Who is your dad?

“Your Imperial Majesty, if His Majesty were to pass away…”

“Pass away?”

“That warrant. It states that if one refuses a summons, it authorizes forced transportation.”

“Right, that warrant. Why?”

“Isn’t its effect nullified? The person who authorized it is deceased, so the document should naturally be void.”

Listening, it seemed so. The Emperor’s approval was only valid while the Emperor was alive. Then, doesn’t that mean Karl knew all this and still kept me in the dark all this time?

With no other justification to take me to the capital, was using the Emperor’s warrant to get me on the train first and only revealing the truth when it was too late part of Karl’s plan?

“That makes sense. The Archduke knew all this and still told me that, didn’t he?”

Karl glared at the closed door, but it only hurt my eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know. I really don’t know.”

I had thought so much that now my stomach ached. It had been dark outside for a long time. Come to think of it, I had only eaten one meal today, a combination of breakfast and lunch.

If I were at home, I would have gone out to find something to eat, but here on the train, I had to eat what was provided. Heading towards the Urentum-bound train with no kitchen car made finding food troublesome.

“Originally, this train wasn’t scheduled to run today, but the Archduke hurried its departure… Sorry, there’s no food prepared. We’ll arrive at the Central Southern Station tomorrow, and you can change trains there. Please bear with it a bit, Count.”

Tomorrow, I would change trains at the Central Southern Station. I might be able to explore outside and find some food after four days.

“Okay, let’s sleep. Sleep when you’re hungry.”

I closed my eyes, holding my hungry stomach, hoping for tomorrow to come quickly.


Capital LaHart.

For the first time in a long time, Franz sat at his study desk. As he had spent the past few months only in the bedroom of the mansion and the Kellevare district outside, his valet, Schultz, followed behind him, hoping his master would now focus on his duties like the Archduke.

“Franz, sir.”

Waiting in the study was his knight, Stilikov, the captain of the Toskur Guard, rarely trusted by Franz, who was generally suspicious. Stilikov promptly handed Franz a match after Franz recited a verse.

“We have received new information that Count Louizette has appeared at Lake Filia.”

“Because that’s where you have to go to get to LaHart from the south.”

“Yes. They transferred to a train that goes directly to LaHart from the Central Station.”

Franz nodded solemnly, as if he had expected this. It was what he’d expected when he’d gotten word that Celeste’s trail had been found in Urentum.

The fact that she’d cut off all contact with him and gone into hiding in the countryside, and that she’d used the magic stone even though she knew news would reach her, was a sign, Franz thought, that she was returning to the capital.

He also assumed that she’d make it past Lake Filia and into LaHart in a few days.

“Not much to report.”

Franz rolled his eyes. As if there was nothing more to report than their progress.

Stilikov glanced around, then leaned down to bring his mouth to Franz’s ear, even though the only other person in the room was the butler, Schultz.

“We can’t let him come back so easily, Your Highness.”


“I’ve used my hand to make sure he can’t return unharmed.”

“And when you say you have used your hand, to what extent?”

“At the very least, you’ll be incapacitated for a few days.”

“What’s the maximum?”

“The maximum is, death.”

“Cause of death?”

“Poisoning, as before…….”

Huw. A puff of smoke erupted from deep within Franz’s lungs.

“I hope that’s the maximum.”

A dark smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. It was a satisfied, pleased smile, the kind you wouldn’t expect from someone speaking of someone’s death.

“Oh, and I heard something strange from my contact.”

“Strange words?”

“They say that Count Louisette is accompanied by a child.”

“A child?”

“Yes. From what I’ve heard, the Count is carrying the baby himself on the train.”

“Celeste and a child, such an unlikely combination. Am I mistaken?”

“I thought so, too, and checked again and again, but…… surely it was the Count carrying the child, and the child has the exact same hair color as the Count.”

Tap, tap. A hand that wasn’t holding a cigar tapped on the desk.

“Purple hair?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“…Isn’t that a unique trait of the Louisette family lineage?”

“Yes, I am aware of that as well.”

Tap. Tap. Franz soon became lost in thought.

Purple hair is a genetic trait that appears only in those who have inherited the Louisette family bloodline. And as far as he knew, Celeste was the last descendant of the Louisette family.

With both parents deceased and her unmarried, there could be no successor younger than Celeste from the Louisette family.

But a young baby with purple hair?

“It seems necessary to verify that.”

Tap, tap, tap. Franz’s finger tapping on the table quickened.

“Yes, I have already instructed to investigate further. Your Highness Franz.”

Satisfied, a faint smile reappeared on Franz’s lips.

“What mischief are you up to now, my lovely Cele.”

A chuckle mixed with laughter at the end of his words. Through the faint haze of smoke, his face blurred.


The Empire’s central south, Lake Filia.

As the day broke, they finally arrived at the central southern train station. It had been exactly four days since they boarded the train from Urentum.

Originating from the northeast and stretching to the empire’s western edge, the Marnus River sent a thin stream of water from east to south.

Blocked by the southern Ardus Mountains, this stream formed a natural lake, perfectly round like a ball and hence named Lake Filia.

Just as the cities along the river thrived, Lake Filia was known as a bustling region.

From clean and large stone buildings that one could hardly see in the south, to a sewage system and convenient transportation facilities incomparable to other regions.

Since immediately hiding in Urentum after the possession, Celeste had not properly explored the cities of the empire.

Befitting the reputation of the most prosperous empire on the continent, the core city of the empire exuded grandeur comparable to any country’s capital.

It would take at least 30 minutes to switch to a new train. Leaving Hannah to watch over Valerie for a while, I strolled around the shops near the station. Particularly, there were many fascinating food options near the station.

Around the station, restaurants and accommodations flourished. It seemed like a truth transcending eras and nationalities.

Now it’s time for Celeste to make the most of being Celeste. That’s right, the best part is being able to eat whatever food she wants without any limits!

“What did you buy so much for?”

She shopped without worrying about money, hurried back to the station to catch the train. Returning with arms full of food, Karl looked at her and said, “Just… There were so many delicious-looking things.”

From skewered rabbit meat to fruit candies shaped like dragons and dipped in sugar. She indulged in delicious-looking foods guilt-free.

In her previous life, even if she wanted to eat something, she always refrained and saved. But now, living a life with leftover money, there was no reason not to indulge. If she wanted to eat something, she bought it, even if she didn’t want to buy anything, she still bought something.

I do what I want, which is great, and the sellers increase their sales, so it’s a win-win situation. Justifying impulse buying as doing good for each other.

“Didn’t you say you wouldn’t eat food made with unclear ingredients before?”


“I’ve never seen a count eating at any party, but now you’re covered in food. Quite… unusual.”

Karl’s gaze swept the food in her arms. Feeling embarrassed, she gripped her fingers tightly.

Celeste, since birth, had only eaten the best things without any regrets, so she had no attachment to food.

But not me. Eating is what remains, and if it’s free, I’ll even drink watered-down wine.

“Is that so? I don’t remember at all what I was like before. I’ll take my leave now.”

Without a chance to respond, Celeste disappeared into the train.

“I’ve never seen her wandering the streets alone.”

Karl sighed and stroked his chin.

Due to her position and the numerous enemies, Celeste couldn’t step out of the mansion alone. At least, as far as he knew.

Especially when walking through such busy places, it was rare to see her walk on her own feet. She used to move with a dozen soldiers on each side.

“Just her face remains the same but she’s completely different… Does losing memories change one’s personality?”

He felt a sense of unease from Celeste. However, that unease didn’t feel negative.

Karl chuckled and followed Celeste. It was time to depart for Lahart as she boarded the train, unaware of the impact of the food she carried with her.

Ten minutes after he boarded, the train left the station and departed.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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