The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

“Since we’re here, it’s worth taking a look, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, I’ve been curious.”

I wondered what was hidden among those dense trees. If the rocks are simply rocks, could they be in the forest?

“Wait a minute, I should change into some sturdy shoes.”

“Yeah, there’s no danger, but the grass field could hurt your feet.”

“Right, weren’t there several pairs of leather shoes in the closet?”

I was so distracted by the teddy bear that I did not even notice it, but looking back, it appears that was the case.

Returning to the bedroom, I picked out a pair of shoes from the closet. However, there was a slight problem.

‘Uh, how do I wear this?’

The shoes had multiple layers of laces intertwined. It seemed like you had to tie the laces all the way up to your legs, but I had never worn anything like this before.

“Lashin, how do you wear this?”

“Ah, those are traditional shoes in this region, and it’s difficult to put them on by yourself if you’re wearing them for the first time.”

Eventually, I asked for help, and Lacius brought a pair of men’s shoes and demonstrated how to put them on. He intricately wrapped the leather laces around the calves and tied a knot just below the knee.

He must have tried it many times, seeing how he did it so smoothly, but I, who tried to imitate him, eventually failed again and again.

“Hang on, let me help you.”

Watching me struggle, Lacius finally bent down

I felt a strange sensation seeing him kneel before me so naturally.

A strange feeling of being highly respected.

He’s a high-ranking noble; is it okay for him to do this?

To do such a thing for me… 

He was much taller than me, so I never had a chance to look at his face from this angle.

Unless he kneels down like this himself.

“Would you like to stand up?”


Lacius’ touch felt so natural, like how the shoes fit perfectly on me, as if they were mine to begin with.

The thick leather soles were comfortable, and the perforated toe allowed the sand to easily escape, providing a refreshing feeling.

After tapping the floor, I left the cottage with Lacius.

At that moment, birds flew up from the center of the forest. 

“It looks like Cat is over there.”

“He must have been pretty excited.”

I had been walking along the beach, wondering where Cat had disappeared, but it seemed that he decided to go hunting in the forest.

I walked slowly to the entrance of the forest with Lacius.

Despite the scorching sun, it was much cooler inside the grassy forest.

“Oh, it’s cool here.”

“Because there are many trees. There’s also some fruit over there. If you’re hungry, I’ll pick some for you.”

“What fruit is it?”

“It’s a fruit that only grows in this region, similar to peaches. It’s not called a peach, though.”

“I’m curious, I want to taste it!”

From a distance, it looked like a tall tree, but when Lacius stood beside it, it appeared to be just the right size. 

Lacius effortlessly picked the fruit hanging high up the tree and handed it to me.

“Ah, it’s a mango!”


“What do you call it here?”

“It’s called Manga.”


The pronunciation is quite similar.

I happily held the ripe yellow mango in my arms. 

“Looks like you wanted to eat some. Here, take it.”

“Thank you. Five is enough!”

I can’t be the only one whose mouth is already watering.

Mangoes were too expensive for me in the past.

There’s a huge seed in the middle, so there’s not much flesh, so even if I had some money, I wouldn’t buy a mango.

As a result, I had a vague perception that mangoes were luxury items.

“There’s a fruit knife inside that cottage. If we go there, I can cut it for you.”

“Wow, do you know how to slice mangoes?”

“I used to eat it often when I was young. My father always carried a knife, so I learned it then.”

He must come from a very caring household, even though he is of high nobility.

It seemed that his father had a big influence on Lacius’ growing up as a warm and considerate person.

How long did we walk while I was holding mangoes?

It seemed we were now quite far from the beach, but I could hear the sound of water. However, it was different from the sound of waves.

“Is there a spring here by any chance?”

“Oh, there’s a small valley here. If we reach that valley, there should be a cottage nearby.”

We were unexpectedly greeted by bright red flowers as we turned onto a path that led through an unrecognizable patch of green foliage.

The dazzlingly pretty flowers exude a strong scent.

Although it could be dizzying, the fragrance was mitigated by the nearby valley.

“There is a cottage there!”

“We have arrived.”

“Can I dip my feet in the valley?”

“Of course, but be careful, it is slippery. Stay here for a moment, I will just cut some mangoes and bring them over here.”

That was the true worth of the man known as Lacius.

He must have known it as “manga” for well over 20 years, but as soon as I called it “mango,” he decided to also call it that.

It was such a small gesture of respect, and it made me feel good.

“Ah, I am happy.”

Traveling alone with a handsome man on a private island, riding on a personal plane.

It was a story that was so unrealistic that it wouldn’t even be good material for a movie.

‘But it’s nice to be able to just be in the moment and not think about anything.’

I’m having headaches after meeting Daphne, but there’s no way he knew about that and thus decided to bring me here. 

I could only be grateful to Lacius.


Five minutes must have passed as I sat on the rock, splashing in the water.

Lacius appeared with a plate in his hand. The intense smell of mango and its yellow color burst forth. As soon as I saw it, adrenaline rushed through me, and I forgot that the ground was slippery and jumped up.


And as if it were a predestined procedure, I floundered in my arms.

“You should be careful.”


It was Lacius who caught me before I fell awkwardly.

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