The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

How wonderful would that be if it actually happened? Would it be possible for the contents of the original story to change?

I looked at Lacius with a dubious face.

“On the contrary, if I lose, I will take responsibility and protect you until the end so that you can live in peace even after you leave.”

“Then I have nothing to lose either way.”

“That’s right. So, let’s start dating with the premise of marriage. What do you think?”

How could Lacius be so strongly convinced?

Seeing him so lively and full of life, I felt like a fool for hesitating and holding back until now.

If Lacius is this confident in me, then it would be foolish for me to hold back any longer.

Courageously, I lifted my head once again, feeling brave inside my heart.

“But I have something I want you to promise, Shay.”

“What is it?”

“Promise me not to think about my destined partner while dating me. Can you do that?”

Lacius stared at me.

“Think that there is no such person, and give me the chance to be the only one you see.”


“Look only at me; think only of me. Let your days become mine, and let my everyday life become yours. I will try my best, I promise.”

I never thought that the simple phrase “Let’s date.” can be expressed in such a classy way.

The poetic words spoken by Lacius accumulated within me and turned into a sweet poetry.

I put my hand gently on top of my chest, which was making a soft thumping sound, creating a small vibration.

My lover.

‘Yeah, I was too afraid. That’s not like me at all.’

No matter what, let’s give it our all.

It is only appropriate for me to give my entire heart to a man who expresses his sincerity with his entire heart as well.

I smiled and leaned my forehead against Lacius’.

“Now I finally see your smiling face.”

“I think I was being foolish. I tried to let go without even trying to hold on.”

“No, it’s okay. If you try to let go, I’ll hold on.”

Lacius stroked my cheek affectionately. Then he left a light kiss on my forehead, nose, and lips.

“You are like a flame. I will always be by your side so that you won’t be blown out.”

A man like a mountain. He has such a deep sense of weight that he doesn’t even flinch, no matter how hard you push him.

I held Lacius tightly in my arms, savoring his warmth, knowing that I could now proudly call him my lover.

“Even if the weather is hot, if we stay in the sea any longer, you’ll catch a cold. Let’s go inside now.”


Eventually, Lacius wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his embrace.

I don’t know how to swim, so I just stayed still with my arms around his neck.

Thump, thump.

Even after coming to the sandy beach, he didn’t put me down.

It’s inevitable to feel a strange sensation when our wet bodies are pressed together.

His body was firm, slender, and sensuous.

‘Stop thinking dirty thoughts, for God’s sake!’

Lewd fantasies roll around in my mind, blocking out other thoughts.

I closed my eyes and buried my face in the crook of his neck until I could think normally again.

With every step he takes, a splashing sound can be heard, and sea water splashes around.

The sound, the smell of salt, and his slightly damp long blond hair

It all merged and lingered in my heart.

‘I’m happy.’

Moonlight gently enveloped the two of us.

* * *

“Are you sure you want me to stay here…?”

“Yeah, it’s alright. Sleeping outside would be uncomfortable for you, but I don’t want to give up my bed either.”

I had a good sleep earlier, but it’s nighttime again, and it’s time to sleep.

I sat on the bed and patted the space next to me.

Lacius seemed hesitant, but if I let him go now, he will definitely sleep on the floor or not sleep at all.

Both were options I didn’t like.

“You won’t do anything.”

“I’m really grateful for that trust.”

“W-Well, I’ll allow holding hands while sleeping.”

My face must have turned red.

It’s all because Lacius is so sweet.

He simply asked me if I wanted to go on a trip.

Then he brought me to a place like this, prepared a surprise event, and then he even confessed and proposed.

“Shouldn’t this be called Courtship Island, not Teapot Island anymore?”

I grumbled, then flopped down on the bed.

Embarrassed, ashamed, and excited.

Multiple emotions overlapped, making my heart beat erratically. 

Lacius, who was lying down next to me, whispered while tickling my cheek.

“It had changed to Shay Island.”


“I made you the owner of this island. I’ve also changed its name to Shay Island.”

“… … ?”

Wow, I’m receiving an island?

Unable to comprehend, I asked again, and Lacius emphasized once again that it was now ‘Shay Island’.

It was hard to believe that I was now experiencing firsthand something I’d only read about in entertainment articles from distant countries.

‘Wait a minute, this island is mine now…’

That means I have the freedom to come here in the future whenever I want.

I wanted to keep what happened here as my own precious memory.

If possible, I hoped that only my traces would remain on this island by not allowing anyone else in.

I covered my face with both hands, forcibly suppressing the overflowing feeling of happiness.

“You can laugh if you like. Your expression is really weird right now.”

Lacius said, propping himself with one arm and looking down at me.

Then he tapped the corner of my mouth.

“Uhm, I don’t know. I feel like I’m being too materialistic.”

“What do you mean? Anyone would love to receive something.”

“Still. Being so happy after receiving an island seems a little—”

“I want to see you genuinely happy, and in the future, I will give you something even greater than this.”

Feeling embarrassed for no reason, I turned my body away and pulled the thin blanket over myself.

Thanks to the soft melody flowing from the music box he had set up, the situation felt slightly less awkward.

Unbeknownst to me, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Even so, the sound was not loud but rather nice to hear. Then he reached out and gently patted my shoulder.

“You should go to sleep.”

“I’m sleeping.”

“You are answering.”

“No, it’s the sleeping me answering.”

The reason for the nonsensical conversation was tension. His attempts to soothe me to sleep were in vain. 

Instead, it only made my heart pump more blood, increasing the restlessness within me.

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  1. ellie says:

    so sweet!!! thank u for the translation i love them sm sm sm

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