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PLOM Chapter 87

<Episode 87>


Considering the situation, it felt inappropriate to dismiss it as a mere frivolous joke. There seemed to be some reason behind it.


‘Child or lover.’

I should imagine it as Count Serenier, not Rue.

Daisy, the daughter of Count Serenier.


‘I dislike it a lot.’

Daisy, the lover of Count Serenier.

‘That too.’

Or did I dislike it?


‘…Is that even a question to ponder? Of course, I dislike it. I hate it, no doubt about it.’


However, when I tried to respond with a terrible expression, I felt very uncomfortable, so I answered indirectly.


“It would be better to be a child.”

“A child? Hm…”


Then he walked ahead as if nothing happened with a profound sigh.

‘Was that it?’


Why ask such a question?

We passed through the garden and entered the elegant white interior of the castle.

Once the surroundings got quieter, I could only hear the faint murmurs of Lord Medeis.


“Count Serenier, you’re making a mistake. You have the Calepa on your back, yet you don’t see…”

“That’s the most expensive painting in this castle.”


Count Serenier didn’t even pretend to listen.

But I caught sight of a massive frame that filled one side of the wall, a painting that wouldn’t be out of place as a mural.


The painting was eerie.


Growing amidst pools of blood, the towering figure with branches reaching for the sky had a rather macabre feel.


“What is painted?”


“If it’s God, is it Calepa?”


This time, Count Serenier only smiled faintly and did not respond.


We passed through the interior and moved towards the audience area. For the first time in a space where not a single ant was visible, I began to feel a presence.

I decided to focus on my hearing, and soon I could hear two voices from not far away.


“What will you do if you lose your strength so early? Concentrate, Your Majesty.”


“Just a moment, just a little… Huh, huh. Just a little rest…”


“What do you mean ‘just a little’? Please get up quickly. Among the disciples I have taught, there is no disciple who couldn’t become a Yette. If you can’t even overcome the wall of Senyot like this, Your Majesty will be the first failure in my teaching career.”


“Well, it might be better to be remembered as a failure…”


Two men stood on the lush green meadow.


A young man in his early thirties was sitting on the ground, while a gray-haired man in Rogue’s exotic attire was reprimanding him.

And then, in a moment, their gaze turned towards us.


More precisely, towards Count Serenier.

The young man, who had been blinking absentmindedly, quickly stood up and stumbled towards us.


His short blond hair was soaked with sweat, sticking to his forehead.


“Lord Calepa…?”



Count Serenier, who dared to cut off the king’s words, emphasized with a casual face.

“It’s Count Serenier, Your Majesty.”

“…Yes, that’s right! Serenier! Count Serenier!”


The king was not the gray-haired old man but the young one?

The young man, no, the king of Astrosa, ran over in a childish manner and hugged Count Serenier tightly, with a big smile on his face.


“How long has it been? Where have you been all this time? How can you not show your face even once, huh? Did you plan to come only after I died? And yet even after, you will remain!”

“You have grown a lot.”


“Of course! We haven’t seen each other in 14 years! A few years ago, you suddenly… Oh, no, Lord Calepa sent Skuld to the Empire… Well, of course, that story has nothing to do with you…”


The chattering king’s attitude was as friendly as if he was seeing a neighbor.

‘He must know that Count Serenier is Calepa.’


Although the added title of “Lord” was questionable, that much was clear.

After all, he must have known since he was the king.

He already seemed to know the face that his Calepa used when using his title as Count Serenier.


“Anyway, you are always welcome here! But what brings you here? You’re not one to come without business…”


“Your Majesty.”


However, there was someone else here who dared to interrupt the king’s words again.

The person in front of me seemed to be a believer of Rogue and a master swordsman, with a sharp and impressive presence.


“Your Majesty, Count Serenier hasn’t even able to get a word in while you’ve been talking endlessly, is that not correct? Let’s start by hearing his story.”


Count Serenier, who had been quietly observing the middle-aged man, naturally knelt down.




It was a surprising sight.

The fact that the King’s swordsmanship instructor was a Calepa, and the fact that Count Serenier, who was also a Calepa, (I am already sure he is Rue) was kneeling down to him skillfully.


‘He’s really immersed himself in the role.’


However, no matter how immersed he was, it wouldn’t be easy for someone in a position as high as a Calepa to kneel.

At least, he didn’t seem to be the type of person who lived and died by dignity, unlike Andert. Count Serenier seemed different.



“Oh my goodness. Calepa? The one I’ve only heard about….”


As soon as the Marquis of Horse Dung threw himself down to the floor, Viscount Quan followed suit and knelt.

While a long greeting emerged, Desherro whispered to me.


“Miss Daisy, lower your upper body and bow. The Calepa is the highest leader of Rogue, the national religion of the Northern Continent. We should show respect.”


While I followed Desherro’s advice, I couldn’t help but ponder.

The man in front of me was also a Calepa.


‘Come to think of it, weren’t Rogue’s Calepas a trio?’

His attire resembled the clothes I had seen Dian Cecht wearing in that photo at Malcolm’s house.


Was it like a Calepa uniform? As a maid, I also wore a uniform. Somehow, I felt a sense of kinship.


With a very awkward expression, the gray-haired Callepa glanced at Count Serenier and sighed


“They seem to have come to see His Majesty the King, so I will step aside for a moment.”

“Oh, I see.”


The king of Astrosa, casually tilting his head, quickly scanned the other individuals in the room only after the other Calepa stood up to leave the room.


“Their appearance and combination seem very peculiar. So, what makes you seek me out, Count Serenier?”

“The matter is not with me but with them.”


The king’s gaze turned to the back.

Then, his sweaty forehead wrinkled ever so slightly.


“Oh no. You look quite terrible. What happened, Marquis Medeis?”

In the meantime, Marquis Medeis, who’d been diligently wiping away the horse shit, replied with a flushed face.


“I am deeply sorry for causing you concern, Your Majesty.”

“So, what is the problem?”


With a fierce retort, Marquis Medeis raised his voice while bowing deeply.


“Your Majesty! Please listen to the petition of me, Dion Medeis! I intend to accuse Count Serenier of abusing his power!”


“…Accuse? This is sudden. What makes you do such a thing?”


“The incident occurred 30 minutes ago at Serenier Castle. I was promised to enjoy horseback riding with Count Serenier, but there were other guests from the Empire staying at the castle besides me. Count Serenier introduced them to me and we were supposed to enjoy horseback riding together.”


What do you mean enjoy it together? He completely ignored you.

“However, among the guests from the Empire, there was a maid. That woman, right there. I refused to ride with her, saying I couldn’t enjoy horseback riding with a maid. To save Count Serenier’s face, I tried to educate that insolent maid. It was all for the sake of Count Serenier! Since he spends more time abroad, I thought he needed someone like me, who knew Astrosa’s culture well, to step forward and assist in the education of his employees.”


The old man, without blinking an eye, confidently spewed out arguments that only benefited himself. Even the stoic Desherro’s eyebrows twitched at the sight.


“Oh, but the merciless Count Serenier! Suddenly, he began whipping me with a riding whip! Seven times, to be exact! And as if that wasn’t enough, he dumped horse manure all over my head from the stable. Can you believe such a thing?”




“Count Serenier justified his senseless violence by citing the Calepa! By being a member of Rogue!. He trampled upon his sacred duty, trampled upon me, Deion Medeis, a loyal servant and a relative of the king!”


At least there was some truth to it.

‘So he’s a relative of the king.’


“I petition His Majesty the King. Please punish Count Serenier, who abuses the power of Calepa and the king! His position as the Calepa’s hound is too generous for him. Please dismiss him!”


“Dismissal, you say.”


“There is no falsehood in this argument, as Viscount Quan, who was present, will testify.”


With a tense expression, Viscount Quan nodded vigorously.

“Yes, yes, what the Marquis says is true. Not only me, but all those who were present saw it with their own eyes.”


“What do you think, Count Serenier?”

It was a strange question.

‘What do you think?’ Instead of asking, ‘Is what they’re saying true?’


Count Serenier stood with such a dull look that it was a miracle he wasn’t yawning. Then he calmly spoke up.

“There is something wrong with Marquis Medeis’ argument.”

The casual tone provoked the shitty old man, and he exploded in anger.

“Such outrageous lies!”

“Marquis, calm down. What do you mean by something wrong?”


With a casual shrug, Count Serenier responded to the king’s question.

“First of all, my dear Miss Daisy is not a maid. She is my lover whom I promised to marry.”


“What did you say?”

“I said that Daisy Fager is my lover.” 




I will be the witness

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me by buying me a ko-fi here.


  1. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!
    That’s the point of the question then? Still, wonder if this will make Daisy reconsider her romantic feelings. Rue seems to have already decided.

  2. Bee says:

    Haha, I was a little disappointed that Daisy choose to be a child, but Rue just ignored her choice. This should be interesting. Thank you for the translation.

  3. Tj says:

    Oh geez, I really felt the same as Bee – a bit disappointed by her choice – but I love that she was simply ignored! Mr. Rue seems to be moving forwards..

  4. Villainess No.121 says:

    Omg! Yesss!!!
    Daisy chose child because of their age difference. It made more sense that way.
    And she also avoided thinking of Rue as a romantic partner.
    On the other side Rue said what his heart told him to do (oh my!). He wants to convey his feelings to her without a confession and possibly ruining their friendship. The other reason might be cause he simply enjoys teasing her. As always. Lol.

  5. Pitidri says:

    Kkkkkk Ele perguntou qual seria pior, ela respondeu o que seria melhor…. kkkkkk ela falou que seria “melhor” ser filha…… ele escolheu a outra opção kkkkk

  6. xr says:

    Those saying they were disappointed in Daisy’s reponse forgot the original question!
    In the previous chapter, Rue asked Daisy which she would DISLIKE more – child or lover. And she answered child. Therefore, he respected her choice by saying lover! Super cute

    1. Thomas Meredith says:

      ahahahaa – i caught that too. but the way it was worded after made me a little disappointed as well. Super glad I was wrong! My gosh, who could think of such a wonderful and strange story as this? How does one even begin to gather the pieces? Thank goodness it was possible in the end!

    2. Rosa says:

      Ehh? In this chapter it was worder ‘It would be better to be a child’, unless it wasn’t translated well?

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