The Peaceful Life of a Maid Who Hides Her Power and Enjoys It

<Episode 78>


Jean looked confused on whether to believe me or not.

Rue wasn’t here anyway, so I couldn’t prove it. I’d just have to confront her with a sword later.

I reached for a suitable pen on Rue’s desk to prepare a response to the letter. However, I then suddenly remembered the presence I had forgotten and raised my head. 


“But why are you here?” 


Andert, with a disgruntled face, was sitting on the couch, glaring at me. 

“You’re only asking that now…”

He touched his forehead once and asked in a guarded tone, accompanied by a short sigh.


“You know me, don’t you?”

This crazy jerk.

You? Am I your friend? Call me sister.”

“Are you crazy?”

“You’re the one who’s crazy, you insolent brat. When you get your memories back, you’ll want to crawl into the ground for what you did in the Willow Grove forest. You must’ve come looking for advice about your memories, but wake up. I have no stories to tell to a child who can’t grasp the hierarchy and addresses me like some friend of his.”


Wow. Jean exclaimed in admiration.

“I’ve never seen you speak at such length.”

Andert’s confusion deepened in his gaze. It was a reaction of surprise, perhaps because I came on too strong. 


He glanced at my sturdy and neat shoulders before finally opening his mouth with an expression that showed he couldn’t comprehend what was going on. 


“Who the hell are you?” 





 “Damn it. Did I have an enemy in my past life? To be caught up with a crazy person like you…” 


Andert, in a fit of irritation, picked up his hat and threw it, criticizing me. 


“Why should I call you sister? At least explain!”

 “Why you should call me sister? First of all, I know you very well. I know you better than your mom, better than your dad, and better than your friends. No one knows you better than I do.”


I began filling the letter paper I found in the drawer, using a slightly altered handwriting style with a masculine touch, and continued with the closing remarks. 

“Just how well do I know you? Well enough to know secrets about your body that you don’t even know. Curious what they are?”


 Andert, annoyed to the extreme, responded without hesitation.

“What is it?”

“Can I say it here?” 

“Go ahead.” 



“I’m telling you for real.” 


 “For real?” 


Andert’s face tensed slightly, showing signs of unease.

 “Stop beating around the bush and just say it!” 

“Your butt chee-” 


“They’re only soulmates.”



A heavy silence descended. 

Andert became stiff, unable to utter a word. Of course, why would he? He must have felt pierced to the core!


“Now, can you believe me? I am older than you, someone you served as your master like a slave. If you don’t like calling me sister, then call me master. If not, don’t expect any leniency or indulgence for your desire to know the past or anything else.”


Andert’s expression grew violent. I wasn’t sure if it was because of my soulmate comment or if it was because I had become more stern myself. 


One thing was certain: I didn’t want to explicitly reveal I was his own sister myself.



Because it felt unfair. 


‘I suffered for 14 years, only to die on the battlefield. And yet, the culprit was alive and well, enjoying a life of luxury?’


 Of course, to some extent, I acknowledged that I dug my own grave. Still, it wasn’t entirely my fault, right? I had no intention of easily revealing the forgotten past to Andert.


‘You should suffer a bit… Like persistent fish poop, keep chasing after me. If you behave well, I might throw you some treats.’ 


Andert, who had been furrowing his eyebrows for a while, left the room. 



As I stared at the closed door, Jean muttered with a slightly gloomy expression. 


“It must be true. Thank you for sharing such uninteresting information.” 


I’m sorry. 

After neatly putting the completed letter in an envelope, I immediately sent it to Yeager through a member of the pub organization.


Hopefully there will be a positive response.


* * *


The next night. 

The agent sent to Yeager returned. 


His response was, “All good.” 


Coincidentally, the airship bound for the Kingdom of Astrosa would pass by the Midwinterre high-speed air station tomorrow morning, so we decided to join him at the station.


 However, Yeager mentioned that an unexpected companion had been added on his side, so he recommended adjusting our side’s companions from two to three.

As for someone who could help with my psychological stability and identity assurance…


‘Psychological stability and identity assurance, huh?’ 


Was it because of the border? 

Today, the head maid wielded the power of the Weatherwoods, a member of the noble council, to obtain identification for ‘Daisy Fager’.

Although I appreciated Yeager’s concern, it was baseless.


‘But it’s fortunate that there’s room for other people. I can bring Jean without gaining much attraction.’


 The major advantage was that I could bring up to 3 people.

“Andert, come with me to Rogue.”

He retorted sharply while staring at the chessboard.

“Why should I?” 


This leech’s day seemed very one-dimensional.

After I finished work and came back to Rue’s mansion (these days, I spent the time until dawn at Rue’s place instead of my room) he bombared me with silly questions ranging from ‘Hey, do I like seafood or not?’ to ‘Hey, do I have insomnia or not?’ before leaving to do whatever his job is.

Judging by how he was roaming around Midwinterre, he was probably trying to gather information about me.


Sorry, but this neighborhood is already within my palms. The agents have warned the merchants in advance, so there won’t be any unnecessary leakage of information. 


“Rogue, you haven’t been there.” 

“How do you know if I went or not?”


 One characteristic of Andert. He gets defensive when poked.

 Another characteristic of Andert. He gets upset when you prove the above fact. 


Since dealing with the agitated Andert was bothersome, I presented him with a story that would pique his interest. 


“Perhaps you might find out more about the person who killed you there.”

The expression of the guy who was rolling the chess pieces with his hand turned cold. 

“…I was killed?”

“Yes, I was surprised to find you alive and well like this. You must’ve lost your memories in the aftermath. I’m sure of that.”

“Who killed me?”

“The Great Wizard Mephisto.”


His mouth closed in a straight line. He looked surprised at the unexpected name.


“Take a vacation and come with me. Even if you’re the successor, you still get vacations, right?” “……”


Without hearing a response, I turned my head away from Andert, who seemed to be agonizing over it.


As I started ironing my maid’s uniform, I recalled the question I’d asked Malcolm the day before returning to the Weatherwoods.


 “Grandfather, in Rogue, do they refer to precious objects as ‘hearts’?”



 “In Rogue, there is indeed an object called the ‘Heart’ that is considered precious. It is something like this.”

 “Exactly, the pearl! That’s what I was asking about.”

 “It seems like you’re misunderstanding something. It’s not a pearl but a Heart Crystal. More precisely, it is a crystallized heart that is made in a process passed down from generation to generation.”


“In Rogue, when a family member, mentor, or close friend passes away, we crystallize their heart and preserve it. It is believed that this allows the soul of the loved one to ascend properly.” 


Upon hearing those words, I suddenly realized something.

The heart that Rue was looking for on Queen Island.

Could that heart be why Mephisto burned down Queen Island?


‘Mephisto’s army mainly consisted of mutineers from Rogue, so it’s highly likely that their leader, Mephisto, was also from Rogue.’


 Out of all the vast lands, Mephisto specifically targeted Queen Island for his attack. Not long after, Rue visited Queen Island, which had been reduced to ash, to find that heart.


 It didn’t seem like a mere coincidence. There was undoubtedly some connection that existed between the two events, one that I was unaware of.


While I was calmly writing in a journal, Jean asked me a question. 


“Do we really have to bring that guy with us, Senior?”


“In that case, there’s no need for him to request time off separately. The fact that he’s been killing time here for two whole days serves as evidence that he’s already requested an extended leave.” 


Really? He already requested leave? 

Just to come and meet me? 


‘He must be really desperate.’

I thought.

A desperate Andert.

He would be perfect as my second luggage-carrier. 


“Andert, do you feel embarrassed that you lost your diary to Rue?”

Andert’s green eyes flared.

“Who’s what now?”


Who are you glaring at?


 “No need to feel ashamed.. It’s not easy to meet a remarkable magician like Rue in your lifetime.”


 On that point, Andert couldn’t argue. 


“Mr. Rue is a wizard from Rogue, and as you know, Rogue is a group of individuals who have crossed at least the first wall of mind and body unity. Isn’t it common sense to seize any opportunity to confront the strong, even if it means paying for it? It will surely be beneficial for you as well. The same goes for Jean.”




“So, why not come along with me? I’ll make sure you enjoy your hard-earned vacation.” 


Andert didn’t respond and turned his head back to the chessboard, but he ultimately didn’t refuse. 

And time flew by quickly, until the day came when we departed for the Kingdom of Astrosa.



btw by bu… Daisy is saying Andert’s butt cheeks are uneven. as in they’re only soulmates, not twins. lmao

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!
    For Daisy trash talking her brother must must have been something like a hobby. She is just wayyy too skilled at it.

  2. Plexie says:

    What is “bu soul mates” ,.. sorry that part confused me

    1. Ami says:

      she’s saying that his butt is uneven. as in they’re only soulmates. sorry, forgot to add the explanation lol

  3. Bee says:

    Thank goodness for the explanation. I was very confused. I love how she messes with her brother. Thank you for the translation.

  4. Dany says:

    No quiero que Rue sea Mephisto!! Tanta gente muerta sólo por una piedra?

    Preferiría que fuera Dian Cecht

  5. Villainess No.121 says:

    That butt part was so funny🤣🤣🤣

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