer that day. It would go bad if left out for too long, especially now that the weather was hot.

After arriving at the freshman dormitory, Yan Chong showed his ID to the dormitory aunt in the dormitory lobby, and then the aunt let him in.

The registration period was a special time, and seniors were allowed to go upstairs.

Yan Chong pushed the luggage cart and pressed the elevator button.

When she arrived at the dormitory, there were already other students in the dormitory.

A little snow leopard was busy jumping around to make the bed on the upper bunk. When she heard the sound of the door being pushed open, the snow leopard was startled and tumbled to the ground. Her beautiful eyes were wide as she stared at Qi Xiaohan and Yan Chong, who appeared at the door of the dormitory.

Qi Xiaohan: “…Hello, I am Qi Xiaohan, and I am from this dormitory.”

The snow leopard reacted and stood up quickly, “My name is Zhou Mingming. I just cleaned the bed for you. You can just lay down the quilt.”

After saying that, she quickly greeted Yan Chong: “Hello, senior brother.”

Yan Chong nodded with a smile, glanced at the dormitory, and asked, “Is everyone from your dormitory here?”

Zhou Mingming shook his head: “There is still one more golden cat left.”

Hearing the noise outside, another cat’s head poked out from the bathroom door and looked at Yan Chong: “Hello, Senior Brother Yan Chong!”

Yan Chong nodded towards the junior lynx who had a very lively personality.

Qi Xiaohan jumped on her luggage cart and pushed hard against the luggage with her front paws, trying to push the suitcase down.

When Yan Chong saw this, he reached out to help and took down all of Qi Xiaohan’s luggage before placing the luggage cart outside.

After the little white cat thanked her senior brother, she opened the one suitcase, which was full of delicious food.

Qi Xiaohan searched inside and found a bag of beef jerky. The little white cat raised her paw, pushed the beef jerky to the senior brother in front of her, and meowed.


Yan Chong picked up the beef jerky and looked at the promised package. He was immediately moved.

“Thank you, Junior Sister Xiaohan.”

Qi Xiaohan: “You’re welcome.”

“I’ll go down and wait for you first. Just pack up and I’ll take you to dinner.” After saying that, the demon took his beef jerky, pushed the empty luggage cart, and left happily.

Qi Xiaohan looked at the two big cats in the dormitory and meowed.

The two big cats looked at the little white cat standing next to the luggage at the door of the dormitory, then looked at themselves, and then at the little white cat. They felt quite incongruent.

Their furry paws shuffled on the spot, and the little kitten let out another cry.

This kitten looked soft, small, and furry.

The little white cat tilted her head, looked at the two roommates with some doubts, her tail twitched nervously as she raised her face and gave a friendly meow. Suddenly, the two big cats seemed to have a switch turned on. They whined and rushed towards the little white cat, and the three cats rolled into a ball.

The little white cat struggled to expose her head from among the two big cats. The snow leopard’s fur was thick and almost smothered Qi Xiaohan. Qi Xiaohan was almost out of breath as the top of her head was being rubbed and licked by the two big cats.

The kitten raised its paw and patted them: “Meow, meow, meow!”

The two big cats were a little heavy. After rubbing their scent on the kitten, they were satisfied and wanted to get up. Who knew that this little kitten would take advantage of them getting up to jump up all of a sudden. The little kitten rolled in a ball on top of them.

They were afraid of accidentally hurting such a soft and cute roommate, so they allowed the kitten to leave its scent on them. Then they saw the kitten meow with satisfaction and hold up its little head looking happy.

The lynx tilted its head and rubbed Qi Xiaohan, “My name is Lu Ling, hello.”

The little white cat meowed, raised her paw and rubbed the lynx’s head.

“By the way, my sister sent me a lot of food which I need to put in the refrigerator so that we can have hot pot together in the evening.”

Thinking of this, the little white cat raised a little paw and patted the suitcase happily.

“Wow, your sister is so kind. She sent you so many things.” The two big cats circled around the suitcases and said with envy.

When she gave Yan Chong beef jerky before, she opened a suitcase. Qi Xiaohan jumped on another suitcase, opened it, and sorted out her luggage.

One of the suitcases was full of food. The little white cat took a look at all the food, and then looked around the dormitory to find where the refrigerator was.

Seeing what the kitten wanted to do, the lynx raised a paw and pointed in the right direction:

“Over there.”

Qi Xiaohan immediately pushed the open suitcase in that direction.

The refrigerator was placed in the corner of the dormitory. Although it was a four-person dormitory, it was still quite spacious. There was a balcony and a private bathroom. There was also a washing machine in the bathroom. The conditions were very good for a dormitory.

Seeing such a small kitten pushing such a big suitcase, the two roommates immediately went over to help push it together.

“Door, open.”

The kitten meowed at the refrigerator, and the refrigerator door opened immediately.

The Lynx looked at her roommate in shock, “Wow, is this possible?”

The little cat nodded her head, her eyes sparkling, “This was just a small magic spell. It was nothing amazing.”

The other two cats looked at her, and Qi Xiaohan also stopped, having no choice but to explain: “Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.”

As she spoke, the kitten raised a paw, pointed at the items in the suitcase, and meowed loudly,

“Suitcase, float!”

The suitcase moved, lifted slightly off the ground and then dropped heavily.

The kitten’s paws stepped on the ground and felt a little awkward, so she settled for the next best thing: “Beef balls, beef rolls, lamb rolls, fish steaks, and crab sticks, float!”

The items in the suitcase shook, and actually flew up, towards the refrigerator.


The two big cats squatting next to the suitcase, looked up in amazement.


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