The Peaceful Life of a Maid Who Hides Her Power and Enjoys It

<Episode 163>

Raphael looked at me with a speechless expression, sighed, and settled on the sofa.


“Well, your craziness isn’t a recent development, so it’s not that surprising. Looking back, you always had some sort of legitimate grounds and goals for it.”


“Thank you for thinking that way.”


“There must be a good reason this time too, right? Don’t think about trying to escape the effort and explain it properly.”


Oh, that’s what he meant.

According to Andert’s testimony, after I collapsed, Natasha muttered to herself with a frightened face and then fled deeper into the underground.

After hearing Andert’s cry, Raphael appeared and chased after Natasha, but couldn’t find her.


To make matters worse, Rue, who was watching over me, suddenly warned them, 

“I’m about to lose consciousness, so move Daisy and me to a safe place.” so without further searching, we were taken to the surface.


To conceal my transformation into Andert, Raphael asked for help from Count Rosebell. After confirming that I was safe, he immediately returned here to Holland Luz.


The main objective was to overthrow Emperor Ashernik.


‘Come to think of it, I haven’t received any Imperial orders since the banquet.’


From the Imperial family’s perspective, it was difficult for them to make any demands of me.


The more I reminisced about our meeting back then, the harder it was to erase the impression that the Emperor wanted something from me. Even that pendant he gave me as a talisman to ward off malevolent spirits, as if he’d anticipated that situation of me entering the underground laboratory.


‘Did the Emperor notice that I was searching for Natasha?’

But then again, didn’t he confine me as to show off his power? What the hell was the emperor thinking?


“…Natasha. I heard she ran away after she stabbed me. You didn’t see her, did you?”


Raphael nodded with a firm expression.


“Natasha ate Mephisto’s heart.”


My words caused Desherro and Raphael’s expressions to become even more serious.


“Are you sure about that?”

“I’m certain. Furthermore, she’s not in her right mind. If we delay here any longer, she will fully merge with Mephisto’s essence.”


Raphael, Rosebell, and the Swordmaster.

Such a brilliant line up was formed only to draw Natasha’s attention.


The Andert you were looking for is here. If you have any business with me, come find me directly.


“Natasha has shown an oddly strong obsession towards me. And since she’s mentally unstable, her judgment has become clouded. She will definitely come find me.”


Therefore, just before entering Zenail Castle, I presented myself as a magnificent subject for the swarm of reporters that flocked to me like ants. I hoped that my masked appearance would spread all over the nation.


Knock, knock.


I heard a knock. Quickly putting on the mask I had thrown aside, I turned my head to see Rowayne standing at the door, holding a stack of thin documents.


Raphael, who opened the door, scolded in a stern voice.


“Didn’t I tell you not to report anything until 5 p.m.?”

“I apologize. There is a document that I hope you can check urgently.”


An uncomfortable feeling enveloped me as Rowayne looked back at me. When I raised my thumb as a sign that it was fine, Raphael reluctantly let Rowayne inside.


Desherro whispered.

“It seems like the members are pushing their way in.”

“Could it be because of me?”

“Once the die is cast, it can’t be taken back. He must have come to confirm if it’s the real Andert Fager.”


I had a feeling. Even though his business was with Raphael, Rowayne’s eyes kept flickering towards me.


“Sir Rowayne.”


Rowayne, stiff, looked back at me as rigidly as Jean.



“Do you have something to say to me?”




“Nothing? Some people were getting my autograph.”


It was true.

Rowayne’s eyes sparkled for the first time.

“…Me too, please.”


He extended a handkerchief towards me with both hands, and I signed it with a pen. 

<From the awesome Andert Fager.> It was a signature constructed for me by the head maid.


Then, very carefully, Rowayne handed me a frilly, pink handkerchief.


“If it’s not too much trouble, could you also sign this for my mother?”


“Sir Rowayne is always such a filial son.”




“Tell your mother I said hello.”


I heard a few grumbles from behind.


“Tsk, how thoughtless.”

“If we consider his usual self, he’s still being relatively decent.”


I can hear everything, you two bastards.

After Rowayne left, Raphael asked me.


“So what are you going to do now, Andert?”

The answer to that question was ambiguous. This was because I hadn’t come to Raphael because I wanted something from him.


“Tell me, Andert. You abandoned me, can you deny it?”


If I were to be honest, I just didn’t want to make him feel that way anymore.

I gently adjusted my mask and spoke softly.


“I’m hungry. When will we eat?”






The lunch I had at the Zenail Castle that day was delicious.


* * *


Late evening.

Using the key I had kept, I opened the door leading from Zenail to Calepa.

There was only one true reason I used this key – to meet Rue.


“Hello, Rue. You look handsome today too.”


As I silently gazed at him, one by one, the Calepas started to gather.

While Skuld and Urd often vacated the altar to go work on magic tools, Bernard often stayed here, seemingly to organize his thoughts.


“You’re not just capturing and torturing them directly, huh? Miss Daisy is very diligent to wait for the magic tool to be completed. But you must finish your trivial chores quickly and enter Rogue to overcome the fourth wall.”


And like this, he nagged.


“So, how do you overcome this fourth wall anyway?”






“….Ahem. If we knew the method, the three of us wouldn’t be like this, right?”

Bernard cleared his throat and shook his head with a sheepish expression.


“Lord Calepa was indifferent, too. He only scolds us and asks us to overcome the final wall. But he never gives us any plausible hints at all.”


“No one else gave you any hints either?”


“Dian Cecht used to say that the final wall has a different trajectory from the other three walls. And he added, ‘If possible, I hope you won’t overcome it.'”

He hoped they didn’t overcome it?

“I heard that attaining the level of Demi-god is the ultimate pursuit of Rogue. It’s strange that he hoped you won’t overcome it.”


“There are various interpretations of it even in Rogue. Ultimately, the wall is overcome through the enlightenment of the self, not through the pursuit of truth. What is right or wrong is not important.”


It was difficult, but I felt like I understood the meaning.


“Then, how is the third wall interpreted within the Rogue?”

“Hmm. Before I answer, I want to ask Daisy this. What do you think the ‘wall’ represents?”


A wall.


In general, the image of a tall and wide fortress wall came to mind.

I thought this image of a fortress wall was highly appropriate for the mind and body. It was dark and sturdy, and the world before and after crossing the wall was different…


“Don’t rush. The fact that you are struggling also means you have a high understanding of the wall.”


Skuld, who had arrived unnoticed, sat down on a chair and continued speaking.


“The ultimate enlightenment in the Rogue can be summarized in one line. ‘Only when I know, accept, and discard myself, my self becomes complete.’ Therefore, we can say that the wall is an expression referring to oneself. The process of crossing the wall can be said to be a series of processes to destroy one’s self.”


“Does that mean… the fourth wall has nothing to do with my ‘self’?”

“You’re sharp.”


“It’s difficult, isn’t it? Maybe that’s why Dian Cecht didn’t want his disciples to cross it.”


But for me, the existence of the fourth wall was too far, and crossing the third wall immediately was already a big problem.


‘To know, accept, and discard myself. Then that means I can only cross the third wall by abandoning myself.’


This… was the most ambiguous part.


“Do you want to hear advice about the third wall?”


Skuld asked.




“My advice is simple. Come to Rogue, Miss Daisy.”


He stated without any hesitation.


“Turning away from the outside world is the easiest way to discard oneself. Abandon all the duties you have and stay in Calepa, where we can help you.”


I couldn’t bring myself to firmly refuse and say that was absolutely impossible.


* * *


The Most Tranquil City.

True to its reputation, Blavot, the land ruled by Count Rosebell’s family for centuries, was a picturesque place nestled under the blue sky.


Blavot, located right next to Holland Luz, was a border region where the hazy silhouette of distant snowy mountains could be seen beyond the plains, creating a breathtaking landscape.


When I arrived at Rosebell Castle, only the Count and Countess, along with a few select servants, were waiting for me.


“Welcome. We’ve been waiting for you for a very long time…”


Despite being a somewhat (one-sided) public visit, the surroundings of the castle were surprisingly quiet. It seemed that Count Rosabel had minimized the buzz in consideration of me.


That day, I confided my story to Count Rosebell.


“Haha! I thought you acted the same because you were siblings, but you were actually the same person! You really pulled off an incredible magic trick. Haha! This old Rosebell was completely fooled!”


“I’m sorry.”


“No need for apologies. As long as you’re alive and well, that’s all that matters. It’s truly all that matters. Cheers.”


Count Rosebell, who was drinking with an excited face, suddenly furrowed his brow and turned to look at me.


“…But, didn’t you say that you were originally a woman? How did you end up returning to that form?”


Instead of answering that question, I took out the ring that I had kept in my chest pocket and showed it to him.


“Do you remember this ring that you gave me a few days ago, Count?”


“Of course. Hm, you’ve kept it well. I am always prepared to keep my promise, my friend. If you have something to ask of me, don’t hesitate to speak.”


“In that case, I would like to ask the Count to help the people of Weatherwoods.”


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!
    Discard self? It sounds a bit like wuxia but without a system in place. Is it rationality supremacy? But why other two walls were about understanding yourself just to give up on yourself on the third wall?

    1. Ami says:

      I guess it’s something like ‘you can only discard what makes you human once you fully understand yourself’

  2. Bee says:

    Yeah, I can understand why Dian didn’t want them to cross the final wall. How boring must the final result be to fully understand and then destroy yourself, losing your sense of uniqueness. Though it probably is better if you lose desires and wants before gaining godlike power. Thank you for the translation.

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