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Native LanguageKorean

Lee Jong Woo


She is mine.

She was mine the moment she offered herself to me and begged in front of me to buy her.

I bought her for myself but she escaped without my consent.

Her offerings couldn’t satiate my thirst and I am back for her. I want her solely for myself at any cost. She was mine to begin with….

Yoon Hee Young

He was like a saviour to me, so I begged for him to help me. But it was the biggest mistake of my life.

I never knew that this mistake would cost me my freedom and would turn him into a monster who craved for me more and more…

Followed 172 people
This title has been categorized as 'mature', therefore may contain intense violence, blood/gore, sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers.


  1. Kikiren says:

    Hi, what is the release/ unlocking of the chapters schedule more or less?

  2. Nasha_0426 says:

    will the other chapters get unlocked?

  3. Lisa says:

    One chap a month is so fcking cruel 😭😭

  4. Roslyn says:

    Oh.. I need to wait next six months to read all chapters 😭

  5. AnotherReader says:

    Hi, any release updates of the other chapters? Tysm for translating this!

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