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Hey! I did some AI generated pics! Let me know what you all think or what your favorites are! Some of them turned out really well and some of them were okay… They didn’t give Ash the right eye color though and I tried multiple times… I think my favorites are 5, 6, 7 and 9. Some of the others I just liked just one character or the other… I really like the first three of Elaine by herself too she’s so pretty!!! And then on 10 another third guy was randomly added in… I just am gunna say that could be Espel…

Have fun looking through, but keep in mind, these ae NOT official pictures of the characters, this is just something I decided to take the time and put together. It may not be what the actual author intended when writing the novel.

If there is anything else you’d like to see, let me know in the comments and maybe at some point I’ll do anther bonus it I get the chance!

Thanks for reading!!





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Hi all! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy as always. Use the link to stay up to date on all my novels. •••Current Novels and Release Schedule••• I always try my best to take my readers opinions into consideration!


  1. 🐥 says:

    Ooooh I like Elaine’s design on 5,6 and 12 the most! Thanks for this fun addition Scrappy!

    1. Scrappy says:

      Glad you enjoyed!

  2. Archont says:

    3 is good. I think it captures Elaine’s essense the best. Both in expression and in outfit.

    4, 9, 10 have some reasonably good takes on Ash – that’s a nice expressions out there, given his backstory.

    Although I’d prefer to see them in functional historical armor but oh, well.

    1. Scrappy says:

      Yeah I tried to get them in armor, but the AI just wouldn’t do it… it might’ve just been too much for the system considering I was using a free version.

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