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TMD Chapter 106

“Never breathe a word to the children.”

Estin sternly forewarned Lucas. The icy voice that seemed to freeze Lucas’ body prompted a reluctant nod from Lucas.

Lucas was about to start crying once more when he thought back to the day’s events. Estin, who scowled at Lucas and turned away, is carrying a burden that Lucas is unable to comprehend.

‘Of all things, Miss Mary…….’

Lucas also ventured into the hallway on the opposite side where Estin vanished as the chill of Conler’s castle penetrated his body and gave him goosebumps.

The Conler were plagued by such horrible and intricate curses.

It happened before Britina and Larvia were born.

Based on the Lorque Mountains, the Kaya continent was divided into a number of kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Torta was the most powerful region in many of those kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Torta, which owned iron mines, used a significant amount of iron ore to fund the development of its formidable army, which is composed of a small number of elite individuals.

The army of Torta started pillaging the neighboring kingdoms. Everything that bothered them was removed. Where they passed, a fishy blood odor lingered.

Surprisingly, the prince of the tiny Kingdom of Bratiana insisted on fighting against Torta’s army despite loving flowers and peace. Even though he was young and weak, he was a man committed to justice. Therefore, he could not simply watch as Torta’s army disturbed the peace and order of the continent.

With the exception of the Kingdom of Torta, the prince proposed an alliance with the kingdoms of the Kaya continent. However, all of the kingdoms that were wary of the army of Torta rejected the prince’s offer.

The prince, who insisted on taking on the army of the Torta, appeared to be extremely weak.

On the entire continent, only one person could understand what the young prince was saying.

His close friend, a wizard from the kingdom of Bratiana.

One day the wizard disappeared.

They learned that Bratiana would be invaded by Torta’s army. After his side vanished, the prince lost hope, unable to find a way to prevail.

However, the Torta army that had invaded the Kingdom of Bratiana was completely destroyed.

By a single wizard

The wizard, whose platinum hair shone in the light, was standing atop the corpses of the Torta army that guarded the Kaya continent.

No, instead of receiving light, he shone like the light itself, so he didn’t feel like a living being.

The prince, who treasured peace and flowers and was full of justice, asked the wizard how he acquired such powerful abilities.

His friend claimed that he prayed to “death” with a face that appeared to be above the material realm.

May I not be afraid of death.

In the face of death, may I not tremble.

The wizard received a strong force after swearing to be an admirer of “death.”

The wizard who destroyed Torta’s army, which had been a representation of fear on the continent, became yet another representation of fear. Fearing the consequences, the king of Bratiana expelled his son and the wizard from the kingdom.

The wizard helped the exiled prince create a country.

Not a kingdom, but an empire.

The Britina Empire was born at this time.

The wizard had to create numerous additional deaths in order to make Britina a strong empire.

The first emperor of the Britina Empire, a prince who cherished peace and flowers, cherished his friend dearly but was terrified of his great power.

The wizard who witnessed numerous deaths fell in love with a woman.

In contrast to his platinum blonde hair, she was a demon with black hair. The empire was vehemently opposed to the wizard, a representation of fear, being wed to a demon. The reason was that they were unsure of what consequences this marriage would have.

The weak emperor, who was also his good friend but feared his power, was against the union.

In order to wed the woman he loved, the wizard swore an oath to the emperor.

It was to serve as the protector of the Britina Empire. The content was vainly simple.

Never should he challenge imperial authority or establish a rival empire.

A blood oath was made as part of this covenant that would never be broken.

The wizard who wed his beloved in return for a covenant had a son.

He was a young boy who resembled his mother; he had black hair and eyes. The child who received demon blood was blessed by demons.

The wizard forgot “death,” who had granted him the ability to control Torta’s army, as he was enveloped in joy and the blessings of the demons.

The fact that his follower had forgotten about him infuriated “Death,” who has a low sense of self.

He didn’t understand why the wizard who had the potential to become more powerful became an imperial dog out of pure love.

‘Death’ cursed the magic of the wizard. It served as both a blessing and a curse.

Their magic has the power to destroy but not to shield.

Their magic can stoke hatred but not love.

When they can see the magic of other people with the black eyes they adore, he will visit the Lord.

The Grand Duchy of Conler was marked by demon blessings, a covenant, and a curse.

The emperor, who was terrified of it, constructed a magic tower within the empire and summoned wizards from the continent. There were now additional wizards besides Conler. Instead, their cursed magical ability prevented them from being recognized as true wizards.

Conler was not even permitted to enter the temple. As a result of the demon’s blessing.

A Conler grandson objected to what had been given to his family. The grandson, who found it impossible to accept that the covenant between his grandfather and the emperor was made out of pure love, made up his mind.

In his conclusion, he seeks to lessen the demon’s blessings. He resolved to reclaim his grandfather’s platinum blonde hair.

He therefore deliberately wed a woman with vivid hair, but the demon clan’s blood persisted.

Eventually, a child with platinum blonde hair and light-colored eyes was born in later generations, just as he was about to give up.

With the conviction that the child would not be infused with demon blood, he brought the child to the temple.

However, he heard a terrible Oracle there.

“A Conler who gives birth to a child of light will die young.”

When the child turned ten, he died.

Therefore, it was obvious that Estin’s father trembled with fear when Morgan was born.

He eventually drove Morgan out of the Grand Duchy of Conler and took Conler’s name.

He thought of his predecessor, who had been hemmed in by the curse.

“Seeing magic with your eyes” refers to reading a spell. If you draw a spell to create magic, it will be absorbed and vanish. Ancient magic was used to find the traces of disappearances, and it was said God had given people those eyes.

Nobody understood why the god of death selected this ancient magic as a curse.

Estin’s father gave him the position of head even though he was still young to avoid death. He married Helena, a Wizard of Light’s daughter, to Estin. in anticipation of the curse’s fulfillment. The curse is that if a child is born with the “eyes received from God,” the lord of Conler will die.

“The fact that you can read other people’s magic…”

As he said this, Lucas’ voice trembled. He sounded like he was crying at first. Are you impressed with what I drew? I turned to face Lucas, ready for more teasing.


Lucas’ eyes started to leak tears. Lucas was actually crying; it wasn’t just that he appeared to be crying. Lucas began wiping away his tears in shame, asking himself what was wrong with him.


“I apologize.”

“Where the guests are, you must maintain your dignity.”

“Marquis, I apologize for being so rude.”

Marquis Bourne, who was looking at it, said it was fine.

I put the pen down and walked over to Lucas out of concern. In an apparent attempt to calm himself down, Lucas was still having trouble breathing. I grabbed Lucas’ hand as he fought back tears, but he didn’t look at me. Lucas didn’t reject my hand, but he also didn’t hold it affectionately.

Normally, if he started crying like this, I would make fun of him. However, since the tears came so quickly, I was unable to even get him to explain why he was crying. Because of how helpless those silent tears seemed, my heart hurt more unnecessarily.

“There was summoning magic.”

Grand Duke Estin said resolutely, appearing as if he didn’t care that Lucas was crying while he was constantly staring at the thing I drew.

“If it’s a summoning spell, do you mean calling a specific thing or person to a specific location?”

“Yes, they did a good job carving it on this small dagger. It must have been difficult to squeeze.”

Did Count Stein infuse the dagger with summoning magic before giving it to me?

Why, then, did I not notice this when I first got the dagger?

I had the impression that nobody else in the room could read magic.

What is it? Are there certain things that only kind people can see? It’s not an unlikely story.

“If the magic is real, that will suffice as proof, so I’ll ask the magic tower to check it.”

Marquis Bourne cautiously said as he regarded it before standing up and bending down.

“I’m sorry for doubting you.”

“Don’t stress over it right now. Perhaps there will be conflict between the Grand Duchy and the Imperial Family.”


“I will somehow compensate the Marquis’s daughter who got caught up in the wrong place.”

Marquis Borneau attempted to speak, but Grand Duke Estin’s demeanor was unyielding. Maybe what he said about becoming the Grand Duke’s enemy was just idle talk. Without realizing it, I sighed in relief. Marquis Borneau appeared to have heard the sigh as he cast a dejected glance my way.

His cold eyes felt friendly, almost like a lie.

“I’m also incredibly sorry for the Grand Princess.”

“Oh no, is Astina all right?”

“Astina is… she’s very distraught.”


“She’ll be relieved to learn that the princess is not the real culprit.”

Marquis Borneau looked relieved.

The sudden tears of Lucas, the sudden summoning magic, and Cameron, however, left me with a headache.

There was a never-ending list of issues that needed to be resolved.


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  1. Dark phoenix says:

    Thank you for translating 🥳

    Oh… Does this mean that our FL can break the curse? Oh i am so curious 😳😳🥺🥺

    1. Sienna says:

      No. It means Estin will die.

      1. Dark phoenix says:

        Really? That escalated fast. I didn’t expect that.😔

  2. ablossomsz says:

    Então o pai dela vai de base? De graça assim? Ahhhh não, não aceito 🤧 Eu vim ler uma história fofa de pai e filha e ganho história sombria de demônios e morte??? Nãooooo
    Então os 1° Conler, o mago e a demônia eram o Deus lá e a Mary em outra vida? 👀
    Thanks for the update 😊🇧🇷🐱

  3. penthesulia says:

    Oh my god that may be why they hated her in the original. That’s so terrible. Poor Mary and poor Estin!

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