Since When Were You The Villain?

Translator: I know I always leaves soo many notes here and  there but my dear readers🥺 I just wanted to update you guys that I have mid terms after 2 weeks, the reason the updates have become really slow. Please bear with me and understand the stress🥲. I will release one chp(chp 65) today and next week. 😶‍🌫️. After the mid terms I will go with the mass release so please wait until then. Thank you again especially my hails for showing your support🥰.

Chapter 65.



Unable to control their bodies due to the inertia of running, the rolling bullies made a loud noise and fell like dominoes.

In the end, the thugs gave up their escape and confronted Killian, resisting him. As they drew out their knives, a sudden worry crossed Sophia’s mind.

Despite knowing that Killian, who was both a sub-male lead and an antagonist, wouldn’t be defeated by these small-time thugs, she felt a needless unease.

But thankfully, there were no unexpected developments.




Without taking a single hit from the thugs, Killian completely subdued them.

As Killian blew a whistle to call other military police officers, Mikhail managed to save Estelle, who had been in a tight spot with the thugs.

Shaking off her unnecessary concerns, Sophia switched her attention from Killian, who was shooting an action scene, to Mikhail, who was filming a romantic scene, as he saved Estelle.

And soon, the expected event unfolded.

“You didn’t need to rescue me.”

Estelle lashed out at Mikhail, berating him for unnecessary interference.

That’s right.

The first encounter between Mikhail and Estelle starts with animosity.

“But the young lady seems to be in trouble.”

“Did I ask for your help?”

As she retorted, a look of bewilderment crossed Mikhail’s face.

‘Yeah, this is Estelle,’ Sophia thought.

Behind her beautiful and imposing appearance, Estelle was not someone to be trifled with. Just today, in fact, there was really no need for Killian and Mikhail to come to her rescue.

‘She’s a proactive growth type of female lead.’

Despite her outward demeanour, Estelle hailed from a tough and disciplined knightly lineage. Although she had a complex family background like any typical female lead, she had been raised strongly in the Nioré family, regardless of her gender.

Thanks to that, Estelle had been trained in various martial arts since she was young.

‘She had the setting of being unparalleled in archery.’

Typical of strong female leads in romantic fantasy novels.

While her swordsmanship or spear skills might not surpass those of Killian, Mikhail, or Ian, her archery was a skill to be reckoned with, to the point where the Wind God seemed to favour her.

Later, when Mikhail, who had been betrayed by Killian, sought revenge and reclaimed his throne, Estelle exhibited her talents to the fullest and played an active role.

‘She had a lot of dissatisfaction about coming to the capital.’

Estelle didn’t have the inclination for social events or aristocratic circles. She would rather go hunting with the family’s knights.

However, no matter who she was, she couldn’t skip the grand event of the 500th anniversary of the empire’s founding.

So, on this day of her arrival in the capital, she was already quite discontented, and being entangled with the troublemakers only made her mood worse.

Hence, she was waiting for the right moment to deal with them properly, but Mikhail and Killian had dared to intervene and save her, ignoring her skills.

‘From Estelle’s perspective, her pride must be severely hurt.’

Having grown up strong, she disliked relying on others.

She had been taught to get up on her own whenever she stumbled at home.

Of course, as the story progressed, her heart melted little by little, and she learned to cooperate, but it’s still the early stages of the story.

Moreover, Estelle had been troubled by persistent men due to her innate beauty from a young age.

Because of this, she was quite guarded against unfamiliar men approaching her.

‘I thought of intervening, but such a first encounter is necessary for the future.’

Sophia watched from a distance, chewing her skewer thoughtfully.

Mikhail seemed quite flustered by Estelle’s reaction.

“I could have handled those local thugs myself.”

“But weren’t you surrounded, and seemed to be in trouble?”

“It wasn’t trouble. I was just thinking about how to deal with those guys.”

“Anyway, we didn’t have any bad intentions, and we didn’t ask for anything in return. Is there a need to be angry?”

Mikhail’s voice, which rarely raised its tone, turned stern.

‘Wow, a first encounter like this eventually leads to an inability to live and die together. Romance is…’

No, now isn’t the time to be amazed by that.

What’s Killian doing leaving Estelle behind?

Sophia, who had been observing the two, turned her gaze to where Killian was.

Just as she did, members of the military police arrived at Killian’s call to deal with the remaining thugs.

And Killian walked over to where Mikhail and Estelle were.

“To think you don’t know how to be grateful for help. You’re quite rude for a noblewoman.”

Killian also seemed to have heard the conversation between the two, and he looked down at Estelle.

In response, Estelle looked at Killian with a scrutinizing gaze.

“Are you, by any chance, Commander of the Military Police, Killian Viprons Rivelon, the Grand Duke?”


“That’s right, isn’t it? One of the Empire’s Three Great Inspectors…!”

Estelle, who had been prickly just a moment ago, brightened up as she looked at Killian.

“I’ve never heard that before.”

Killian maintained a distance from Estelle despite her familiarity.

“You’re quite famous, Killian of the Military Police, Ian of Ruchtainer, and Crown Prince Mikhail.”

As Estelle counted on her fingers, Mikhail, who was standing nearby, flinched and locked eyes with Killian.

Estelle doesn’t recognize that Mikhail, dressed in plain attire, is actually the crown prince.

“I’ve always wanted to meet you in person…!”

Estelle spoke with excitement in her eyes.

Her expression was quite different from when she was talking to Mikhail separately.


“Well, because you’re one of the people I’ve admired.”


“Wow, your sword is truly cool! The pattern engraved on that…! Is that a Zirvalt steel sword?”

“…Yes, it is.”

Estelle admired Killian’s sword and went on about various aspects of it.

Sophia, standing a bit further away, perked up her ears to listen to their conversation.

However, Estelle’s discussion was filled with technical terms and details that were difficult for Sophia to understand. She talked about forging techniques, blade polishing methods, hilt treatments, weight and length specifications, practical usage, renowned swordsmiths, etc.Killian, being someone who also wielded a sword, couldn’t entirely disregard Estelle’s profound knowledge and started paying attention.

‘Estelle seems to have a lot in common with Killian.’

She realized that she had never talked about Kilian’s interests.

What did he like? What were his hobbies?

All she knew was that he didn’t particularly like spicy food.

What do I really know about Kilian?

Sophia questioned herself suddenly.

She had thought that she had developed the deepest connection with Killian since arriving in this world.

But looking back, she realized she didn’t know much at all.


At that moment, Mikhail approached Sophia.

“It seems like Killian has been captured.”

“Haha, I see.”

As Mikhail gestured towards Killian and Estelle, Sophia smiled elegantly.

“Do you have no intention of talking with that lady over there? She mentioned you a while ago. One of the Empire’s Three Great Inspectors, perhaps…?”

Sophia covered her mouth with the back of her hand and whispered to Mikhail.

In response, Mikhail shrugged his shoulders and tilted his head.

“It wouldn’t be worth disguising myself and coming out if I revealed my true identity.”

“But that lady over there, she’s not very pretty, is she?”

Sophia subtly glanced at Mikhail.

In the original story, although the two initially started with animosity, they acknowledged each other’s external beauty from the beginning. To be honest, they were both talented enough to potentially feel inferior if they didn’t acknowledge each other’s attractiveness.

Mikhail chuckled softly in response.

“Does it bother you?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“That lady over there. She’s talking to Killian.”

“Huh? Not at all…!”

Sophia sharply shook her head in response to Mikhail’s question.

With every shake of her head, the long ears of the rabbit hat she was wearing swayed, causing Mikhail to laugh.

“Don’t worry. Princess Sophia is also very beautiful.”

“Huh? No way! I didn’t mean to ask in that way.”

Embarrassed, Sophia turned red, even holding the skewer in her hand.

Killian, who was in the midst of conversing with Estelle, looked in her direction, possibly because her voice had been slightly raised.

However, Estelle grabbed his sleeve and interrupted him.

“Are you perhaps attending the royal ball hosted by the imperial family tomorrow?”

“Yes, I will be attending with my fiancée.”

As Killian removed Estelle’s hand from his sleeve and looked at Sophia, Estelle’s gaze followed his direction.

Suddenly, both sets of eyes were on her, causing Sophia to awkwardly smile and offer a greeting.

In response, Estelle’s eyes narrowed.

“If you’re engaged, is that the young lady they mentioned as a maid in the weekly publication?”

“The rumours in the publication have already been clarified as baseless.”

“But they say there’s no way the smoke comes from the chimney without fire.”

“There are many ways to make a chimney smoke without turning on the stove, young lady. After all, people’s malice can even create demons when there are none, isn’t that so?”

Killian coldly stared down at Estelle.

“If you were offended, I truly apologize. I was only concerned that Your Excellency might have been troubled by that rumour”

“You don’t need to concern yourself with what I’m thinking.”

Killian cut her off decisively, like snipping a thread.

“Well, I should be on my way since I’m quite busy.”

“Ah, um…! It’s my first time in the capital, and I’m not familiar with the streets. Perhaps…?”

“If you need directions, the officers over there can help you.”

Killian nonchalantly replied and then turned away from Estelle.

“Your Highness! My name is Estelle. Estelle Niore from Viscount Niore!”

Estelle realized that she hadn’t even introduced herself properly and shouted after Killian’s back.

However, Killian didn’t react, and he casually approached Sophia.



Dear readers, I hope you like my work, COMMENTS are much appreciated for encouragement, and for fuelling me up.

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If you find any mistakes, please let me know in the comment section. Happy reading : )


  1. Camila Fortunato says:

    good lucky whit your mid terms…
    And thanks a lot for donating your time and work translanting this…

    1. HaileyFranchette says:

      welcome camila 😳

  2. Ani says:

    Srry but she is quite rude to act that way

  3. Alisa says:

    All the best for your midterms! Love and blessings to your friends and family as well!

    1. HaileyFranchette says:

      Awww…thank you ^^.

  4. Yoona77 says:

    ..I smell a bitch.

  5. Sweetsango24 says:

    Goodluck with your midterm!! And do we see a rude FL wannabe here? 🙄
    Go away!!! Killian already has Sophia

    1. HaileyFranchette says:

      It did go well. Thank you

  6. dennlaure says:

    That FL is very rude and I bet she is a white lotus

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