Switch Mode

PLOM Chapter 174

<Episode 174>


* * *




A cold wind blows.


In the dark space, a perched yellow candle flickered. The woman, who was sitting in the chair, raised her head after putting a new candle in the holder and transferring the flame.


Had she just turned 20? The young looking maid was looking up at another woman with pouting lips.




The maid replied in a tired voice to the short question.


“I’m done with all of them. Can I go back to my room now?”

“No, you can’t. Finish cleaning the stairs that you’ve been neglecting and then go inside.”


When she refused firmly, the maid’s complexion paled. With an incredulous expression and wide eyes, she chased closely after the woman who was about to leave.


“But, Head Maid, it’s almost midnight now. Besides, it’s too dark to see….”


“Who told you to slack off during working hours? This is already the third time, White. If you keep doing this, it will be difficult for you to continue working for the Serenier family.”


“It’s too dark. What if I slip my mistake?”

“You just have to clean it carefully.”

“Head Maid!”


The woman left the kitchen without even listening to the maid’s cry of unjustness.


After staying rooted in one spot for a while and complaining, White finally grabbed a mop and wax and headed towards the stairs. It was a struggle to do the dishes in this cold weather, and now she had to clean the stairs too to go to sleep!


“She’s such a strict old lady. Does she think the whole house will collapse or kill her if I skip cleaning the stairs for a day? That’s why the Head Maid…”


Sighing, White sat down on the stairs and opened the lid of the wax.


At that moment, she heard a sound coming from the blind spot under the unlit stairs. Startled, she lowered her head and met the gaze of an ambiguous-looking servant.


After a short silence, the man greeted her first.




“Uh, hello.”


White knew that this reliable-looking man was quite popular among the maids.

Well, she didn’t know about anything else, but at least his face was pretty nice. While she was engaged in such trivial thoughts, the distance between the two gradually closed.


With a trembling heart, White swallowed her dry saliva.


‘You knew I was working late and waited for me.’


Approaching briskly, the man smiled brightly and spoke to her.


“Are you doing this alone? Since there’s still time, I’ll help you.”


“Really? Th-thank you.”


“No problem.”


The man took out the remaining mop from the basket. Then, he bent his knees next to White and whispered.


“The key?”


Looking around, White replied in a barely audible voice.


“I haven’t found it yet.”


“And the locked floors?”


“…That too.”


“What about Dian Serenier?”


White’s eyes, which had been downcast, suddenly widened. Recalling the events of the previous evening, she threw the mop she had been holding onto the stairs.


“Dian Serenier, that troublesome brat! Just because of a minor stomachache, he avoided the meal today and managed to escape the trap…”


“Haah. You failed again this time? Hey, White. What exactly do you know how to do right?”


White glared at the servant, her teeth clenched as he blatantly insulted her. However, when her eyes met the cold gaze of the servants, her lips curled up. She didn’t know what to say because of her own incompetence.


White’s true identity was a spy disguised as a maid.

Although she was currently sitting hunched over, cleaning the stairs, she had been given a very important mission of her own.


Her task was to rescue ‘that man’ trapped in the tower.


“It’s already been a week since the captain was trapped in that damn tower. While you’re here pathetically cleaning the stairs, who knows what kind of torture he’s enduring. Damn it. I shouldn’t have brought you as my partner…”


“That’s funny!”

White shouted as loudly as she could in a low voice, poking the shoulders of the man with anger.


“You’re the one who must have given me the wrong poison. I definitely put the right amount of poison in Dian Serenier’s dish! It was enough to kill about four Serenye men of his small stature!”


The man let out a small sigh.

This was the problem with White. Her lack of attention to detail made her repeat tasks two or three times.


The only reason he brought her as his mission partner was that in contrast to her delicate appearance, she had a ruthless determination. And that determination was strong enough to save her life in case of an emergency.


The Serenier family actively helped with Rogue’s biological experiments, and on their part, they were nothing short of a human slaughterhouse.


They couldn’t bear to see their failed comrades isolated and used as experimental subjects. The commander would never allow such a thing.






“Remember, this is your last chance.”


Swallowing dry saliva, White accepted the glass bottle handed to her by the servant.


Glass Violet, one of the three deadliest and greatest poisons of Astrosa. The transparent liquid that would kill Dian Serenier soon disappeared into White’s pocket.


“If you fail again, you will assassinate him yourself, even if it means having to use your own body. You know that, right? If you don’t Dian Serenier, the tolerance test will begin.. And once the tolerance experiment is over….”


He would be reborn as Calepa’s host.

Their trustworthy captain would disappear, and a vicious killer with his shell would return!


Feeling anxious just by imagining it, White asked the servant.


“If I fail again… what about ‘that plan’?”


“That plan will be executed regardless of your success. So if you get caught, do whatever it takes to survive, White. Your comrades will come to rescue you.”


Leaving these instructions, the servant put the rag in the basket and descended the stairs again.


While she watched his back, White recalled the tragedy they experienced three years ago.


Rogue’s Demons hunting villagers in the blazing flames. The villagers, adults and children alike, being dragged away like sinners despite not committing any sin. The voice that casually told her family to become sacrifices.


“Know it is an honor! You will be precious sacrifices dedicated to our unification of the continent! The gods will gladly embrace you and love your sacrifice!”


Reflecting on the harrowing scene of that time, White clenched her fist.


‘Just watch. Even if I have to risk my life, I will save the commander here, without fail.’


The commander was their only hope and beacon of light to save their kingdom of Astrosa, which has turned into hell.


‘So, this time, I must succeed in assassinating Dian Serenier. I must.’


* * *


The next night.


After much contemplation, White decided on the method of assassinating Dian Serenier. It would be an assassination using force, not poison.


Indeed, this method seemed the most certain to her. She didn’t want to worry about her success anymore.


  1. Leave a note for the head maid saying that you’re returning to your hometown and hide your tracks.


  1. Sneak into Dian Serenier’s bedroom and wait until the sun sets.


  1. Assassinate Diane Serenier and make a smooth escape.


‘Great, it’s perfect.’


The winter in Serenier’s territory was harsh, so people rarely looked up at the sky.

Thanks to that, White was able to climb up the wall from the lower floor window, break the glass and enter the bedroom while the target was away.


Using mud to fill the broken part and covering the window with curtains, she hid under the bed, and waited a long time for the owner of the room to return.




‘…They’re here.’

She sensed the presence of two people.

White quietly gripped the dagger she was holding. Soon, when the other person leaves…


“Repeat my words; I’m sorry, Dian.”


“I-I’m sorry. D-Dian!!”


“I can’t even be called family.”


“I can’t even be called f-family!”


“Even if I am, I’m still wrong”

“E-Even if I’m similar… Ah!”


“Yes, you’re wrong, so get hit one more time.”


As the conversation continued, the content got more difficult to understand, and White became flustered.


‘What are they doing?’


The two people’s presence continued in the bedroom. They had been quiet for a while, making White wonder if they had fallen asleep, but suddenly…


“What’s this? Why is it broken?”


Much sooner than expected, Diane Serenier discovered the broken glass.

‘I’ve been caught.’


This was dangerous.


If the condition of the glass window is known to the guards, they would investigate the bedroom and her location would quickly be found.


‘I have to deal with it before that.’


Right now.

White slowly crawled out from under the bed. Then, she moved to pounce on Dian Serener, who would be looking out of the window…




She was supposed to be attacking him…?

White froze, unable to move, with a shocked expression on her face.

Right in front of her, who had just crawled out from under the bed, Dian Serenier stood as if he was waiting for her.


“So, it’s you? The one who poisoned Dian.”

His chilling smile sent shivers down her spine.


White instinctively swung her dagger, but the tip of the blade didn’t reach Dian. The second and third attacks were the same.


As White swung her dagger recklessly, she suddenly realized that there was a massive barrier in front of her.


‘I can never win. This… this is unbelievable… I can’t even touch someone younger than me!’


She couldn’t believe it.


To feel the overwhelming pressure she felt when she first met the Commander against such a small and frail fellow? White was born and raised as an assassin. Her five senses were telling her this.


This person was someone beyond her capabilities.

As soon as she realized this, she tried to take her own life, but it was too late a decision. Dian Serenier, who had knocked her down in an instant, had already put a knife to her throat!


As White lay on the ground, she opened her eyes and met the gaze of some ugly man next to her, who had lost consciousness. Could it be that she was dead? Her heart raced.


“Choose between the two. Do you want to die in agony or die in pain?”


In response to the chillingly calm question, White cried out, choking back tears.


Keuk, kek... P-please, save me!”


Daisy Menace Fager back at it again

“Do you want to die in pain, or do you want to die in pain?” omg lmao


Will our head maid be happy to receive what seems like another unpaid future employee? pity this is the past, or she’d have jumped in joy

if you like this series, leave comments! (I’m motivated to post by the comments so) and reviews!!

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Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me by buying me a ko-fi here.


  1. Fara says:

    Omg!cant wait for next chapter.thank you for uploading.and rue said maybe he was born for daisy and now we can see that his lingering feelings for daisy were cuz of past.deep down he felt similarity.and i love how dian tried to save his friend eventhough at some point he would lose her.story is so so so good and thoughtful.realy i love it.

  2. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!
    Did after breaking first wall as Dian, Daisy regained second wall power or is breakthrough power up so big originally? Agree that Daisy is a menace, a very entertaining menace!

  3. Chili says:

    I find this concept interesting. “What if split personalities are those from lost souls that meets the inner desires of the host?”

    Souls that are not split but found.

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