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PLOM Chapter 60

<Episode 60>


‘There are five rooms in total. When checking the windows from outside, the room with the lights on was the fourth room from the back, so it’s the third room from the inside.’


The first room the assassin entered was one that was typically used as the bedroom by the homeowner. Creak. The door opened very quietly. Sure enough, this room had more furniture compared to the other rooms. Judging by the extravagant and unmistakable preference of the elderly, with its vibrant red floral canopy, it seemed like the assassin had found the right place. Carefully approaching the bed, the assassin swiftly pushed aside the canopy that hung like a curtain from the bed.


Thwack! In that moment, an object jutted out from somewhere like a flash and struck his chest. 


“Ugh!” It was a strong attack that made his vision go white. The assassin hastily rolled backward and retreated towards the wall. 


“What is it? A sword? Or a bullet?” He felt around his chest with his hands.


The pain was present, but he found no blood. He couldn’t believe it – it had been a heart-stopping blow.


Swoosh. The assassin, swallowing their dry saliva, drew a knife from their embrace. Although short, this sharp knife was perfect for cutting off the opponent’s breath.


 “…No one.” However, the person who’d attacked him was nowhere to be seen. No, in that moment, a strange sound of breathing came from behind his back. Instinctively, the assassin turned around. In front of them, obscured in darkness, a vague figure stood with both arms raised, covering their face. 


Only then could the assassin… 

“Gasp.” They couldn’t block the opponent’s attack at all.



He was being beaten up.


They kept hitting.




for ever and ever.


“Oh, no! Stop!”


“No, stop!”

 In that moment, the fist that persistently aimed for the assassin’s face abruptly halted. 

Did his blurry vision play a part in it?

 Amidst the throbbing pain, as the assassin lifted his head, he saw an unfamiliar woman in the bluish darkness. The woman’s face, illuminated by the backlight of the moon, was pale. Her brilliant light-green eyes were colder than any eyes the assassin had ever seen. Instinctively, the assassin realized.


‘She’s a strong opponent I dare not deal with.’


He couldn’t get away from this woman.

The moment the realization hit him, the man pressed his teeth on the <Bite of Mercy> hidden in his mouth…


“Are you looking for this?”


The assassin looked at the little pill lodged between the woman’s index finger and thumb. It was definitely the Bite of Mercy.


‘Why is the pill that is supposed to be stuck in my gum there?’


He was quick to judge the situation.

The assassin scoured his sleeve. In preparation for such a situation, he always kept a spare pill…

“Sorry to say, but I have two of them.”


He didn’t.



Between the woman’s fingers, there were two pills stretched out. Haha. The woman, who burst into a dry and ruthless laughter that sent shivers down his spine, raised her right hand as well. 


“Actually, there are four.” 

Four doses of <Bite of Mercy.>

Which meant…



The woman went to the other side of the bed and grabbed something like luggage to then drop it in front of the assassin.



Following an eerie exclamation, he locked eyes with a familiar face that had fallen to the ground. It was the other assassin who was working alongside him on the mission to kidnap Malcolm Joe.


‘When on earth?’

A sense of frustration overwhelmed him. When was the last time he’d felt such vivid despair? The assassin prided himself on having faced many deranged killers before.

The actions and words of his opponent reflected in the assassin’s eyes, and with certainty, he could tell she was not crazy. Usually, those who wanted to display their strength either tried to act nonchalant or exuded a murderous atmosphere.


 That way, the assassin could usually capitalize on their momentum and gain an advantage over his enemy. 


However, none of that could be sensed from this woman.


She…seemed normal.

A very ordinary, slender woman who seemed to lead an ordinary life.

That’s how she appeared. And that made her look even crazier.


‘Especially those eyes!’

Those insane eyes.

They were eyes that held no emotions even in front of him, a brilliant assassin. Eyes that were so vacant were usually even more dangerous. 


His body trembled uncontrollably.

Tap, tap. The woman casually turned her hand and brought a wooden chair, sitting in front of the two fallen assassins. 


Then she uttered a very surprising name.

“This is a move I hadn’t expected. I didn’t think <Clone> would come this far.”


How did she know that?

The assassin glanced at his accomplice.

Seeing that he was vigorously shaking his head, it didn’t seem like he’d been the one to blow the horn on them.


“You’re not asking me.”

The woman then grabbed the assassin by the collar.

“Aren’t you going to ask me how I know?”


Those eyes with pure questions. The assassin instinctively opened his mouth.

The assassin instinctively opened his mouth, his eyes filled with pure curiosity and fear. 


Gulp. H-how did you know?” 

“I am the top <Clone> hunter in Midwinterre” 


In an instant, a mental image of the key figure flashed through the assassin’s mind. Light green eyes, brown hair. A pale, small but round face. A blank expression. Ah!


“Daisy Fager!”

He couldn’t believe she was here. How could the superiors who were monitoring the Weatherwoods Mansion not notify him?


Daisy Fager gave him a strange look, one marked a little by surprise.

Her face held a questioning expression, as if saying, ‘You only recognized me now?’

Then, as if she understood, she nodded in affirmation.

“Ah, I see. You weren’t targeting me. Then… were you aiming for the owner of this mansion? Grandfather Malcolm?”


“Grandfather Malcolm, right?”


“You’ve got some determination.” 


It seemed like she liked people with determination. Right after she muttered that, everything before the assassin’s eyes flashed.

A pain unlike any he’d ever tasted in his life ran through his body.

Then he was beaten half-to-death again.


“Don’t take it personally, I’m not hitting you for pleasure. I use violence for the sake of peace. So what is your purpose here?”


The assassin answered with a sniff.

“The kidnapping of Malcolm Joe…”

“I can’t hear you.”

“The kidnapping of Malcolm Joe!”

“What about the map?”


“Are you not looking for a map?”

“W-we, we’ve only been handed a kidnapping mission.”

“I see. Skip to the details about this kidnapping.”


Daisy Fager, who listened to the assassin’s words silently, let out a short exclamation.


“Ah, right. Are you the ones in charge of assassinating the Weatherwoods?”

The accomplice, who was kneeling on his right, immediately cried out.

“I’ve never heard of such a thing!”


“It must have been assigned to the guy on the left!”


No, it wasn’t his accomplice. This was an enemy.

The assassin turned pale.

He recalled the memory from just two minutes ago when he was beaten up by this insane woman like flour dough. And then, his tongue moved like butter.

 “Well, it was briefly mentioned once. The assassination mission has been adjusted to a surveillance mission.” 

“Surveillance? You’re monitoring the Weatherwoods Mansion? You didn’t even know I was staying here.”

“Exactly! We were surprised to meet Miss Daisy too!”

“That’s right!”


Daisy Fager’s eyes seemed to fall to contemplation again.

Not long after, she turned her eyes towards the bed and asked,

“Mr. Rue, did you take care of the people that were monitoring the mansion?”


She seemed to be talking into empty space.

The moment the already frightening woman was becoming even more terrifying, a low voice pierced his ears.



There was a very big man standing in front of the bed.

‘Since when did he appear there?’


The man was exceptionally tall. His head was positioned high, so his face was partially hidden by a dark shadow, allowing only a faint glimpse of his chin. Dressed in a sleek black nightgown that exuded a glossy sheen, the man leisurely continued his conversation from behind. 


“He was ruining the grass.” With a jaw devoid of any facial hair, he lightly murmured. 

“Hmm. Did he mention if he was from Clone? Since there seem to be others after us.” 


“I didn’t hear about that. He killed himself right away. Nowadays, humans live such tightly wound lives. Some people can’t bring themselves to even kill the pests, so they force them into other people’s homes to become guard dogs. Isn’t that right?” 


“You  should have prevented him from killing himself. Can’t Mr. Rue do something like that?”

“I cannot. As you age, your judgment and actions become more limited.” 

Afterward, the bedroom fell silent. 


It seemed like Daisy Fager whispered something along the lines of ‘Raphael…’ while staring into the empty space. However, the silence didn’t last long. She stood in front of the assassin after rising from her chair.


“For now,”

The moment the assassin’s eyes met Daisy Fager’s light-green ones,

“You should go to sleep.”


The world turned black and the assassin’s thoughts were cut off.


* * *

I sat the unconscious assassins on the edge of the bed and tightly tied them up. 

Then, I brought Lenya over and explained everything that had happened tonight.


 “Ah, so the assassins targeted my lord? Goodness gracious. What on earth is going on?”

“Don’t you have any guesses?”

At that moment, Lenya, who looked like she might burst into tears, cried out,

“What should I do? There are so many!”


Lenya so casually lied about them having no enemies before lmao, not one normal employee in Penrotta T-T

I support Daisy Fager’s wrongs.

hope you enjoyed all the chaps hehe

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me by buying me a ko-fi here.


  1. Starlight says:

    Thank you so much miss angel 🥰🥰…. waiting for more chps

  2. Oatmeal says:

    Woah, you’ve really spoiled us with so many chapters! Thank you!

    Rue being passive aggressive about Daisy’s style of securing employment for him never stops being funny to me

  3. Nikky says:

    Tysm translator, you rock! Can’t wait for thenext chapter. 😩

  4. Lili says:

    Daisy being Clones nemesis is just hilarious to me. The assassins really thought they chose smart not going to midwinterre and ended up beaten half to death in the other mansion. Talk about bad luck (and sloppy work, they should’ve known) 😭😭

    1. Ami says:

      Clones officials are truly in bad luck. Imagine waking up one day and finding out you have a mortal nemesis through an unfortunate coincidence. and the nemesis is a former war hero and menace to normlacy.they’ve got the worst cards fr

  5. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapters!
    I love how casual they are about assassins. Like “you will dump them on me again?” or “speak up” and last but not least “folk anesthesia for both of you”. Just another Monday for Daisy and Rue.

  6. Mak_lp says:

    Thank you for the chapters!❤

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