Switch Mode

SHCW Chapter 52


Episode 52


When, exactly, did it become this way? I shifted my gaze between his hand and mine.

My body, paralyzed by fear, became as rigid as a log.

“Why, did you only just realize that your hand should hurt?”

I attempted to remove my hand from his hold, but it was impossible.

He laughed and ripped off the bandage from my hand.

“No, don’t.”

Before I could even intervene, he brutally removed the bandage from my hand.

I could only observe helplessly as he held my hand and performed his actions.

I was powerless to intervene. Moments later, he held the unwrapped bandage in his hand and peered menacingly in the face.

“When you knelt before me and pleaded, I thought at the very least that you were sincere.”


“I was unaware that it was despicable conduct.”


“I felt sympathy for you.”

As he spoke to me, he had a mixture of rage and frustration on his face.

“Even if it was for a brief moment.”


I gazed at him in silence and muttered.

“You must have your own conditions. Perhaps you need money or something, which is why you put on this ridiculous act of begging and clinging to your ill spouse.”

His visage contorted with menace.

“I don’t know the specifics, but I know you’re doing this because you made some kind of deal with my mother.”

“No, that’s not it.”

Quickly, I shook my head. How, exactly, did he know? I never told him.

There were occasions when I desired to pretend ignorance despite my knowledge.

His tone was muted as he continued speaking.

“Because I have my own debts.”

His intensely blue eyes were focused on my hand, which was in his grasp.

“I’m very contrite. However, I did not have any ulterior motives. I was merely concerned about your welfare.”

My eyes filled with tears, which rolled down my cheekbones.

“I, I sincerely… wished you were healthy and that your illness would be cured.”

My words were obscured by the sounds of my sobbing, but it appeared that he understood adequately. However, he had no reason to believe.

His face hardened to an alarming degree.

“Stop playing these trivial games.”

The voice that sounded like teeth grinding caused me to tremble.

The strength that bound my body like chains was suddenly released in an instant.


I merely uttered his name, and he slowly stood up.

“Lady of the House Ifrit.”


“That name you so desperately want to protect.”

The voice emanating from his mouth was as icy as a midwinter lake.

Since you’ve begun this deception, you might as well see it through to the end.

Amoide stood and descended from the bed.

“Sleep here.”


“Adopt your typical demeanor. Imagine we spent the night together. This time, deception should be simpler.”

His gaze traveled from my face and neck to my chest.

As I followed his gaze, I observed the dark markings he had left behind. Marks that are red and enlarged in appearance.


Then I realized that my robe was almost entirely open, exposing my torso.

I quickly reached for my robe to close it and warily regarded him.

Amoide, observing my agitated condition, rose from his bed.

“What about you?”

I leapt to my feet and inquired.


“You are trying too.”


“All this trouble for a child with a husband who could die at any moment.”

Incapable of withstanding his disillusioned gaze, I bowed my head.

“Let’s talk, please, Amoide.”

He did not respond to my call.

In the silent chamber, only the sound of the door closing reverberated.

* * *

“The tea is getting cold.”

I was solely focused on the embroidery frame in my palms, despite Rona’s words.

However, despite the concentration, little progress was made.

Worse, I repeatedly pricked myself with the needle.


How many times has it been? I lowered my gaze to the excruciating pain and observed a drop of blood trickling into the embroidery fabric.

Not a single location, but several were stained red; this was an unpleasant sight.

I eventually exhaled and set the embroidery frame down.

“My lady, are you alright?”

Rona approached and applied ointment while speaking, and I simply nodded my head while sitting there in a daze.

“You’ve already wounded yourself seven times. Please cease.”


I nodded meekly again.

“Oh my goodness, your face is awful!”


“It appears rough, as if you placed it on sand.”

I used my hand to stroke my face. In fact, it felt rougher than usual.

“You’ve had skin care and even a night with your husband. Typically, your complexion should be silky and radiant, so what happened?”

“Nothing happened.”

I waved my hand at Rona, who was observing my face attentively.

What does she mean?

Truth be told, ever since the night of the bed sharing, his words continued to torment me.

When eating, strolling, and stitching.

I hadn’t given up on having his child so quickly when I knelt before him and pleaded.

Despite my compassion for him, I was obligated by my agreement with Camilla.

Even after that initial night, I remained close to him for some time.

Possessing a glimpse of optimism. How much must he have detested that?

The recent actions I had taken towards him passed through my mind one by one. He was reasonably accommodating of my unreasonable requests for excursions. However, I was…

“Ah, I see.”

“What do you see?”

I regarded her with apprehension.

“Have you been… torturing yourself excessively?”

“…Return to work.”

“My lady, are all the rumors about the master being feeble at night and the like completely unfounded? I should have known it! I realized it was impossible.”

I seized Rona, who was grinning arrogantly, and vigorously shook her.

“Where did you hear that?”

“Where have I heard that? The other day, Lisa was chatting with the maid, and I overheard everything…”


Lisa was a maid who worked in Camilla’s accommodations.

“Don’t tell me it was on that day.”

“What day?”

So much was said that day that could have led to misunderstandings with Camilla.

How could I be certain that Camilla had not heard her agitated voice from the doorway?

“It’s trivial…”

I muttered while pulling at my tresses.

“Are you not taking a stroll with the master today?”

“No, not today.”

I couldn’t honestly say I wouldn’t. How could I ruin the reputation I had worked so hard to build?

“I will then clean the dressing room. The temperature is rising and the dust is no laughing matter.”


Rona brought in cleaning supplies and deposited them in front of the dressing room after I nodded.

Rona re emerged from the dressing room a moment later as busy noises of tidying up could be heard.


Rona held a pile of dresses in her palms.

“What’s wrong?”

I inquired with Rona who was examining the gowns.

She examined the costumes one by one before speaking with a serious expression.

“How about getting some new clothes?”

“New attire? Why so abruptly?”

I inclined my head, unable to comprehend.

“Because… they are all out of style.”

Upon hearing this, I examined the garments that Rona had brought out more closely.

“Clothes signify decorum. These are far too… simple for a duchess.”

I examined the clothing that Rona had brought out after hearing this.

These garments were created when I first arrived at this residence.

When I first arrived at the mansion and Camilla saw the clothing I had brought, she was appalled and stated that it was preferable to be naked than to wear such filth.

She hurriedly placed an order for outfits for me at the tailor’s.

The hurriedly ordered and hurriedly made dresses could not be of the same quality as those meticulously crafted by the tailors.

Typically, in noble households, tailors are called to the mansion or one visits a tailor store for fittings, but neither of these options was available to me.

The garments were made approximately according to the estimated measurements, without even measuring precisely. Some were too tiny, while others were too large.

Some dresses were loose around the waist but constricted across the chest, with hems so short that they exposed my ankles. Others dragged on the ground.

None of them are a good match. The one I was currently donning was identical.

Similar to my circumstance here.

My heart ached momentarily as I realized that it felt comparable to my position in this mansion.

“This was the first dress I wore here.”

I extracted a yellow cotton dress from the stack.

“What exactly is that?”

Rona viewed it with astonishment on her face.

The vibrant yellow dress resembled a chick, and the haphazardly attached ribbons and frills indicated it had been made in a hurry. The color scheme was also incorrect.

“However, this is what they designed for a duchess?”

Since I am not a true duchess.

Even servants who were unaware of my contract details ignored my existence.

The marriage of the daughter of the poor nobleman to the sickly son was blatantly evident to everyone. Camilla did not treat me particularly kindly either.

Nonetheless, I had no concerns. It was something I had resolved from the outset to endure.

As if anticipating luxurious treatment after signing a contract that essentially stated they would pay me if I bore a child.

“Have you completed cleaning the interior?”

“There was indeed so much grime. In addition, there were garments that had not been worn for an extended period of time. What is this purse, my lady? It is quite worn out.”

Rona held a worn, yellowish leather purse.


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