The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

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Did everyone decide to go somewhere less crowded today?

I was surprised to see Lacius standing tall on the road as I walked down from the aquarium.

Why is he here?

“Let’s go, Lashin.”

“Shay, you do not look well.”

“I am fine, just a little tired.”

“I’ll call a private plane right now. Why don’t you sit here and rest for a while?”


At first, I thought Lacius’ mood was odd, but given that he was talking normally, that does not appear to be the case.

I sat down on a bench and massaged my aching legs.

The fatigue that had built up as a result of Geisha’s words returned.

Problems that required in-depth thought were best addressed after a good rest.

Geisha’s talk about lifespan was drowned out by thoughts of what I should do next.

It is pointless to stomp my feet when I have already expended all of those power. 

I might as well make the most of my remaining time.

‘Anyway, despite the fact that I brought a large painting to life, I did not notice any difference, such as a loss of power or a significant reduction in lifespan.’

Sure, when I summon larger objects, I feel my energy drain from my body, and I become cold. However, I didn’t see any life span gauge in front of my eyes, even after I fainted and woke up.

‘Is it the same for everyone else? Or do other painting wizards feel something different? ‘

It was frustrating that I could not meet other painting wizards. Why did the author have to set up all these settings that only they knew about? 

‘Well, one thing is certain: using magic puts my life in danger. It shortens my lifespan.’

Then I should stop using it. I don’t want to die early. 

I looked down at the sparkling amusement park with wistful eyes after boarding the plane.

I still had so much I wanted to build, but I would have to stop here.

Or should I take my time and try to build a roller coaster using this world’s technology and magic? ‘

That could possibly work. After all, a roller coaster does not have a separate engine, so it should be possible if properly designed.

“What are you thinking about so deeply, with wistful eyes?”

Lacius appeared at that precise moment, holding a glass of wine. I accepted the drink he offered but only clinked it with his. I did not feel like drinking.

‘Lacius always told me to take care of my health, but I did not realize how careful I needed to be.’

I felt a bit bitter.

I wish I could figure out how much time I have left. To be more specific, this body, Shay’s lifespan.



“I will try to live as long as possible.”

What would happen to this man if I disappeared? 

He is the type of person who pours everything into one person, so I can not imagine how depressed he would be if I were gone.

“Was that a weird thing to say? I apologize.”

Maybe it is because I have heard I am going to die, but I am feeling strange.

When I apologized, Lacius gave me a look. I returned his stare.  

Lacius hammered the nail in gently but firmly.

“I need you to live.”

“… … !”

“If you are not here, I will not be either.”

“What are you talking about?”

“What it literally meant.”

“That is odd; whether I am here or not, you should live.”

Even though I am not going to die tomorrow, I found myself becoming emotional as I spoke.

Lacius set his glass down and gently drew my hand towards him. 

Then he kissed each of my fingers.

“You are everything to me.”

In his low voice, there was tenderness.

“I love you, Shay.”

His sweet words flooded my heart. 

He got closer and closer, and I instinctively closed my eyes. 

A deep kiss followed.

T/N: Hi~ This is your translator, Choco. Chapter 10 was really short so I decided to post all of it in one go. In exchange, I won’t be posting next week, cuz I’ll be a bit busy that time. So I guess, see you next next week~^^

You can now sponsor an extra chapter by buying me a Ko-Fi! 1 Ko-Fi= 1 extra chapter.


  1. Karina says:

    Thank you

  2. Nix says:

    Are you still writing or have you stopped? I’m enjoying your story very much it’s very captivating. I really hope that you will continue the story.

    Kind regards Nix

    1. Choco says:

      Hello Nix, I just got a bit busy thus the stop of update. Hopefully, I’ll be able to continously post update from now on. Thank you for reading & waiting btw!

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