<Episode 190>
Hello, Ash.
It’s embarrassing to start talking by myself in an empty room.
Today is the day I die.
To be more precise, it’s the day I leave for a distant universe. I think you’ll fully understand what that means by now.
(Brief silence)
How have you been?
(Awkward laughter)
That was a bit of a weird question, wasn’t it? I just had the same thought. Now that I’m trying to record this video, my words don’t come out easily. I’m feeling a strange mix of emotions that I haven’t felt in a long time.
(Another brief silence)
I have been doing well so far.
Whenever I look back on my life, I think it was a life that was far beyond what I deserved. If it were to be written into a book, it would be a pretty interesting plot line. It’s the book that awaits the most complete story of my life and the most perfect ending.
What do you think, Ash? Can you see the face of my childhood in me now?
I still dream of you from time to time.
You’ve always been a hero in my dreams. You would fly to my rescue like a hawk in distress, take my hand, and embark on a journey to distant lands.
We were both family and friends. You always looked exactly like me in them, but it was never a problem.
(He looks like he’s thinking)
The problem was in reality.
After returning to reality, I always fell into deep contemplation. I wondered if your existence was just my long-lasting delusion. Of course, I always came to the conclusion that it was not… but I’ve never been 100% sure of that judgment.
(A bitter laugh followed by a direct gaze)
Ash, what kind of face do you have?
(Short silence)
What kind of voice do you have? What color is your hair, and what kind of eyes do you have? How tall are you? How strong is the hand that wields the sword? I’m curious about how the corners of your mouth curl when you smile. …Looking back, I realize I don’t know anything about you.
At least until a few days ago, it was like that.
(Opens hand to reveal an object)
All I have left of you are the memories we shared and this old Naz. The notebook we used to have conversations with was lost a long time ago, when our carriage overturned from Orstura to Calepa.
Furthermore, White, who remembered you, left shortly after we recovered the Imperial Palace to go restore her village. It’s a story of the past that is so distant that it feels blurry.
(Tightly holds the worn-out Naz with a thoughtful look on his face)
Now, this Naz is the only thing that proves your existence. It’s not a sign of a severe confusion caused by a split personality, but a trace that shows Ash’s soul resided in my body.
You may not know, but our long-time comrades… Ash is probably more familiar with the term “rebel.” They considered you as my alter ego until their deaths.
In this moment, no, for over a 100 years, I was the only one who remembered you. That’s probably why I dreamt of you so often. Perhaps I was afraid you’d be left as a figment of my imagination otherwise.
(Nostalgic smile)
The scenery of that day still remains vivid in my mind. The day when Rue broke the wall of the divine.
As soon as his eyes met mine, he grabbed me by the collar, and said these words, terrifyingly, “Where is Daisy?”
At the time, I couldn’t understand. Who was Daisy? Even Rue himself didn’t understand the words he had uttered. When I asked him, “Who is Daisy?” he simply replied, “I don’t know.”
(Shrugs lightly)
And then Rue forgot about you.
Completely, as if you had never existed in the first place.
Funny thing is, he hasn’t forgotten who I am. Vaguely, in his dim remaining memories, he associates you and me as one. As “a partner who freed him from the spire prison.” It’s creepy, isn’t it?
(Frowns slightly then laughs mischievously)
…Now, I know you, Ash.
What you look like, what kind of voice you have, and what kind of expression you smile with… I can confidently say that I know it all now.
Do you know the path that leads to the distant universe?
I saw you in a barren land akin to a desert, underneath the vast expanse of infinite stars.
It was truly a magical moment. Our souls embraced each other. You, whom I saw for the first time in a hundred years, were an even more wonderful and amazing person than I had imagined.
(A gentle laughter)
Ash, my hero.
I remember every moment we were together.
You came back to life bare on Queen Island and stole Bertie Lucian’s name.
Settling in the distant city of Midwinterre, you started a new life as an employee. And there, you met Rue… It was the worst.
I mean, to me, not you.
It sent shivers down my spine. For a moment, I wondered if I was seeing things wrong when I saw his expressions and attitude. …Since you are sincerely in love with him, I won’t make any further comments.
Ash, the moment you crossed the first barrier is as vivid to me as yesterday.
Even the moment you boarded the massive airship and watched a breathtaking performance. The treasure vault hidden beneath the Penrotta Empire’s soil was also very impressive.
I was glad to see how well his Highness, the king of Astrosa had grown up, and I was surprised when Ash became the head of the Weatherwoods family.
(Widening his eyes and applauding briefly)
Ah! I was really disappointed when you revealed your real name to Rue, Ash.
Actually, you know, Rue doesn’t deserve to know the name Ash. Of course, I must admire the great and bizarre magic he performed despite forgetting about you on Queen Island.
Can I be honest? I can’t help but have one lingering doubt after observing Rue for over a hundred years.
‘Did Rue really forget about Ash?’ That’s the doubt, you see. Of course, I’m not saying that he deceived us. It’s just that his attitude towards you is suspicious enough to the extent that I can’t help but be skeptical.
Rue can’t be that sweet in his first meeting with someone.
(Uncomfortable expression with an uncomfortable silence)
If you ask why, I can’t answer anything other than saying that’s just the way he is. Actually, even though I have doubts, I don’t really want to ask Rue directly. I’m sure he’ll say something shameless and cliche like ‘I fell in love at first sight.’
So, Ash, watch out too.
Rue is a very mean person. Cunning like a fox and violent as well. Once again, I must emphasize that this advice comes from a concerned friend. You don’t need to take it too seriously… well, to some extent.
(Slowly stiffening expression)
Ash, my time with you has come to an end as the legacy is activated.
Truly… it’s a shame. In many ways.
(Sitting down with a more relaxed posture, clasping his hands.)
I don’t know how you’ll take these words, but… honestly, I wanted to stay on the land for as long as possible. I wanted to continue living as Calepa, benefiting more people, and then leave after reuniting with you.
But not anymore. Our reunion will take place through this recording.
Because that is our destiny.
Now, I must tell you, these relics you’ve gathered are items I decided to use to find you long before I reached the level of a demigod. I don’t know if you remember them, but they’re items that hold our memories.
I still vividly remember the contents of the notes that used to pass between us a long time ago.
Stories about who you were, where you lived, the caution against a vicious wizard named Mephisto, how an unexpected magic was triggered in the process of trying to save a friend, and how you’d traveled back in time to meet me.
But after seeping into your soul and experiencing a brief part of your life together, I decided to slightly alter my original plan.
What Ash needed was not our reunion.
(After a brief hesitation, slowly shaking his head)
It’s best to end the story here, where time and destiny intertwine.
This topic isn’t favorable. The more we talk about the realm of gods, the more the threads of complexity become entangled.
(Awkward laughter)
Actually, the reason for leaving this recording…
To be completely honest, it doesn’t have much to do with the complex stories from before. I just… wanted to show you, Ash.
(Warm smile)
I am healthy, Ash.
I truly had fun together.
I have seen, felt, and learned so much in this world you guided me through.
I am so happy that the last magic I will leave on this land, the last arrangement before I rise to become a star, is for you. Truly.
(After a long silence, cautiously)
If I may ask. If you get to the great heights and a position where you don’t need my heart crystal anymore… please use it for the complete death of my disciple. You might be able to help your precious friend.
Please forgive me for leaving you with a request until the very end.
(Long silence again)
(Mysterious laughter)
My hero, I will always watch over you.
After a long time, we will meet again at the edge of the universe.
Most definitely.
(Magic Activation Words)
‘Don’t die, Ash.’
(Activation conditions)
- Daisy Weatherwoods
- The Five Relics
Memory revival
How askdfksd how could the author make me love a character so much in just that short amount of time? Dian my precious boy aaa I love youu
Also Dian Cecht being a Rue hater has got to be the funniest plot twist in the story omg I laughed several times
Thank you so much Somebody and Thomas P for the ko-fi!
Omg…i love dian..love him…he was so sweet and kind and caring and ideallllllll…i loved this chapter so much.i shed tears…thank you ami for your translation and posting it right away.the author is just genious…oh my heart
Wow, the most heartbreaking chapter so far. I’m still surprised, to be honest, that a short period of time with Ash left such a strong impression on Dian. So much so that he carried the memory of it throughout his very long life.
His notes about Rue are very interesting. Perhaps we will learn something new about him at last. And whose memory will he activate? Rue?
The relics activated Daisy’s memories of her first death! When she crossed the final wall.
Well Rue was never a fan of Dian either. I think he only kept him alive because his vague memory of Ash/Daisy blended with that of Dian.
Dian feels like a character we know a lot about, but never really “met.” If that makes any sense?
Thank you for the chapter everyone!
Wow, so many plot twists and turns but with one chapter it’s tied up nicely and Dian. Dain finally got a dedicated chapter! Now then I think about it, Daisy treated him as weak but good, kind little brother and Dian thought of her as strong, cool big sister. Through fate, they become like family without ever actually meeting. He doesn’t like his brother in-law though.
After get a moment to breathe after read Dian report and become a mess, I start to think. I’m getting crazy or my cute boy really refer to Mephisto like “my disciple”??? This guy who confess kill his on master after stab him a lot… just become a demigod to not be upset after listen that or she will not ascend to early
I love that Dian is so skeptical and suspicious of Rue, lol.
The format of this chapter made it so much more vivid to me. Its probably in the description of Dians expressions, his mannerisms, how it somehow makes it easier for me to see him despite it all being text. So good job on the translation :

On the other hand, Dians love and admiration towards her transcendended decades, even centuries despite knowing each other for what I think is a couple of months, is just a testament to how close they got and how important she became for him.

Also was kind of expecting Dian not to like Rue, or well something akin to that. I don’t think they were particularly close, even after Rues misunderstanding of Dian being his savior (Dian was kind of terrified of him before but if it helped), again they didn’t seem too close. He got to know Rue in a… different way to say the least. And just seeing him all mushy and flirty might have given the poor man whiplash., that wasn’t who he knew.

What a beautiful chapter TT_TT
yeah, i agree with fumiohno, that was really a beautiful chapter, was that too beautiful actually? this story, this author is too much! really ami, thank you for your work, i’m so glad i was able to read this with you all.
I am glad that Dian got to know more about Ash, even if they didn’t get to actually meet. It’s hilarious that he and Rue don’t like each other that much. Thank you so much for the translation.
IM LAUGHING AND CRYING NOOOOOO This is the first time in ages since I cried for a Novel (The other was ORV btw)

Dian com certeza é a melhor pessoa do mundo, e virou uma estrela
ele realmente parece uma estrela