The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

After being persecuted endlessly, Daphne was locked in solitary confinement. Crying, she then delivers this monologue.

‘I’m just an ignorant country bumpkin who doesn’t know any etiquette and doesn’t even know how to greet someone properly.

How could I become a lady when I can’t even distinguish the types and flavors of tea?

I wish I had just lived and died in the countryside.

I feel so lonely.

I miss you, Grandpa…’

I wasn’t particularly fond of the original female protagonist, but this scene broke my heart

How could she know etiquette when she grew up in the countryside? And on top of that, she’s a girl with a flower head*! 

*(머리가 꽃밭/ Flower head/ has brain of flowers: A person who is overly or unrealistically positive.)

If her father had patiently taught her step by step, she would have learned. But her biological father was an unfeeling person. 

He only brought Daphne to the capital to sell her in the marriage market, not to create a happy family.

“Ugh, it’s bothering me.”

Should I look for her and watch how she lives? 

It would be just a waste of time, right?

I let out a deep sigh and popped another marshmallow into my mouth.

Sweet things bring me happiness.

In fact, it was harder to find a time when I wasn’t happy these days.

“Juliet, let’s go out!”

“Alright, master. Where are we going?”

“Just to the jewelry store. Let’s see if there’s anything pretty.”

It’s not like anything could happen on just one outing.

I’m also curious to see what’s new in town.

It’s been a while, so it might be a good idea to wander around and buy something for Juliette.

‘Since Raziana and Cynthia have been supportive of me in the past, should I also prepare a gift for each of them?’

One that is not too burdensome, but something pretty that would make them happy when they receive it.

A thoughtful gift at an affordable price!

I pondered on what would be worth buying as I got into the carriage.

* * *

Why is everyone looking at me? It was repeated everywhere, and now it became perplexing that even the oblivious person would notice it.

I’d just come out of a candy store after buying lots of strawberry candy, and I was getting stares.

‘Mmm. It’s not that I hate it.’

If those glances were filled with malice, I would feel uncomfortable.

But it was the complete opposite. Every young lady I encountered looked at me with admiring eyes.

I was a bit puzzled by that.

What have I done?

“Juliet, did you get everything?”

“Yes! Not a single thing is missing!”

“Okay, then let’s go back—”

It was then.

“Please sign this!”

“… … ?”

“I’m your fan. I want to become like Lady Oberon. Please give me your autograph!”

“… … ?”

One of the young ladies who had been hovering around the carriage and glancing at me suddenly approached. Then she thrust a piece of paper at me, and for a moment, I wondered if it was some new kind of scam.

However, all the other young ladies around her had the same expression.

Their eyes were sparkling with sincerity as they looked at me, as if they were genuinely my fans.

Hesitantly accepting the paper, I tilted my head.

“A fan?”

“Yes, you’re such a famous figure. I’ve always wanted to meet you and say hello!”

“I’ve become famous?”

This is quite unexpected.

I first took out the magic fountain pen from my pocket.

As I signed the paper and handed it back, the young ladies looked at each other and squealed with excitement.

“Lady Oberon is really enviable. She has gained the trust of the Royal Princess, she’s close with Dame Ziontin, and she even has her own boutique. In addition, I heard that she also signed a contract with Princess Ram Hertiti of the desert clan this time?”

An unknown lady recited my achievements.

It’s embarrassing, but she’s not wrong, so I just nodded my head.

Then, another young lady next to her quickly held out a piece of paper and continued.

“And you found Cyphelion’s plane! You’re really impressive. Not only are you beautiful, but also already has so much wealth despite being around the same age as us… You don’t have to rely on your father or husband. I’m so envious of that.”


“Me too, I want to live like Lady Oberon. I’ve only seen you from afar, but now that you’re so close… I wanted to have a conversation with you, even just once.”

The brown-haired young lady blushed shyly.

I was stunned by the sincere admiration.

“Thank you for liking me. I hope you can live the way you want…”

Everyone has different dreams and goals.

I scrawled a large signature on the paper I received and held it out back to them.

Or so I intended.

“Oh, you’re signing?”

Suddenly, a low, sinister voice could be heard from somewhere.

I flinched and turned to its direction.

“I haven’t gotten my autograph yet, but you’re giving it to someone else before me… .”

Ku.Ku. Kukuku.

Narnia, the hooded figure, lifted her shoulders and laughed darkly.

An eerie aura emanated from around her, startling not only the other ladies waiting for my autograph, but passersby as well.

I quickly intercepted before it blacken her.

“I’ll give you thirty autographs, Lady Narnia, and shall I sign on your handkerchief as well?”

Freeze. Nanya, who was approaching like a zombie, froze in her tracks.

Then she slowly raised her head.

“Y-Y-Y-ou’ll also sign h-h-handkerchiefs?”

“Yeah. I’ll sign your bag too. How about that?”


Bam! It felt like flowers were blooming around Narnia.

Having calmed down Narnia, I waved my hand to the girls who were slowly walking away.

Be careful when you leave. If Narnia gets annoyed, it will be tiring.

“Since when have you been following me?”

“About an hour ago…?”

“You didn’t follow me on purpose, did you?”

“Of course not. I won’t do anything you dislike from now on.”

Narnia smiled brightly, appealing her innocence.

I didn’t believe it at all, but I’d find out later what was being sold on the black market these days…

I tucked my hair behind my shoulders and started to prepare to go home.

If it hadn’t been for the squirrel-like woman with a melancholy look in her face, I would have quickly boarded the carriage.

By pure coincidence, I happened to spot Daphne inside a shop.

‘Oh, that’s… … .’

A middle-aged woman with a very cold expression stood next to her.

Perhaps a nanny or a maid?

She had a very intimidating air about her, and Daphne was definitely intimidated.

“Do you know her?”

As my gaze lingered on Daphne for a long time, Narnia promptly asked me. I hesitated for a moment before responding. I knew her, but…

‘Why does she have such a depressed face again?’

I couldn’t hear their conversation through the glass window, but just by looking at Daphne’s hunched shoulders, it was clear that it wasn’t a pleasant conversation.

‘She’s dressed better than last time but… .’

Her face is much darker.

She looked like someone who had been forced to be there.

“Hmmm, I’ve never seen that lady before.”

You can now sponsor an extra chapter by buying me a Ko-fi! 1 Ko-fi= 1extra chapter.


  1. Ale says:

    I kind of like the turn of things, but I feel so sorry for the original protagonist. Wish Shay would take her under her wing even if it wasn’t to introduce her to Lacius

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