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SHCW Chapter 96

SHCW Chapter 96

Chapter 96

“Ah, no. It’s nothing.”

He began writing again diligently.

As he wrote down everything Amoide dictated, the pages started to pile up.

“You’re bequeathing all of this to your wife?”

The lawyer reconfirmed, and Amoide nodded.

“I understand that having a large dowry makes it easier to remarry.”

“That’s true. When noblewomen remarry, their wealth is the most significant consideration.”

Having a substantial dowry was essential for securing a good marriage. This was a given in noble society. No matter how high-ranking a noble family was, if they had no money, they couldn’t marry their daughters off to respectable places. A wife’s dowry was a reflection of her family’s wealth and the husband’s capabilities.

…But why is he mentioning this?

“She might find a better husband. Someone healthy, with no risk of an early death.”


Not knowing how to respond, Melvin lowered his head. The young duke had been asking questions he couldn’t answer.

“Apart from the inheritance, add a special clause.”


Melvin quickly dipped the quill in ink.

“I, Duke Ifrit, ensure the absolute safety of my wife, Selene, even after my death.”

The hand that had been writing smoothly stopped once again.

“This is a clause regarding the safety of the duchess.”

Previously, it was surprise at the inheritance, but now it was closer to confusion.

“The child will be protected by my mother even if I’m not around, but it’s different for my wife.”

“I’ve heard rumors that she might be pregnant. Is that why you’re changing the will…?”

“It has nothing to do with whether she’s pregnant or not. It’s about protecting my wife’s safety and rights after my death, within the legal framework. I’m entrusting you with this task.”

His piercing eyes seemed to bore into Melvin.

“And I trust you won’t tell my mother about this conversation.”

“…Of course.”

Melvin organized the will, which was now filled with numerous additional clauses.

“Are there any other changes?”


“Then please sign here.”

Amoide walked over to the table where Melvin was sitting and took the quill. After carefully reading through the newly added clauses from start to finish, he signed it meticulously. Finally, he folded the document, dropped some red wax on it, and sealed it with his personal seal.

“To be opened upon my death. The moment I breathe my last.”


The duke spoke as if he were discussing someone else’s death. Could one become so indifferent to their own death after being ill for so long? Melvin wondered.

“Then, if there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave.”

Amoide nodded, and Melvin quickly gathered his things and left, afraid there might be more to add.

Once outside, he finally let out a deep sigh.

He felt like he had just been caught between two sharp blades.

The duke and the duke’s mother. The tasks each had given him were extremely contradictory. One had asked him to prepare divorce papers for the Duchess of Ifrit, while the other asked him to ensure her safety and inheritance.

“Good grief.”

As a legal representative for both, he couldn’t take sides.

“I don’t know.”

However, some things were clear. Despite his illness, Amoide was the head of the Ifrit family, and Camilla would likely outlive him. Therefore, he had to decide whom to side with.

After a brief moment of thought, he concluded.

The only truth that has stood the test of time and across the world:

“Victory goes to the winner.”

He muttered, clutching the freshly drafted will.

After all, it was a fight between his clients. He just had to step back and support the more powerful side. So far, that had been Camilla, but the duke’s recent determination had been quite formidable.

The look in his eyes was that of a desperate predator, willing to do anything to protect what was important.

With a week given to determine the pregnancy, everything in the mansion started to revolve around me. Following Camilla’s orders to rest as much as possible, I was effectively confined to the bed.


I murmured, sitting on the bed.


“What if… I am pregnant?”

“What do you mean? If you are, that’s wonderful!”

Because there’s someone who doesn’t wish for it.

“Why are you saying such ominous things? I’m sure you’ll have a lovely baby.”

Rona crossed her fingers and giggled.

“Don’t worry about anything and start by eating. Jean made a special dish that’s good for morning sickness.”

“I’m not experiencing morning sickness.”

“Either way.”

Rona opened the lid of the dish. Considering my recent sensitivity to smells, the food had a refreshing flavor. There were meat dishes with fruits, a mild soup, and a bean dish, all tailored to my taste.

“It’s delicious. He put a lot of effort into it.”

I finished the meal, feeling full for the first time in a while.

“I’m glad it suits your taste. Jean seems to have a knack for cooking for pregnant women.”

“Yes, it seems so.”

“But why do you look so down? Should I have more food brought up?”

“No, that’s okay.”

I shook my head. Although the food was to my liking, my heart felt as if it had swallowed thorns.

After that, I was dazed.

He can’t like it, he obviously won’t like it.

“Then at least have some milk.”

Rona handed me a glass of milk.

I couldn’t refuse her eyes full of determination to feed me something.

Just as I accepted the glass of milk, it happened.

Knock, knock.

“Ma’am, you have a visitor.”

A maid entered and announced the arrival of a guest.


  1. AyraRedwood says:

    Thank you for the translation 💕

    When can we expect the next update?

    1. Sid says:

      You are welcome. New chapters will be released tomorrow, stay tuned.

  2. Keila lima says:

    Thanks for the chapter 👋😁🇧🇷BR

    1. Sid says:

      You are welcome dear reader.

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