The Princess Wants to Live

CHAPTER 020: It's because it's you

“Okay. If you’re so anxious about who I’m going to kill, wouldn’t it be better to go together and check?”


“When did I end up like that?”


Olivia tried to protest, but Cryer shook his head firmly.


“I went that far.”


“I thought about it before, but isn’t there something called a filter in your head or mouth? In times like this, even if the truth is true, it is covered up so that the other person does not feel embarrassed.”


At first glance, it was a very common sense attack, but Cryer simply shrugged his shoulders.


“If it was necessary, of course I would have done so.”


“I need it too!”




Cryer leaned against his doorway and stared at Olivia.


“Don’t change my words. Why don’t we go together?”


“Then why are you trying to go so far together?”


When Olivia asked, Cryer laughed.


“Because I really feel like I’m going to kill someone.”


“You said you wouldn’t do it! No, okay. We’d rather go together. Not now, I have something else to do right now.”


Olivia quickly approached him.


“I had something else to do.”


“Huh. We have to go to the area where the Taren family’s merchants are gathered.”




“You just need to know that this is a family that can never be ignored. I decided to go investigate this case with the heir of that family.”


“You’re dragging someone else into a case involving an ancient god?”


Cryer’s eyebrows rose and Olivia shook her head.


“Of course not. The area where the incident occurred is the Taren family’s commercial area, and since the town council has come in at the family level, I am just trying to provide some reassurance.”


Olivia narrowed her brows as she thought of Ambre Taren.


“Lady Taren’s enthusiasm is a bit excessive, but she is going to listen to people’s statements anyway. It would be better for her to be there to open the mouths of those in her upper chamber…”


Before she even finished speaking, Cryer had already approached her and was gently rubbing her forehead. She was somewhat used to it by now, so she wasn’t surprised when he approached her without even knowing. She pressed the area he had been rubbing and let out a sigh of relief.


“It reminds me of Lady Taren’s epic story.”




“Huh. In Lady Taren’s epic story, you and I fall in love with each other at first sight, overcome the barriers of class, endure everyone’s whispers, and develop a beautiful love.”


Cryer’s forehead also had a groove similar to Olivia’s. Olivia, seeing him, lifted her tiptoe and barely pressed his forehead.


“Look! You say you naturally look like that?”


Just before Olivia stretched out her hand and her body trembled, Cryer naturally bent his body slightly. Olivia added, rubbing her forehead with greater ease.


“Anyway, when I firmly said no, I agreed right away. She was a bit of an unusual girl.”


Eventually, she took a step back from Cryer and patted his arm.


“I wish you good luck.”


“My? Or my opponent’s?”


Olivia responded sternly to him who tilted her head and smiled.


“Your fighting spirit. It can’t possibly be like that.”


Olivia paused for a moment and stared straight at him before opening her mouth.


“If you get hurt or die during sparring… If you think it’s okay, there’s no need to look into the situation.”


It was a completely different request than before, but the worry fluttering in his transparent blue eyes, with no end in sight, was so clear. It was so vivid that it pierced Cryer’s heart.


“So, I wish you good luck.”


Olivia laughed brightly and pushed him away. Cryer looked at Olivia blankly and then started walking towards her. The moment he grabs the door handle.


“Oh, by the way, Cryer.”


Olivia called Cryer over as if she had just remembered him.




“It’s not a big deal.”


This time, Cryer mercilessly pointed out the truth to Olivia, who added meaningless words.


“When you say that, it seems like you are already admitting that it is a big deal.”


This time, his words didn’t leave a scratch on Olivia’s smile. She threw it away as if it was truly nothing.


“Someone from Norden will come to help with this case.”


The words themselves were nothing. It’s literally just a visit from someone from another country. But the next moment. That couldn’t have been possible, but frost-cold air swirled from Cryer’s ankles, and his dark red eyes sank deeper than the pits of the deep sea. -Tap, tap. Amidst her tomb-like silence, only the occasional sound of Olivia’s teeth chattering as her chin trembled violently. Because she realized it through instinct, or rather, through her experience. That thing coming out of Cryer was not just cold air, but life. A murderous intent so intense that it feels as if your head will be blown off at any moment. Even though she knew it wasn’t towards me, Olivia had to do her best not to back away, to keep her shaking knees from buckling and collapsing miserably. How much time has passed since one second feels like a thousand points? Cryer’s eyes, which had been dark with hatred and anger toward the wizard who had made him a slave to the Old Gods, slowly returned to focus. As his narrowed field of vision gradually widened, Olivia appeared in one corner of his field of vision. She was completely frozen, and Olivia’s cheeks were so pale that they seemed discolored, not a single vein was visible. Eventually, as Olivia was fully captured in Cryer’s eyes, the murderous spirit that had been swirling around him disappeared as if washed away.


“Huh, huh.”


Olivia didn’t even know she had stopped breathing, but Olivia scratched her neck without realizing it as she gasped for air that she had barely let out. Once, and again… No, wasn’t his head cut off by his hands four times? It was probably instinct that made her frantically claw at her neck. Cryer carefully took both of her hands and lowered them. The soft little hand in his hand was as cold as a corpse and was constantly shaking. That’s why Cryer couldn’t bear to look at her directly. He swore she would do no harm. Although he didn’t harm her… Cryer extended his hand towards Olivia. Olivia’s shoulders shook at that, but she soon opened her eyes and looked up at him. Those blue eyes, like a flame, burned up the slimy things sizzling and boiling inside the dark red eyes for an instant. As if to purify her, Cryer picked her up with one arm and carefully placed her on the sofa before kneeling in front of her. He moved slowly, very slowly, as if to reassure a wary stray cat with its fur piled high. Cryer held his white and soft, but slightly shaking hands and whispered as if he were confessing.






He apologized several times. Without any excuses or grand words, he just repeated his sincere apology. Olivia looked down at his silver hair. This wasn’t the first time I looked down at him like this. Even when she took her oath for her, he knelt before her without hesitation. But, strangely enough… She clearly felt threatened, she was terrified, and it was she who was still shaking her chin. But why dis Cryer look like he’s crying? Olivia, who somehow couldn’t bear it anymore, opened her mouth.


“Well… it’s okay. I know it wasn’t directed at me. I’m just surprised at how strong you are.”


She smiled dryly and shook her head.


“Of course, you have to worry about your sparring opponents. Among them, you have seen them since you were young…”


While Olivia was talking about something, Cryer’s eyes were scanning her neck. Because my fingernails were kept short and smooth for processing documents, no blood was visible even after scratching so badly, but the red nail marks were swelling up like a stigma.


“Ah… Didn’t I tell you? They got decapitated by me every time.”


Feeling his gaze, Olivia also flinched as she tried to gently touch her neck. When her fingertips brushed against her swollen area, she felt a slight pain. Cryer quietly took her hand and just lowered his head. Olivia, who saw him as if he was repenting, cursed at herself. Why even bring up the story that this idiot died! Olivia’s silence was so awkward that she didn’t say anything.


“I’m not that short-lived.”


At her words, Cryer slowly raised his head and asked curiously.




“Ah, so I’m not such a coward.”


The term ‘small liver’ was used habitually in Bolsheik’s history books because it referred to a person with a small stomach and a weak heart. Olivia slipped her free hand out of his grasp and then grabbed her hair, which was swinging from her collarbone, to cover her neck as she spoke.


“They say they don’t tremble like this just because they have a better life.”




Cryer obediently agreed without saying anything, but Olivia was somehow not satisfied with his reaction.


“You know. I have been through four wars.”


How many people fell to their deaths before her eyes? He couldn’t count the times he had stepped on a mountain of corpses and crossed a river of blood. There’s no way he would give up on one or two occasions in his life. Cryer nodded his head once again, and Olivia added with a long sigh of her own.


“It’s because it’s you.”


If someone who doesn’t know anything hears this, it might be exciting. That’s because it’s you and no one else. But the past between Olivia and Cryer was not a very beautiful one. She wouldn’t know if it smelled like blood.


“So, when we move together in the future, don’t worry, we won’t freeze like this if other people, not you, turn around and run at us.”


Olivia tapped his arm roughly, and when his eyes lingered on her neck, she shook her head. Perhaps these red marks will not disappear so easily. Olivia sighed and opened her mouth.


“And this mark on your neck will last a long time, so don’t worry about it.”


If he continues to look at her like that during the recovery period… Olivia strongly emphasized once again.


“Don’t mind.”


It certainly wasn’t a mark that would heal instantly, but it wouldn’t have been so severe that it would have taken a long time to be nailed. Cryer asked a question instead of an answer.


“It lasts a long time?”



Translator Note:

We are back!! I hope you (missed us) I mean… I hope you didn’t have a bad time waiting <3

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on April, 24. Since now this story wil be released twice a week 😉

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