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PLOM Chapter 167

<Episode 167>


* * *

Upon hearing what happened during the day, Skuld opened the back of the altar himself and handed me Dian Cecht’s diary and seal.


“So, the researcher at Berkeley-Gratten said, ‘An ego exists in the heart,’ is that what you’re saying?”




“Hmm, interesting.”


Nodding his head, Urd showed great interest.


For the sake of me, a foreigner, he was sitting crouched in a wooden chair and was translating the contents of the diary into the imperial language. The handwriting that was visible at a glance was at a similar level of illegibility as mine.


“It’s quite a plausible assumption. The ego has had a different effect on each experiment. Although the experiments using Mephisto’s heart failed repeatedly and eventually created a devil, the experiments using Dian Cecht’s heart couldn’t even create a chimera.”


“Dian Cecht and Mephisto’s hearts are definitely different.”




“Unlike Mephisto’s heart, which seeks to mislead and dominate its surroundings, Dian Cecht’s heart does not seek to overtake me. Instead, it seeped through my broken soul and gave me a chance to prolong my life, right?”


Sitting next to Urd, Bernard checked the Imperial language he wrote onto paper and spoke.


“If that’s the case, Dian Cecht’s favor might truly lie in saving you.”


“Because he’s a healer?”


“Well, who knows? If we follow your logic, shouldn’t he have stopped at not threatening you instead of saving you, Miss Daisy? Just like in the swordmaster’s experiments.”


That wasn’t wrong.


“From the activation phrase of the relics’ magic to the name tag hanging in the cage, they all point to you, don’t they? Think about it simply, Miss Daisy.”


“Well? According to your logic, shouldn’t we have stopped at not saving Miss Daisy but not threatening her? As in the experiment of the sword.”


It wasn’t wrong.


“The magic starting word of heritage, as well as the name tag on the cage. I heard everyone was pointing at you? Think simple, Miss Daisy.”


Bernard laid down the pain and looked in my eyes with conviction.


“It is very likely that the relics of Dian Cecht were prepared for you.”




“I guess we’ll find out what kind of connection it is once we use the relics. When you find out, let me know too. I’m curious…”


“Stop babbling and translate the Imperial language properly. If you only know the Northern Continental language, at least be diligent. You’re useless.” said Urd.


Throughout the early morning of that day, I sat by the sleeping Rue’s side and read Dian Cecht’s diary that Urd and Bernd had translated for me. Although Rue had roughly mentioned the content to me, I wanted to see what was written in it with my own eyes.


I spent a couple of hours exploring the diary like that.

The morning sun rose.




After stretching for a long time, I brought Dian Cecht’s egg (this was the first time the head maid had let it out of the bedroom, and was very anxious about me breaking it), and the three Calepas huddled in front of the altar approached me.


“Miss Daisy, do you plan to use the relics today?”


“Should I come with you? Honestly, I’m dying to know what will happen once the relics are activated.”


“What are you talking about? You must guard Lord Calepa by his side. If I must, I’ll go.”


“Don’t talk nonsense. You guard him.”


“No, you do it.”


Until a few days ago… I thought all Calepas were mature and intelligent like Skuld.


‘When they’re in Rogue or not, people are all the same when it comes to living.’


I had a rough idea of how Rue had been getting along with these three Calepas. He must’ve thought they were pretty funny.


“First of all, I’m going to check how they react when all five of them are gathered together.”


“There’s nothing wrong with being careful. Just watch out for the activation phrase. If you blurt it out carelessly, the relics’ power might activate.”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Before heading to Berkeley-Gratten Castle, I looked back at the altar where Rue was asleep.




After hearing that I had only three encounters left in my dreams from the power Rue left behind…


I purposely didn’t fall asleep.

I was afraid that when all three encounters were over, his power would leave me and Rue would disappear forever. Even though I knew I couldn’t keep avoiding it.


Using the key, I immediately moved to Berkeley-Gratten Castle, or to be precise, the swordmaster’s bedroom.


And I began transferring Diane Cecht’s relics, one by one, onto his empty bed.

The egg, the cage, the diary, the seal. And finally…


‘Is that the hand mirror?’

There was an old silver mirror on the table.

Still, it wasn’t as worn out as the cage. Maybe it’d only been a while since its last usage, but the exterior was pretty clean.


Finally, all five were gathered.

Assuming Dian Cecht’s legend was true, all that remained now was to use them.


‘…As expected, that’s the biggest obstacle.’


Should I use it on Natasha to stop Mephisto’s heart?

Or should I use it to fix my soul?


As for Rue… no other way of using it came to mind. In the end, the only remaining options were the two mentioned before.


‘As expected, it would be best to seek a bit more advice from the Calepas.’


Just as I was about to move the last relic, the silver mirror, next to the other four relics.




Feeling a strong force striking the back of my neck and a sour scent permeating my respiratory system…


I passed out.










And then I wandered through the hazy abyss-like dream and immediately woke up.




What, what happened?

I just passed out, didn’t I?


First, I needed to ensure my safety. I tried to roll my body and move towards the wall. However, contrary to my intentions, my limbs didn’t budge an inch.


Beyond my sharpening vision, I saw blurry dolls, like mist. There wasn’t just one of them. One, two… at least four or more.


“As expected of Sir Andert. It seems you only lost consciousness for about 30 seconds. He’s even more resistant to drugs than an average bear.”



The moment I heard a familiar voice nearby, my heart sank to the floor.

As soon as all of Dian Cecht’s relics were gathered, my limbs had been rendered immobile.


On top of that, they were even testifying that they tried to make me faint and failed.


‘Could it be that the swordmaster and Raphael betrayed me?’


As my vision fully recovered, I began to see the figures in front of me. As soon as I checked their faces one by one, I was left speechless.


Raphael, Desherro, Count Rosebell.

Alright, if it was just them, then let’s assume it was a combination that wasn’t too strange if I considered them betraying me.


But why were Andert and Jean in there?


“What are you doing right now…?”

“What are you doing? That’s what we want to ask.”


The one who spit out the words was Raphael.

With an expression that would probably remain unfazed even if I swung my fist at him, he looked through the artifacts in the bedroom and spoke.


“To have four of them already… Well, I guess that just means you were that desperate. It also means there was no other choice but to collect all of Dian Cecht’s relics.”


I wondered what he was talking about, but Raphael’s chilly gaze turned back to me.


“But to use such a precious opportunity… not for your sake, but to improve Natasha’s condition?”




While I blinked my eyes absentmindedly, Count Rosebell, who had been standing silently next to Raphael, approached me with a dark expression.


“I’ve heard everything from Duke Jurian, Sir Andert. Along with the fact that you’re very likely to use the relics you’ve collected for some other purpose.”


“I did hear old habits die hard. Tsk, tsk. It’s good that Sir Andert was alive, not dead. But this was all happening without our knowledge.” said the Marquis of Calpenweaver, his tongue clicking as he tapped me on the shoulder with a bitter face.


“Listen, do you know what my daughters said when I told them that you’re planning to die? Tara told me that I shouldn’t have trusted that Count Serenier. He may have stolen your heart with his fox-like charm, but in the end, he was nothing but a playboy, and that Viscount Weatherwoods, who devoted herself and her soul to him, probably wasn’t able to bear the sadness…”




Amidst the intense confusion that made me dizzy, the face of one person who wasn’t present here came to mind.


The swordmaster..

‘Everyone gathered here overnight just after hearing from the swordmaster?’


This was all because of the swordmaster.

I cried out angrily.


“Call the Swordmaster!”


“Shut up.”


This time it was Andert.

He yelled at me with a face as twisted as Raphael’s.


“Thanks to that damn blue-haired bastard removing that nail or whatever, I finally regained my proper memories… and now what? Who said you can just die whenever you want? Have you gone crazy, you brat? Is life too easy for you now that you’re in your 30s?”


“I never said I was going to die…”


“Shut up!”

No, I haven’t made any decisions yet?!

Desherro tapped my opposite shoulder with a sympathetic look.


“There’s nothing you can do, Miss Daisy. Reflect on the things you’ve done so far. That way, you can live a reasonable and selfish life without guilt. Why do you keep acting like a fool without a breaking point?”


“But I…”


Ha. And how did Duke Raphael find out about your identity anyway? Just in case you were wondering, I have never mentioned your true identity…”


That’s enough.

I’m exhausted.


“Ahem. Next is me, Viscount.”

What now? As I lifted my head with no energy, Jean was looking at me with a notebook in hand.


“With the hope that you won’t give up on the dream of extending your lifespan, Master, I have gathered the well-being notes from the people of Weatherwoods. First is a note from Lord Malcolm. Listen carefully, Master. You don’t have much time left? Is that true? Oh my…


Jean recited the employees’ notes without blinking an eye.


Every single one.

All of them.


“Lastly, a letter by the head maid of the Weatherwoods family…”

“What about Natasha?”


The room fell silent at my long-awaited question. It was Andert who answered, not Jean.


“What about that woman?”


“If I live, what about Natasha?”


“If you live, she will live too.”


When I looked at him with a bewildered expression, Andert raged for the fourth time.


“Don’t you understand what I’m saying? I will save my stupid older sister and that damn princess too. I will save both my sister and that woman!”


Raphael, whose expression looked beyond anger and disgust, aided Andert’s words.


“You, did you really think we would let Natasha die?”


“Andert, don’t try to shoulder everything alone. We have fought together on the battlefield for nearly ten years. We will not give up on you nor Princess Natasha.”


“It’s about time we start repaying that debt anyway.”


Not giving up.

‘Not giving up on me, nor Princess Natasha…’


It was strange.

Although those three words wouldn’t solve everything, strangely, I couldn’t come up with any response.


Andert, who had been glaring at me as if his eyes would pop out, gestured towards Jean.


“Hey, idiot. That old man. M-Mal… Malanco, the old man? What was the magic activation phrase he taught you?”


I was speechless. How did he even know about that?


“It’s not Malanco, you crazy dog Gavroche. It’s Grandpa Malcolm.”

“So what is it?”


Jean touched her chin with a pensive expression, then cautiously parted her lips.

…No, wait. Hold on.


“It might’ve been something like <Don’t die, Ash>…”

“Wait! You can’t say it!”




An intense wave, unlike anything I had ever felt before, swept through the room and evaporated. In an instant, everyone’s gaze were drawn to the origin of the wave.




Dian Cat’s first relic.

A blue light was emanating from the smooth surface of the giant egg. The egg slowly floated up into the air.


-Activation word detected.


Soon, the remaining four relics also began to rise into the air, surrounded by a blue light.

Jean instantly looked back at me with a pale face.


“Viscount, I’m sorry…”


-Magic activated.

Dian Cecht’s relics have been activated.




I- I dont know what to say lmao

I knew something would happen if these chaotic characters were all in the same room together but Im not sure if I want to laugh or cry loll


I also love how the swordmaster, despite currently having a tense relationship with the others, instantly ratted Daisy out to them because he knew she was in need of a scolding


I want to see comments crying about the cliffhanger so no double update this time hehe

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me by buying me a ko-fi here.


  1. Fonte seca says:

    This cap make me cry a river T T
    I so glad they all came to her and i also miss Rue more T”T

    For the nex chap i belive we will discovery about the magic of time-travelling of Dian

  2. Datsukai says:

    How cruel! Ph my gosh of course someone would activate it by accident.

  3. raily says:

    I’m burning with curiosity, this is so cruel! anyway thanks for the translation ♡

  4. B says:

    Me during this ch: 😭😭🤫

  5. Titi.djant says:

    Hi Ami, I discovered your translation just 3 days ago and binge-read it until 1am for 3 days straight. So not in the best state right now but OH GOD, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for sharing this awesome story 😭 Clearly on the top 3 regarding characters build-up, slow-burn romance, exceptional set-up and twists. 💝💖💗💓💞💕

    1. Ami says:

      Happy to have you here 💓💓💓

  6. Tameable_Pumpkin says:

    Thank you Ami for translating! I can’t wait to see what happens next!

  7. Oats says:

    Thank you for the translation!
    This has to be the funniest intervention. “You’re addicted to Heroic Sacrifices, Daisy, stop it!”

    1. Ami says:

      they’re so tired of her bs lol T-T

  8. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!
    Ooh, that’s nasty cliff. But let’s admit it, no reader expected Daisy’s plan to go smoothly. It NEVER happens in this novel. It is funny how everyone has zero trust in Daisy, yet consider her dear. Like a cat, it scratchs and bites but you still want to cuddle it.

  9. Tj says:

    Thank goodness. Looks like the cliffhanger was 20 days ago… everyone’s comments are great. So is your translation work Ami – thank you!!!

  10. Runa says:

    Pausing to comment since you want the reactions.
    When she got knocked out, admittedly I thought something nefarious was afoot.
    I didn’t expect a hero intervention committee. Daisy deserves it, clearly. But it was still unexpected.
    I kinda like that pretty much all the main characters are so wholesome. They just want to live on with their friends and protect their lives.
    No evil queen, just a possessed princess that already knows she was seeing and is repenting.
    Not sure about emperor dude, but he’s giving “I just want my sister to come back to the light” vibes.

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