The Princess Wants to Live

CHAPTER 019: Are we not going together?

“Yes. Since she had been carrying around a rag doll as a keepsake from her daughter, she was so worried that she took a break from work without saying a word…”


Ambuch, who recited what the branch manager had said without leaving a single word out, immediately waved his hand.


“Oh, so this is just a guess. I’m not sure if this is a sinister incident taking place in the Sanghoe district.”


Didn’t we go over the epic love story earlier and get rejected in one fell swoop?


“Then I’ll have to see if I’m sure.”


Taren, disappearance, incident, the next Marquis of Taren just around the corner. Olivia finished her calculations in a flash. It was the fastest and most efficient way to reassure the Taren family.


“Lady Taren.”




“I need your help solving the case.”


Wouldn’t it be a reassurance to someone in the Taren family that can never be ignored? Naturally, I had no intention of letting Ambuch know the full story of the incident. There was no need to worry, since the case will be resolved this way, it’s just a plan to clearly show your intentions. And as soon as Olivia finished speaking, Ambuch clasped her hands together and her eyes sparkled. Could I be happier than this to be able to help my family overcome a crisis? Even solving this case would be helpful not only to the family but also to the entire empire. She cried out with all her heart.


“I’ll do my best to help!”


This time, Ambuch Taren willingly put his head into this case, full of good will and loyalty to the royal family. 


* * *


Around the time Olivia faced Ambuch. On one side of the princess’s palace, a knight with a prominent square jaw was quickly crossing the hallway of the palace assigned to be the quarters for knights from other countries. He stopped in front of a door, looked around, and raised her hand only after making sure there was no one around. 




“Come in.”


Fortunately, the driver heard the voice of the person he was looking for from inside, so he turned the door handle without hesitation.


“Huh? What are you doing at this time? It should be training time by now.”


The smooth-faced knight who was struck by the square-jawed knight tilted his head at her as if puzzled.


“I’ve come because I have news you must hear.”


“News? Sit down first.”


As soon as they sat face to face, the knight with the square jaw opened his mouth.


“There will be a martial arts competition.”


“Martial arts competition?”


“Okay. It hasn’t been officially announced yet, but they say it will be held soon.”


The angular-jawed knight who spoke took a quick glance around and lowered his voice. The smooth-faced knight frowned as he looked at him. He acts like that even though he clearly knows that he and he are the only ones here. Doesn’t it seem like he’s doubting himself? The moment he opens his mouth to say something.


“I heard this from an employee of the central palace where His Majesty performs his duties, so it is solid information.”


At the words of the square-jawed knight, the smooth-faced knight kept his mouth shut. If the story came from the palace where the emperor of the empire resides or performs his duties, it was natural to be so careful. Didn’t they say that birds hear what you say during the day, and mice hear what you say at night? Especially in the center of the empire, the imperial palace, it would not be enough to be careful and cautious. Then, the smooth-faced knight looked at the square-jawed knight with new eyes.


“I can’t believe I got that information. You are amazing.”


The angular-jawed knight did not respond in particular with his unvarnished admiration, but his shoulders rose as high as possible. But they didn’t realize. I can’t believe that the events of the emperor who reigns at the top of the empire can be passed off so easily to a knight from a foreign country. In the empire under Bolsheik, something like that would never happen. The angular-jawed knight was blinded by his exaggerated confidence that the imperial palace could not have been so lax, but all the information he heard was thoroughly calculated and disseminated.


“I don’t know exactly when it will open, but there will be time to train before then. Since it is an official competition held in the empire, Her Highness the Princess will also attend.”


I could tell what he was saying without having to listen to it. If you stand out in a martial arts competition where many powerful people from across the empire gather, you will be able to approach the princess.


“That’s right…”


However, unlike the angular-jawed driver who told us, the smooth-faced driver who listened was extremely shocked. That’s because the knight with the angular chin that was given to me was a man of skills that was worthy of the title of ‘knight’, but the knight with a smooth face was close to a knight in appearance only. What he is confident about is not the battle to defeat his enemies, but the ability to embrace anyone with love. Therefore, he too was waiting for his turn. For a dangerous night outing… There is nothing new under the sun. The things that people can come up with are there.


‘The princess is also human, so she should sleep.’


‘If it’s the bedroom, there’s nowhere to escape to.’


Soon, other knights thought it was a good idea to go on a night out to see the princess born from the rotten head of a piece of trash, or rather, to claim her. The problem was that there were more than one or two people who had such thoughts, and of course a dispute arose. However, it wasn’t long before we reached an implicit agreement to take turns. Because no one wanted to fight to cut their own weight in order to achieve an already tough goal. Furthermore…


“If everything goes well in a martial arts competition, won’t the possibility of being killed in an accident disappear?”


The smooth-faced knight frowned at the words of the square-jawed knight, but did not refute much. Because the other knights who disappeared every night suffered ‘accidental deaths’ and never returned.


“So, don’t just sit like this, you too, get up. Hurry!”


“No, don’t pull me like that.”


“Uh huh, if I don’t do this, I won’t even move!”


The two men had a scuffle as the square-jawed knight viciously pulled the smooth-faced knight by the arm. The mixed reactions of the two knights were similar to the places where knights from other countries stayed. That’s because the knights of other countries were divided into two categories: those who were closer to real knights and those who were knights in appearance only. But even though the reactions were different, the goals of both groups were the same.


“If it is a martial arts competition, Her Royal Highness will definitely attend…”


“Even if I can’t defeat the strong man, as long as I can win the attention of Her Highness the Princess on the spot…”


“You just brought the guy who is right next to Her Highness the Princess at the grand meeting, right? In that case, as long as he catches the attention of Her Highness the Princess, I too will have a chance…”


Olivia didn’t even think about it, but people drinking kimchi soup from bowls began to raise their heads here and there. In this way, the martial arts competition, where people competed against each other, was quickly becoming a competition to win the princess.

* * *


Around the time, rumors about the martial arts competition were quietly and systematically spreading in the imperial palace.


“Martial arts competition?”




Olivia confidently placed both hands on her waist and lifted her chin. Cryer grinned as he looked down at Olivia, who was much smaller than him, showing off to everyone that he was the best.


“I was wondering what you were planning with your mean face.”




The smile on her face when she recalled the martial arts competition was so mean that Olivia couldn’t even deny it. After clearing her throat a few times, she opened her mouth.


“Here’s the list. She’s already delivered everything, so don’t kill her! Try not to hurt yourself as much as possible! Just come and compete. Once everything is done, you will be able to gauge what level of skill you have now.”


Olivia emphasized again that she did not feel relieved even after saying it once.


“Do never kill. Do not injuri…”


“If you stress it that much, her hand might slip and she might lose one of her limbs.”


Her mouth was smiling, but her eyes were never smiling, so Olivia frowned and said no more. A large, dark shadow fell over her. Cryer walked up to Olivia, took the list from her hand, and tapped her crumpled forehead.



“Okay, so just frown.”


Olivia rubbed the area where his fingertips touched and took a step back.


“Again! Even His Majesty didn’t do it! I think you’re misunderstanding something.”


Olivia, who was much shorter than him, raised her tiptoes and poked his chest.


“I am not a child.”


“Ah, that’s right.”


“What is that insincere answer?”


Cryer looked down at her. She’s definitely not a kid. She is clearly an adult by all accounts. but…


“From my perspective, you are still quite young.”


“What? What are you saying…”


Olivia, who was about to say strongly that you and I would be around the same age, stopped. Cryer added to Olivia, who kept her mouth shut, more lightly.


“Because I must be from a very long time ago.”


His memory of the moment of his resurrection is unclear, but Greta whispered to him some time later.


‘Not in a corrupt world like now, but in a purified era…’


Although the exact time was not mentioned, I could tell that it was at least long enough to use the word ‘era.’ Is that the extent of the clues to his past?


“That’s right… No!”


Olivia, who had been rolling her eyes, shook her head.


“Even if he was an old person, he died around my age anyway! And he was resurrected at that age! Could it be that he became younger during his resurrection or something like that? …Is that really the case?”


Olivia’s fingers crinkled as she pointed confidently at him. If he were really young, he could be her grandfather. It is possible to resurrect someone from a past era, but making a person younger is not impossible. Cryer smiled, raising the corners of his lips in a quizzical way.


“Well. Because I have no memory of the past. Maybe so.”


“If you say that, there’s nothing more to say.”


As Olivia let out a sigh of relief, Cryer chuckled and opened his mouth.


“Me too.”




When Olivia tilted her head at her incoherent words, Cryer gave his answer again.


“It just got out of hand.”


In response, Olivia had no choice but to keep her mouth shut. That’s just the way it is, but what more reason is needed? Wasn’t that what I said every time I touched Cryer? Cryer gently straightened her wrinkled eyebrows with his fingertips and helped her upright.


“We should move slowly.”


He stopped walking towards her. Olivia, who was supposed to be by her side, was just waving her hand behind him.


“Why don’t we go together?”


At his question, Olivia opened her rabbit eyes and pointed to her chest.





Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Due to the little vacation we will be taking, next post will be released on April, 22. See you then!!

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