The Princess Wants to Live

CHAPTER 026: My princess

My hometown. Wasn’t it a word that would make him vomit? The people who forcibly resurrected Cryer, a person from a time when there was no country called the ‘Norden Country’ in the first place, and enslaved them, left behind a country where their influence was hotter than anyone else’s as their home? But the two had already agreed to do this.

‘I don’t know who is coming from Norden, but let’s make at least one thing clear. You’re going to be there anyway.’

‘Maybe. So what?’

‘I don’t know anything about you or even the eunuch of the ancient gods.’

Cryer lightly nodded his head at Olivia’s words and then paused.

‘Then how are you going to explain why you kept me by your side? No way.’

Olivia shook her head left and right loudly because she could understand what was omitted later without having to hear it.

‘Of course I’m not going to say nonsense about falling in love at first sight. And I won’t even tell you why I kept you around.’

‘Can we get over it like that?’

‘Yes. I am the princess of the empire, and unless the person from Norden is the crown prince, no one can ask me openly. Well, the crown prince can ask questions, but it is up to me to answer.’

Olivia, who said that, looked more like an imperial princess than ever before. However, kissing her was kissing her, and there was probably nothing he could do about the physiological feeling of rejection. Therefore, even though Olivia’s tongue was almost bubbling in her mouth as she spoke, Cryer calmly accepted Olivia’s words.

“Okay. It’s been a while since I’ve been from my hometown.”

This would have hidden the ‘real’ relationship between Olivia and Cryer. If Greta had been here in person, she might have noticed the subtle air between Olivia and Cryer. However, the only thing that is here now is her doll. Also, sometimes she can’t hear well, and her vision is blurry…

“But since I’m not an acquaintance, I’ll skip the greeting.”

In simple words, Cryer informed Olivia that the man in front of her was not related to the ‘God Minister’ or the ‘Wizard’, but Olivia’s thoughts were different.

“I see, it’s a shame.”

Olivia patted the back of her cryer’s hand and only spoke with her mouth. Look at your eyes. It was a meaningless sentence, but Cryer didn’t question it and immediately looked into the eyes of the man from Norden. The corners of Cryer’s mouth twitched as she met, for the first time since she entered her drawing-room, the man’s dead fish-like eyes. The moment you feel a familiar gaze beyond your hazy eyes. A cry, almost a growl, escaped from between Cryer’s lips, which had been clamped down on her.


And as if he had heard the call, the man’s dull eyes filled with sickening joy. He recognized himself. Like fate. No, it must be fate. He and she can’t help but be destined. She is the only one who will find him, resurrect him, and survive the world that will be purified with him. Of course, Olivia also heard Cryer’s low growl. She didn’t know until now that the wizard’s daughter was Greta, but she recognized Cryer immediately when she saw him. And the fact that Cryer sees beyond her, not just her.


Greta’s words flowed from the man’s mouth. At that moment, ironically, the man’s dead fish-like eyes were shining extremely vividly. And Cryer knew it too. How Greta looks at me, what voice she whispers to me, and what attitude she has towards herself. Because he was a person with no memory of the past, he was not a person without sense. And Greta’s love meant nothing to him. If he had rather abhorred and despised her, if he had hated her for forcing him into the shackles of her slavery and forcing him to walk the path of her blood. If that were the case, Greta would have had at least a glimmer of hope. There is an old saying that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. But truly, Greta was nothing to Cryer. Because he hated not just Greta, but the situation he was in. And as long as I can be free, I don’t mind being a wizard or Greta. Of course, to escape from the damn old god, you will have to use the wizard and Greta as Olivia said.

‘There is a saying that if you know your enemy and know yourself, you will win every battle.’

He instinctively remembered Olivia’s words. And if Olivia was to dig up information about the wizard like she wanted, she would rather see it once than hear it a hundred times. That cunning sorceress may not move directly, but Greta definitely has a way to bring her to the empire. Cryer quickly calculated the angle from which the man, that is, Greta, could see as best as possible. Without hesitation, he held out his hand towards Olivia, and Olivia also took his hand without hesitation. Cryer folded the corners of her eyes and smiled, kissing the back of Olivia’s hand deeply, very deeply. In doing so, he hid his extremely vicious and ferocious teeth.

“My princess.”

It was a sudden action without any context, but Olivia put her hands and feet together with her cryer without a moment of hesitation. She answered, smiling like her blooming rose.

“My knight.”

* * *

The moment Cryer lowered his lips deeply onto the back of Olivia’s hand. The heart of the royal palace of the Kingdom of Norden. – Crackling. The sound of a sapphire ring grinding against a diamond was eerie. Greta closed her eyes and tried her best to calm down, but her seething stomach would not subside.

‘My princess.’

He said so. My… 


The sapphire was roughly ground and blue powder was scattered. He clearly recognized her, but why? Why did she look like that to me? She believes Cryer has a plan. That hasn’t changed. But…



Greta chewed her lower lip until it was tattered.

“How dare you, the princess.”

Of course, it would have been natural for the princess of the empire to call him, a knight of the Norden nation, by his name. It would be impossible to give an honorific title to a knight of the kingdom who is now a nameless knight. But even if no one else could, Greta could feel it. She felt a kind of ‘private’ emotion contained in the voice of the princess calling her name. Since she heard it through a tool, it’s impossible to judge for sure, but at least the princess has very personal feelings for Cryer, even if they don’t know what kind they are. okay. She said that the princess fell in love with him at first sight and kept him by her side, so it wasn’t unexpected. 

-Crack, cluck. 

Roughly ground sapphire dust fell from her fingers with a sound that scratched her nerves. As time passed, Greta came to one conclusion.

“He’s trapped in the Empire.”

That was a truly strange conclusion. Cryer is purer than anyone else and stronger than anyone else. Therefore, wasn’t he the optimal slave to receive the blood needed for the coming of the Old God? At least that was the case for the wizard who resurrected him and Greta who branded him. However, Greta said that Cryer was trapped in the Empire against his will.

“I have to hold his hand.”

Even if her conclusion is very bizarre, it will be good for her. Cryer needs her. That alone made Greta so overwhelmed that she didn’t know what to do.

“Ah ah ah ah ah. My God!”

Greta drew Cryer while rubbing her burning heart. ‘I miss you. I miss you.’ I missed him so much. The first slave chosen by the Old Gods. A virtuous knight. And the only one who will remain with her in this world that her Old God will purify. Greta was scratching her chest and moaning, and the Crown Prince was just a few steps away from her, staring blankly into space. It was an extremely bizarre sight, but fortunately it was also a sight that no one could see. Greta, who had been struggling for a while, suddenly stopped.


Greta’s face remained expressionless, as if the pain she had just experienced had never happened. It was truly a scene like a psycho drama, but there was no audience this time. Greta clicked her tongue as she stared at her empire on the map of the continent on the front. Her heart wanted to run to Cryer right now, but she couldn’t right now. The preparations for the altar where the ancient god will descend have not been completed.

“I haven’t even caught the guy doing this useless thing yet.”

As Greta’s eyes lost focus, her gaze settled on a very remote clearing on the outskirts of the empire.

“You moved your seat.”

Greta’s eyes darted around as she scanned the vacant lot where the man had sacrificed a mother and child last night. Soon, the back of the man’s head began to appear at the end of her vision.

“There you are.”

The moment her red lips twitched, the man glanced back, but Greta had already regained her focus. She licked her upper lip and stroked the sapphire, which was now a mess of unruly grinding. Her blood seeped from her fingertips as her rough cross section grazed hers, but Greta didn’t stop. She soon saw that the blue sapphire was covered with red stains from the seeping blood. Greta slowly got up. It’s Cryer who’s the one who’s doing her nonsense, not her. Then all that’s left is the altar. Every time her fingertips twitched, the crown prince’s body, which had been limp like a doll with its strings cut, also twitched. Without blinking an eye, he reached out his hand and pulled on the string.

“Did you call me, your Highness?”

Greta’s words began to flow from the crown prince’s mouth.

“How are things going at the villa?”

“We paused for a while due to the issue of the director…”

“Resume immediately.”

The palace commander could not hide his embarrassment, but he had no choice but to bow down. How can I say anything different when the crown prince, who will be the next king, speaks so strongly? The head of the palace didn’t even know what the work was doing in the villa, so he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. and… The head of the palace did her best not to direct her gaze to Greta, who was smiling behind the crown prince. Immediately after a few words were spoken about how strange it was that the wizard, the person who had followed His Majesty like a shadow to the late King, was nowhere to be seen, how much blood was shed in the hallways of the palace? Although I served as the head of the palace for quite a long time, it was a time when the word ‘war’ was unfamiliar to me other than minor border disputes. As the head of the palace, who had never seen or imagined so much blood that the carpet in the hallway was stained and soggy, the memory of that day must have been one of horror itself. The crown prince’s dry voice flowed into the ears of the palace chief, who was exhausted.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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