The Villain Found Out This Was A Novel

The villain discovered that this place is a novel (1)

The day she became the wife of a handsome and talented man five years younger than her, she received the envy and jealousy of countless noble ladies.

Wearing a pure white dress with a wedding crown on curly black hair, I am the happiest bride of the century….

She walked down the road, barely holding on to the arm of her husband, who hid a knife in the sleeve of her dress.

I became the wife of a man who threatened to cut my throat if I ran away.

Duke Sicar, who would become my husband, did better than expected.

He smiled brightly at people and said with his lips pressed together like a ventriloquist.

“Can’t you care about your expression?”

“Shouldn’t you put down the knife and let’s talk about someone who can’t control their expression?”

“That would be difficult..After all, this is the only way to catch a bride who is just looking for a chance to escape.”

My husband is evil and threatens to kill me at any moment, but I don’t think I will run away.

Moreover, even though it is a contract marriage, I am the villain’s wife who has been swept away by the whirlpool of history and will face a miserable death.

I felt like a cloak had been thrown over my future.

Chapter 1: The villain discovered that this place is a novel (1)

It wasn’t long before I came into this world.

I was working as a daycare teacher, and I was getting the kids out of school that day.

Accidents in the school zone happen frequently, so even though I was nervous, I saw a traffic violation car driving toward the child.

With her energy and determination to protect the child, she instinctively jumped onto the road and hugged the child. And when I opened my eyes I was here.

I suddenly fell into this novel with no connection at all and woke up in a back alley around the square.

It’s not a supporting role in the novel, and it’s not an extra role either.

I was truly this person in this world, as if I had fallen from the sky.

This man, now my husband, Sekar, was the villain whose violent death near the end of the novel.

only sympathized with the last line of the villain’s emotions, as he thinks about the time he really laughed.

I, who signed up empty-handed, really had nothing. In short, I was a penniless beggar.

It had fallen into winter, so I was wandering the streets like a homeless person, shivering from the cold, when I saw people gathering in the square and screaming loudly.

“Get rid of the deposed tyrant king!”

“Kill the king!”

I felt strange because I could understand what everyone was saying even though it was a language I had never heard before, and I headed to a place where people were gathering.

On a platform in the middle of the square, a man was sitting tied with a rope, bleeding from stoning people. A man wearing a beautiful uniform walked out in front of him. In the man’s hand was a long, sharp sword.

“Duke Sikar Blake!”

“Dear Sikar Blake! Please punish the deposed king who destroyed the kingdom!”

The moment I heard the name, I was sure this place was in a novel I was reading.

A villain who ousted the deposed king and appointed a new king, Sikar Blake was a fearsome character with the ability to read people’s memories with a single touch.

Given the situation, it seems that today is the day the deposed king will be executed. If so, this means that today is the day the novel began.

At that moment, I remembered an empty house that I could live in for a while.

I was so hungry and cold that I felt like I would collapse at any moment.

So I was able to reach a village a short distance from the city.

It is a small village on Blake’s estate, where there is a small farm where the protagonist will stay temporarily.

Since the house was set up as a place of stay for the main character in the novel when he was young, it was originally an empty house without an owner.

There is no safer place to stay for a while than this.

Inside the house, as if they were preparing to meet the main character, there were a lot of different foods and firewood, and it was surprising that all the food in the kitchen was fresh as if someone had just gone to the market and returned.

‘As expected, it is the home of the main character, so it needs to be kept in like new condition.’

Hunger was also hunger, but I, tired of the cold, began to burn wood in the fireplace.

In the bitter cold that made my mouth shiver enough to make a teeth-grinding sound, I sat in front of the heater and did not move until I was completely thawed.

After the warmth returned a little, I started to feel very hungry.

Feeling a little sorry for eating the food that was waiting for its owner, I muttered softly as if I was asking the main character for permission before drinking the milk on the kitchen shelf.

“I’ll eat a little.”

Since there was only about a week left until the main character’s arrival, I had to look for a monastery where I could live.

In the monastery in this world, they feed and shelter people who have nowhere else to go, so this was the only place I could go now.

When I went to the well in front of the house to pump some drinking water, one of the grandmothers ran towards me.


As soon as the grandmother saw me, she called me her sister and rushed after me.

I was embarrassed at first, but I couldn’t turn away because I remembered my grandmother who soon died due to her mental illness.

Because it was a bit scary for her to live alone in this place with poor security, she brought Granny to the main character’s house.

Anyway, when I moved to the monastery I had to take this grandmother with me.

After I brought Grandma home, I first changed the worn out clothes she was wearing and brought her a meal.

Of course I had to leave out food that the main character could eat so he wouldn’t starve, we can’t eat too much, so we had to eat enough so we wouldn’t just starve.

This amount of food couldn’t completely satisfy my hunger, but it prevented the urge to eat more and quit eating.


In my experience, sleep is best when you’re hungry. After a miserable meal, I went to sleep with my grandmother as soon as I could.

How long did you sleep? I was sleeping as if lightning was falling from the dry sky, and then suddenly the soldiers came.

Before I could call for help, the soldiers put a mask over my mouth and covered me.

The soldiers took me away, and I didn’t know who was leading me to where.

I was trembling with fear, not knowing where I was being taken, in a silent carriage in which only its rattling could be heard.

I don’t think they are kidnapping me because of my beauty, but are they kidnapping me because I am a stranger with a strange appearance?

Even if they dragged the stranger to inquire about his identity, they had to tell me why they were dragging me, so that would not be the case. But why is this…?

Are a group of people trying to sell me as a maid because I am good at work?

I bit my lip in fear. No matter how hard I tried to understand the current situation, there was nothing I could deduce.

After riding the carriage for a long time, I began to hear people’s low voices and the sounds of loud movements here and there, along with the sound of a heavy iron door, as if I had arrived somewhere.

Not long after, people pulled me out of the cart and seemed to hand me over to someone. I was taken back and sat in a chair.

‘Could it be a torture chair or something?’

With such a situation, I had endless ominous thoughts.

Somehow, they look like something cold and hard that would fit in a torture chair.

I even heard a squeak as I squirmed.

At that moment, I felt someone put their hand on my face, and I moved my face back and forth to ask for help.

Then this hand tore off the headdress and mask that was placed on my head.

I couldn’t open my eyes properly due to the bright light, so I had to blink several times.

When my blurred vision was lifted and I began to see things clearly, what suddenly appeared in front of me was not an instrument of torture, but rather a delicacy.

“You took care of my grandmother.”

On the other side, a man sat with his arms folded and his head held high, looking at me.

‘Yes! It’s the man I saw in the square!’

So this man was Sikar Blake whom I saw in the square.

Only then did I remember the events of the novel and felt that I could almost guess the identity of the grandmother.

She is suddenly afflicted with dementia, by bad guys while she was wandering outside, and all her clothes and jewelry were taken away, and she dies while walking around in rags.

Since Grandma was Sekar’s only blood relative, Sekar who was already evil becomes even more evil after that.

More precisely, his grandmother’s death was a setup to make Sikar more evil.

‘The grandmother I took care of for a while was the grandmother of the villain in this novel!’

She remembered how he struck the deposed king’s neck with a guillotine during the day and felt cold.

On the surface he seems very calm and gentle, but I know that he is, at best, a nice crazy guy.

Sekar was staring into my eyes, brushing the hair falling from his forehead.

Making eye contact with him made me feel like he was reading my memories even though he was just staring at me.

Seeker’s eyes were sharp as if he could see inside others.

“Black hair and black eyes…. You have a mysterious appearance that has never been seen anywhere. Your clothes are also strange… Anyway, I won’t be afraid to reward you for taking good care of my grandmother. But if you need anything else, just tell me. “

I mean, he looks like he wants to give me money now.

There is a saying that we should paddle when there is water. If not now, when can I get such an opportunity?

I was too hungry and too cold to shudder with the cruel humility of saying, “I’m fine.”

“I didn’t ask for a reward, but I would be grateful if you were able to do what I want.”

What I meant was to ask for anything.

First, I have to take care of everything that is given to me in order to live in this world comfortably.

Sekar had an indifferent face even if I asked for everything without being humble at all, maybe because his personality did not know humility.

“I will make sure to compensate without deficiency.”

Although his temper is frightening, his personality is great, Sikar provided enough rewards to play and eat for several years.

After saying thank you very much because my tongue was worn out, I took the huge reward money he had given me and got into the carriage to get out of the duke’s house.

But suddenly, grandma got into the cart and caught me.

“Sister! Where is my sister! Don’t go!”

…I was embarrassed. No, I was really scared and I said, “Why are you doing this?”

Grandma stopped me from going and shed her tears, but I was the one who wanted to cry.

“Grandma, you can’t do that… I have to go… You don’t intend to kill me, right?”

‘I don’t know what will happen if I stay here longer and Sekar discovers my memories!’

Is this a novel? I mean, he’s a crazy man ready to kill me.

However, while Grandma was crying, I couldn’t leave the duchy.

I tried with all my might, but in the end I got out of the cart.

‘Is it acceptable to treat a philanthropist in this way!’

I had to go to the duke’s house again, led by soldiers.

The soldiers sat me on a chair in front of the table where Sikar was standing. He lowered his gaze and looked at me.

“If you stay here as my grandmother’s companion, I will give you enough wealth to eat and play in good faith for the rest of your life. What is your opinion? Will you make a deal with me?”

Is the sword pointed at people’s throats to make deals in this world?

Is the sword pointed at people's throats to make deals in this world?

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •


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