The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

They both conducted careful investigations before investing large sums of money to Lord Aragon.

When they learned that the sea dragon’s egg actually did exist, they boarded the boat that will be used to retrieve it with thugs they had hired, including ex-convicts and other kinds of hired thugs.

They will rebel if anyone ever tries to steal the money used for investments.

In any case, it was common for the captain to end up as shark food.

Only after they have safely returned from the sea will they be rewarded, and even if they have sea dragon eggs, commoners cannot simply sell them.

In other words, as long as they manage to obtain the sea dragon eggs, everything will be fine.

“Since the wizard was also there, everything will be fine.”

“You’re right, it will definitely work out well. I paid a lot of money to hire that wizard.”

Naturally, the wizard they were referring to was not a full-fledged wizard. He was a black wizard who had been expelled from both the wizard association and the imperial palace and had been wandering in the back alleys since then. As long as he can use magic, it is acceptable.

“More money…”

“We will have it.”

The eyes of Viscount Redding and Viscount Latrus met. Black, soot-like aura begins to envelop their pupils. However, none of them took notice.

* * *

“They must be frantic trying to figure out the location.”

“Yes, miss.”

“Tell the staff and assistants about each location individually and assign them to run errands there.”

The day to find the traitor had dawned.

I called Madame alone. Sitting at Grandma Tabby’s tea house, I told her about my plan in whispers.

“I made everyone promise to keep it confidential and not talk to each other.”


With a tense expression, Madame twisted the handkerchief she was holding.

I nodded solemnly, as if getting ready for a 007 spy mission.

“I’ve already sent people there to put on a show so they’d think it was real.”

“Aha, then they will really be fooled.”

“Yes, we just have to wait. Where will the response come from tomorrow?”

Sipping. Today’s tea was also really delicious.

despite the fact that Grandma Tabby wasn’t the one who brewed it.

Where did Grandma go, you ask? She wasn’t at the teahouse very often these days because she was so busy.

Instead, another part-time employee made me tea, and it tasted just as good as if they had been using a special recipe.

I softly grinned as my mouth felt revitalized by the earl gray’s potent aroma.

“I cannot tolerate traitors.”

“That’s right. Everyone is trying their best.”

“That’s why Madame should succeed with this.”

“Yes. But what if they meet and talk to each other outside?”

“Don’t worry; I sent people to stop that from happening,”

Who is the long-nosed liar?

It’s time to find the hidden Pinocchio.

I held the trembling Madame’s hand and reassured her.

“Are you okay? Act calmly. All you have to do is recite the lines I gave you.”

“Yes, lady. I memorized them all.”

“Great. Now, drink this Earl Grey and calm yourself down. Throwing out the traitor is the most important thing to do today.”

To lift the madame’s spirits and get over my exhaustion, I placed another tea order.

I’ve been juggling so many things at once that I’m actually exhausted right now.

I ought to get a good night’s sleep today after attending such a large dinner party yesterday, but I had to call the madam out at the crack of dawn.

‘I don’t know who it is, but that person who made my work excessive… I won’t forgive them.’

Tendons became visible in my hand as I held the new teacup.

* * *

I was unable to sip coffee leisurely the following day. To prevent myself from dying, I was drawing while consuming caffeine.

Drawing men’s harnesses wasn’t difficult, but that’s when I had plenty of time. When an hour wasn’t enough as it is now, such extra work could not have been enjoyable.

-I’m bored.

“Ahh, don’t knock that over!”

-I’m bored.

“All right, here, have a yarn ball. A yarn ball!”

Cat arrived five minutes ago and started pestering me, which made matters worse.

He usually enjoys playing alone, but for some reason he had to show up when I needed to focus and was the busiest.

Cat acted grumpy while purposefully tapping the easel’s leg with its big front paws.

He’s actually just doing it out of boredom.

I quickly pulled out a ball of yarn that I had curled up in the room’s corner and threw it. 



Despite the fact that his butt was already twitching, Cat snorted as if he had no interest in the rolling black yarn at all. The yarn rolled all the way to the door and stopped. And at that precise second, Cat ran off and began rolling around on the carpet holding the yarn in its mouth.

“Phew, thank God.”

Having secured the painting, I moved the whole easel and pushed it to the back. My wrists are throbbing, so I need to take a break. It was also because my arm and elbow were both starting to hurt.

“A friend of yours has arrived, my lady.”

Just in time, Theobalt appeared with a knock.


“Yes. It’s Lady Cynthia.”


Cynthia! Could it be that someone has already taken the bait?

I hurriedly threw off my apron and ran out to the front door.

The entrance was wide open.

“We got a call!”

As she stepped out of the carriage, Cynthia shouted with delight.

“I got a call from where they went, they apologized and said they didn’t think we could rent the venue for the show any longer.”

“Where is it?”

“It’s the Lavender Wedding Hall.”

Not all aristocrats reside in expensive estates.

As a result, nobles frequently hire wedding venues for their nuptials. 

Additionally, those from the axis of prosperity among the commoners wanted to get married in a respectable location even if they paid a lot of money, so the wedding hall was developed to satisfy that need.

It’s spacious, and it’s easy for models to walk, so anyone would think that it would be nice to hold a fashion show there.

Since our offer was for publicity, there was no reason to reject it.

Raziana got off following Cynthia.

Raziana was also blushing, as if a little excited.

“The museum also expressed disapproval, but that’s understandable given that it’s a museum. In addition, as soon as I informed them of the show, they voiced their opposition. However, the wedding hall is the complete opposite.”

“At first, they said it was fine, that it was really good, but then, all of a sudden, they changed their minds like a hand flipping the palm!”

Cynthia screamed aloud while clenching her hands together.

Like a detective who has apprehended a criminal, her eyes sparkle.

“Then there’s reason to doubt it.”


“Yes, then let’s head over to the boutique right away.”

I rode in a carriage today as well, with the knights trailing behind me like shadows.

It’s now time to put an end to these sequence of events.

You can now sponsor an extra chapter by buying me a Ko-fi! 1 Ko-fi= 1extra chapter.


  1. Sharm says:

    Aw, I’m all caught up. Thanks for the translation!

    Considering the type of creature Cat is, I doubt he’s actually just bored. She definitely needed to take that break.

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