The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

“I didn’t bring you here to make you tired.”

“I am not tired at all. I’ve spent the whole day eating, walking, sleeping, and having fun.”

“I’m afraid you might get sick.”

“You worry too much. I am not that weak.”

Well, if I put myself in his shoes, I’d be worried too.

I would be concerned if Lacius collapsed in front of me and woke up three or four days later.

However, I didn’t want it to harden the image that I was in poor health.

“Alright. Thank you for eating well and resting well.”

“I didn’t expect to be thanked for something like that at my age.”

Lacius was looking at me, but I did not look at him.

Still, he didn’t take his eyes off me.

His hand, which was touching my cheek, slowly slid down and ended up on my neck.

He pulled away quickly when I flinched, but there was an unmistakable heat at his fingertips.

From desire.

“I like you, Shay.”

“I heard it earlier.”

“Then I should change it to a different word. I ardently admire you.”

“… … What’s that supposed to mean? Just saying I like you is enough.”

“Alright, I like you. sincerely.”

No matter what I said, Lacius was unmoved.

Even if I didn’t return his words by saying I liked him too, he was steadfast.

Perhaps it was because he was a knight who poured all his focus into annihilating enemies.

Even in love, he was single-minded.

‘I like him. I really like him.’

He’s the first guy I’ve ever liked since I was born. I didn’t want him to be taken away from me.

His appearance, body type, and tall stature. The expression he makes when he looks at me or even the movement of his eyes.

The way he hugs me, gently, and the way he lifts me up in one swift motion.

The elements that made him who he was twinkled like stars in my mind.

“… … .”

How much time had passed without me even taking a breath?

The thoughts that were keeping me awake kept overlapping, and now it was on the verge of exploding. 

Lacius gently swept his thumb over my trembling lips and whispered.


That call was a signal of sorts.

He was on top of me in an instant, and the barely maintained tension snapped. 

The second kiss was quiet and intense.

His hot breath mingled with mine. I squeeze my eyes shut as he soothingly strokes my teeth and licks the flesh of my inner cheek.


What should I do? Should I just keep my eyes closed like this?

I want him. It was instinctive because I like Lacius too. But at that moment. With the sound of the bed squeaking, Lacius stood up.

“As expected, I’d better sleep outside.”

“Lashin, I—”

“Right now. I want to take you so badly that my head is spinning.”

His eyes staring at me in the darkness were so vivid that my heart thumped.

Lacius was different from when we were at the engagement ceremony.

Right now, he was completely in his right mind.

With a perfectly clear mind, he said he wanted me.

‘Crazy. This is crazy. Oh God, what should I do!’

Eventually he left, and I, who was left alone, pulled the blanket over my head.

Thump, thump, thump.

My heart feels like it’s going to break through my ribs, jump outward, and roll around.

If I didn’t curl up into a ball, it felt like overwhelming excitement would engulf me.

‘Perhaps … Perhaps he would really have no reaction at all after meeting Daphne?’

The fact that he was so sure of it gave me hope, even though I knew the original story.

And even though I knew that the gentle Daphne would be a better fit to him than me.

‘He’s my man.’

There was no door between the bedroom and the living room here.

It’s just open in the form of a door.

I tried to calm my heart as I looked at Lacius’ shadow sprawling on the living room floor.

No matter how hard I tried, sleep would not come.

* * *

The next day, back in the capital, things were definitely different.

We were still just engaged, so we didn’t share a bedroom or anything like that, but he waits for me every morning and we go down to the dining room together.

He used to tell me what he would be doing for the day, but now he also tells me what time he would be back.

It was different from before when I used to guess what time he would come home.

Moreover, if he had to work late or until dawn, he would send someone to let me know.

It felt like we’re a real “couple.”

“His Highness, the Archduke wants to inform you that he will not be home until after eleven o’clock tonight.”


“These are called rainbow marshmallows, which is currently trendy among young ladies. His Highness sent them.”

“Thank you. Please tell him that I received them well.”

“Yes, Your Highness, the future Archduchess.”

The servants who came to me constantly referred to me as “The Future Archduchess”. As if that was an obvious fact.

I secretly liked being called that.

“Marshmallows taste even better when roasted.”

The neat white paper bag was filled with rainbow-colored marshmallows. After confirming that they emitted a sweet scent, I picked one up with a silver fork, which could discern poison.

‘No discoloration. These must have been sent by Lacius.’

It’s a bit of a hassle, but I like to be sure before I eat.

I’m not too worried about it, since I feel like the young ladies’ interest in Lacius has waned, but just in case.

As I took a bite of the rainbow marshmallow, I kept repeating the same thought.

‘I wonder where Daphne is now, and what she’s doing.’

I wonder if she bought new clothes and wore them.

Honestly, it’s none of my business if she’s living like a princess or a beggar, but I couldn’t help but worry.

Perhaps because I knew that the child who had grown up pure and clean while raising carrots would get abused after meeting her father? 

It hurt my conscience to pretend not to know when I knew.

‘What did it say in the original story?’

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  1. Ale says:

    They’re so sweeet

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