The Peaceful Life of a Maid Who Hides Her Power and Enjoys It

<Episode 141>


Was the appearance of the devils not officially known yet?

Raphael, who’d gone on an investigation, would soon find the corpses of the devils lined up in the west, and the confusion would be sorted out.


‘The Devil.’


I hope we will never have to go through that terrible war again.

There were many things to worry about. The devils re-emergence, the relationship between the Imperial family and the swordmaster, and Natasha… I felt like I was losing my mind.


To change my thoughts, I stood in front of the scoreboard in the midst of the commotion around me.


『1st Place: Team 2 (Hunter: Raphael Zenail, Assistant: Gern Rosebell) – 1,450 points


2nd Place: Team 1 (Hunter: Rowayne Werkhord, Assistant: Daisy Weatherwoods) – 1,350 points


3rd Place: Team 4 (Hunter: Got Rosebell, Assistant: Emilia Rosebell) – 1,000 points


4th Place: Team 3 (Hunter: Jurian Berkeley-Gratten, Assistant: Kate Ezanelle) – 920 points





What a vertical rise to second place. But with 1,350 points… isn’t that a much higher score than expected?


‘It seems like they counted even the hunted real devils, not just the traps.’


Hmm, that was a good thing.


‘Only a 100-point difference from 1st place. That’s a bit of a bummer.’

If I snuck out and brought back just one more trap… that wouldn’t work, would it?


‘What other measures can I take to increase my score?’


While I was lost in serious contemplation, a noisy disturbance arose from behind.

“…The decision will not be reversed. The hunting competition for this year is ending early. After a brief investigation, an order for everyone to return will be issued.”


“Oh, come on. Are you seriously believing that absurd claim of devils appearing? It’s clear that there was an issue with the traps.”


“What kind of nonsense is happening when we’re supposed to be enjoying the hunt?”


Some didn’t believe in the appearance of the devils and even suggested that they resume hunting. Seeing them muttering such careless words made the events in the forest feel like a dream.


‘…Oh, a not too shabby idea just came to mind.’


I immediately turned around and grabbed the host who was about to pass by.


“Here, I have an objection.”

The organizer, who had stopped walking, looked at me with an unsatisfied expression.


“Is there a problem?”

“It’s about the scores. Shouldn’t additional points be given for actually defeating real devils?”


Not fake ones, but real ones?


If we defeated the devils and even saved people, then the scores for rescue operations should be added as well. I was waiting for an answer with anticipation, but a noble standing next to the organizer suddenly became furious.


“Viscount Weatherwoods! Now is not the time to discuss hunting scores. Are you demanding additional points when there are so many injured? Do you think this situation is a joke?”


What was this guy saying?

Why was he suddenly having a fit and getting angry? Who was the one advocating for resuming the hunt in the presence of devils to begin with?


And in the first place, in a gathering like this, it was only proper to hold heroes like me in high regard. It’s only right to reward a soldier who has achieved great feats, as it boosts the morale of the army!


However, the reactions around me were far from what I expected.


“He has no sense at all. If you have any evidence that you actually hunted real devils, then maybe we can talk!”


“Do we even need evidence? Isn’t the existence of devils itself questionable? Devils, devils! It’s been four years since the war ended!”


“If it’s really a lie, then it would be an insult to the royal family.”


“It was just a trap issue from the beginning!”

Once the criticism and suspicion were unleashed, they quickly spread like wildfire.

I was conflicted for a moment.


‘Should I hit them?’


Their distrust was already on a time limit anyway. Once Raphael and Rowayne brought evidence, these guys would be silenced and cornered.


So, if I hit them in advance… it might be alright, right?

I made up my mind and slowly stretched my left finger.


“What are you babbling about now? Lies? Do you think things become lies just because your slippery minds can’t comprehend them?”


A very familiar voice sounded nearby.

The owner of the intensely furious voice was the younger sister of the sister I’d saved before.


“I saw it! It’s not a lie. Viscount Weatherwoods definitely cut down four grotesque devils that were alive and moving! We’re the witnesses. Right, sister?”


Unlike the time in the forest, the sister who was once again pointed at positively affirmed with an openly angry expression.


“My sister is right. I saw it clearly with these two eyes. Didn’t you all see it too?”


The nobles that had gathered around Count Serenier back in the forest nodded one by one.

“E-er, that’s right. They were definitely real devils.”

“They were very filthy and terrible. Viscount Weatherwoods saved us.”

“Hey, you saw it too, right? Right?”


The man pointed at by the enraged younger sister was the knight I rescued right after helping her sister. He fervently defended me, floundering around with his bandaged arm.


“Yes, of course! I definitely saw it. She even saved my younger brother. How could I forget? You were incredibly brave. Haha, as a veteran soldier, I must have looked ridiculous.”


The younger sister, full of energy, stood between me and the old nobles who were criticizing me.


“Please say it again, my lord.”

I could sense her will to make them apologize, with her chin raised high and her eyes full of determination.


“With so many people testifying as witnesses, are you accusing us of lying? Are you saying that we are fabricating all of this?”


The nobleman’s ears turned red as he spat out.


“Wha…what a bold young lady!”

“Thank you for the compliment! Our father raised me like this. You know our father, right? The Marquis of Calpenweaver!”




‘The Marquis of Calpenweaver? What a coincidence. Were those sisters his daughters?’


She was definitely her father’s daughter. No wonder she had no fear…


I awkwardly lowered my left hand, which was in the midst of becoming a fist. This was making it a little hard to attack the elderly.


Should I showcase the sword technique I honed in Astrosa, the method of melting the opponent’s hair instead of a fist?


At that moment…




The heated argument abruptly ceased like a lie at the concise voice.


The nobleman, who turned his head with an expression that seemed to say, ‘How dare you interrupt me?’ pursed his lips and let out a hollow cough, his arrogance fading away.


It was a wise move. The one who’d stopped the quarrel was none other than the swordmaster.


“Chief Host.”


The host, who was solely focused on his task and had no interest in the escalating tension, stepped forward.


“Please speak, Duke.”


“I understand that you have many concerns. However, avoiding the issue at hand is not the solution. Make a decision before the division grows even larger.”


A decision.


‘I did think he was being too half-hearted. Was it because he was waiting for an Imperial decision?’


The organizer’s face showed deep contemplation. It seemed as though he was concerned about the ripple effect that would occur when the truth was revealed.


Amidst the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes, he steadfastly rolled his head and soon, as if having made up his mind, slowly began to speak.


“I will announce it here. The reason the hunting competition was halted is because a real devil appeared.”


A long sigh escaped from somewhere.

Summoning a servant with a heavy gesture, the chief host brought out an item hidden inside an iron box and presented it to the public.


“This is the evidence.”


“Oh my goodness!”


The withered, branch-like hand of the demon.

Those who witnessed its gruesome form up close furrowed their brows and took a step back in alarm.


The accusers that had branded us as liars were instantly silenced, and conversations filled with anxiety and restlessness took over the empty space.


‘So, what about my hunting score?’

Was it just going to be buried like this? It was disappointing, but I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut.


If I demand another score adjustment here, it will truly become a scandal.


“Hmm, it’s a strange atmosphere.”


Suddenly, I heard a sigh of disappointment coming from nearby.

The host, who had been fielding questions from the nobles, shifted his gaze with surprise. Count Serenier, who’d finished emergency treatment, was slowly approaching us with a leisurely pace.


“Count Serenier? How is your body…?”

“I’m fine. It’s just that things are very different from what I expected.”


Count Serenier was a guest who would restore the foreign exchanges between the Northern Continental Alliance and the Empire, which had been severed for decades.


As he revealed a disappointed expression, the host, who had maintained composure throughout, showed a slight wavering in his eyes.


“I apologize, Count Serenier. Once the emergency issues are all sorted, I will escort you straight to your bedroom…”


“No, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the treatment of a hero. The treatment of the hero who saved this hunting competition.”


Count Serenier calmly and strangely effortlessly conveyed his thoughts to the excited nobles.


“When I first heard about the system of the hunting competition, I thought it was a remarkable project in many ways. To hold a competition in the royal palace where devils will be hunted in order to not forget the horrors of war? I thought it was profound and impressive. I believed that the lives sacrificed by the young men for this country would be rewarded. But what is this current state?”


From some point on, the attention of the people who were talking among themselves began to focus on him.


“Some were injured, yes, but no one died. Moreover, aren’t those who returned from the crossroads of life and death hailing Viscount Weatherwoods as their savior? And yet our benefactor, who returned to headquarters, is being treated as a liar.”


Some young nobles nodded in agreement with his words, sending me admiring glances. It was a bit burdensome.


“Heroes deserve admiration. I believe that faith is the essence and true meaning of this hunting game. If it were up to me, I would raise Viscount Weatherwoods’ scores by a 1-00… or even a 1000 points!”


Rue’s eyes turned towards me. With eyes full of subtle but warm affection, he asked me.


“Or… Viscount Weatherwoods. How about going with me to the Northern Continent? The Northern Continental Union treats heroes as they should be treated. You won’t regret it either.”


And in an instant, I understood the intention behind his gaze.

‘He’s being considerate to raise my hunting score!’


Frightened by the realization, I asked the game master.


“Should I go?”

The host made an expression of disbelief but couldn’t bring himself to say anything. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I insisted.


“I won’t go, so please raise my score.”


Soon after, the hunting competition scoreboard changed.

『<1st place> Team 1 (Hunter: Rowayne Werkhord, Assistant: Daisy Weatherwoods) 5350 points


<2nd place> Team 2 (Hunter: Raphael Zenail, Assistant: Gern Rosebell) 1450 points


<3rd place> Team 4 (Hunter: Goth Rosebell, Assistant: Emilia Rosebell) 1000 points


<4th place> Team 3 (Hunter: Jurian Berkeley-Gratten, Assistant: Kate Ezanelle) 920 points





Even if it might be a little shady, there was nothing I could do about it.

The swordmaster had said so as well. Political fights mattered even in war. The real winner was the one who won everything.


With the reappearance of the devils, I became the champion of this year’s hunting festival.

Rue said give my wife the credit she deserves!!!

Also Daisy’s barely hanging on to her patience by not giving into the urge of beating up these nobles and I’m proud of her for that


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. vytas0210 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!
    I want Daisy to at least once really lose it and beat everyone up.

  2. Bee says:

    How sweet, Rue helping his wife out. I wonder when that will come out. I look forward to Raphael meeting Rue. Thanks for the translation.

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