The Princess Wants to Live

CHAPTER 021: So are you going to give up?

“Huh. I don’t know which ancestor it is, but it seems like there was someone who was very soft-spoken.”


“Ah, it was said that the hair and eye color changed to something typical of Bolsheik after being transported to another dimension. His name was probably Asili. I read about him a while ago.”


Recently, she had been stocking up on the ball shake history books and reading them, and it looks like she would soon know more than she does.


“Is that so… Anyway, if you bump into something, it bruises easily and blood oozes out. And the recovery speed is a bit slow.”


Olivia slapped her arm in frustration. If the continent had remained as peaceful as it is now, being soft would not have been a problem. Because she, the princess of her empire, will not be harmed. But when war breaks out, the situation changes completely. Her status as the princess of an empire does not change even during war, but when she becomes the princess of a defeated country, the story becomes completely different. what… She guessed she should say it was a good thing that she was beheaded by the single sword before she got into this or that kind of dirty situation. Yes, right before she got into trouble, she even let her go cleanly… It was definitely my third life.


‘The princess can’t be this lucky.’


The guy who was reaching out for Olivia with an expression full of all kinds of disgusting desires fell forward the next moment. Olivia, who stepped back to avoid the bastard’s corpse, had an expressionless expression. Because hearing things like that or seeing people die right in front of you was nothing.


‘Is she the princess?’


Ironically, it was Cryer that killed her that saved her. Of course, she met the same ending afterwards. If he hadn’t shown up at that time, isn’t it obvious what would have happened if he had been caught by the guy whose greed and desire was hanging down his cheek? Olivia looked at Cryer blankly and soon shook off the remnants of her past.


“Okay. Now that things have come to this, please guess who the person said to be from the Norden country is.”


Olivia stamped her feet like an angry rabbit.


“It would have been his daughter, not the wizard, who would have realized that she was related to the Old Gods.”


“His daughter?”




“The wizard’s daughter is also a wizard… Oh, I guess so.”


Olivia, who reflexively asked, soon nodded her head. It is an era in which ‘magic’ itself has almost disappeared in the first place. Moreover, if you look through history books, it turns out that magic was initially based on one-person lore, or that only special people gathered together to form a very closed society. As a blood relative of a wizard, it would be natural for his daughter to be a wizard.


“The wizard may not have known it, but his daughter is better than him.”


“A disciple can be better than his teacher. Moreover, I thought that magic was greatly influenced by talent.”


Olivia, who was nodding her head, paused as Cryer continued.


“If she’s related to an Old God, she might as well be his daughter herself.”




Since she was trying to gather information about the wizard, it is clear that his daughter is coming during Ho’s reign. But he’s a wizard… Although they have died four times and are living a fifth life, aren’t they people who have never met? Do you think you can squeeze out information like normal people?






“Why are you so insidiously happy?”


She was smiling brightly, but the energy oozing from the corner of her mouth was not very cute. Olivia responded by brazenly spreading out her chest.


“There is a saying that if you know your enemy and know yourself, you will win every battle.”


Olivia then lowered the tips of her eyebrows and shook her head gently.


“Honestly, going to the ancient gods and asking them to remove the slave stigma or making a deal with the ancient gods is too difficult, and finding a way in itself…”


Before she could finish her sentence, Cryer bared his teeth and grinned.


“If the ancient gods descend, the continent will end. Because everything will burn.”


Olivia tilted her head for a moment, clearly hearing him, but not understanding him at once. So, when the Old God appears, the continent burns…




After thinking about it one more time, Olivia realized that Cryer’s words were exactly what she meant, and nodded a beat later.


“The continent is on fire? Does that mean it will be destroyed?”


“Yes. To be precise, all the humans on the current continent will be wiped out.”


“I’ve never done that…”


Olivia couldn’t even finish her sentence. In her last four lives, she died at the same time as the empire fell, so she had no way of knowing what happened after that. And Cryer confirmed the death with the ‘maybe’ or ‘perhaps’ clearly visible on her face.


“The moment the ancient gods descend upon the blood shed from the continental war, they will burn everything with the purpose of purifying the continent. The wizard tried to hide it, but the daughter readily revealed it.”


Because his answer was so clear that there was no room for other interpretations, Olivia did not even hide her feeling of absurdity.


“So suddenly? Is this the sudden end of the world?”


“That was the original purpose of the Ancient Gods, so you can’t say it was sudden.”


“No, from my perspective, it was sudden! I thought you would conquer the continent after destroying the empire!”


Wasn’t the ultimate purpose of someone starting a war to overthrow and dominate the other person?


“Didn’t I say I was a slave?”


“Therefore! I expected a relatively normal development, such as an ancient god conquering a continent and becoming the only god, but what? A fall?”


Before Cryer could open her mouth, Olivia shouted again.


“And purification? Are the humans on this continent some kind of bug? What kind of bullshit is that!”


Although it had been a long time since Cryer threw away her princess dignity in front of her, this was the first time she had poured out her harsh words like this. But Olivia would do more if she could! more! She just wanted to pour out as many harsh words as she could. She fussed and stamped her feet for a while, but Olivia soon became depressed.


“When the ancient gods come, everything will end. After all, we can’t communicate with ancient gods.”


When she tried to stop ‘that’ Cryer for the first time in her five lives, it turned out that her true black opponent was too big in weight. Cryer extended her hand towards Olivia, who was now depressed. Cryer whispered, lifting her chin.



“So are you going to give up?”


For some reason, Olivia immediately shook her head at the whisper that sounded so subtle.


“No way. You said it. You have to take responsibility for the words you said.”


Bolsheik’s icy blue eyes became blue flames and instantly split the dark red pupils, the symbol of slaves serving the ancient gods.


“So, instead of roasting a wizard… No, fry it to death or whatever, so you can be free and I can protect world peace, no, let’s prevent the destruction of the world.”


Olivia didn’t waver. No, she was very agitated and shaken, but it did not break her resolve to do anything to survive. She was burning with the will to drag him by the collar, but then she quickly turned around and took out a letter from the pile of documents that formed a mountain range.


“In that sense, check this out. I can’t tell who will come from Norden just by looking at the letter, but you might be able to find out.”


Olivia gave Cryer a letter from the Norden country.


“That’s it. There was nothing else.”


Cryer, who skipped the needlessly long greeting and got straight to the point, opened her mouth.


“When will the humans of Norden arrive?”




Olivia’s brow furrowed as she picked her finger.


“Wait a moment.”


She looked down at her fingers, unfolding and folding them again and again. Before her return, in other words, the woman who had been groping through her four lives in total lamented.


“Can you make it in one hour?”


“One hour?”


“It won’t take long for someone from the Norden bureau to come to us saying they can help us find the culprit.”


She said as Olivia clenched her fists and glared at the outskirts of the capital.


“Because it won’t be long before the culprit of this incident is found with a burned body.”


* * *


Ambuch was examining his outfit over and over again with a solemn and serious expression on his face. He has been to the commercial area managed by his family countless times, but today he is on his way to dig into an ‘incident’.


“I guess I should have come in more comfortable clothes.”


Although he wore simpler clothes than usual, his family name was ‘Taren’. Although Ambre is kind and naive, he is not ignorant or stupid. Therefore, I knew that the simplicity of ‘Taren’ was a little different from the usual standard.


“I guess it’s too much…”


-Tuk. Someone lightly tapped Enbouche on the shoulder as she dabbed at the pearl powder sprinkled gently on the hem of her skirt. Ambuch, who was about to reflexively turn around and say hello, hesitated and stopped.


“Young lady. Oh, my!”


The person who said that was not Her Highness the Princess, but an unfamiliar woman with bangs covering her eyes and half of her face hidden. Olivia, who had been walking briskly for a while, stopped. She turned around and gestured towards Ambre, who was standing there with her eyes wide open. But Ambuch just stands there. Olivia, who eventually returned to Ambre, opened her mouth.


“Young lady? What are you doing without coming?”


Only then did Enbouhe release his lips from hers.


“Who… nine?”


“Oh, my. I guess you didn’t recognize me because I was wearing a disguise.”


Olivia readily raised her bushy bangs that framed her face. When the bright blue eyes of the cheek shake and her face were revealed, Ambre hurriedly tried to bend her knees but stopped again. What she said about Olivia coming out in disguise was probably to avoid revealing that she was the princess. You’re not completely clueless. Olivia gestured towards Ambre, who bowed her head slightly as she straightened her knees.


“Let’s go.”


And Cryer was not by her side. Because he was hiding for now. A few minutes before he met with Ambreux.


‘You don’t need to disguise yourself.’


‘Didn’t you say you were stealthy?’


Olivia shook her head loudly at Cryer’s question.


‘It’s okay to be stealthy, and it’s okay to go with you, but it’s not okay to accompany you.’


When Cryer’s head tilted at her strange pun-like answer, Olivia added,


‘No matter how disguised you are, if Lady Taren recognizes you, because the epic love story could begin.’


‘Didn’t you say you agreed that wasn’t the case?’


Olivia shook her head.


‘I agreed at the time, but my thoughts may change when I see you walking with me today. No matter what.’


Olivia paused for a moment and clicked her tongue openly.


‘Tsk, the fact that you and I are walking around together now fits perfectly with the common material that often appears in fairy tales, novels, plays, and bard songs.’


‘A regular material?’



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on April, 29.

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  1. Nina says:

    Thanks, dear RJR.This story is wonderful. I really like this♡♡♡

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