Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Around the two, the maids and servants were looking at them restlessly.

Agnes always didn’t care about other people.

She seems to have no problem showing her ugly and stubborn side.

I hated even that selfish feeling.

“This is why I don’t want to be the princess’s partner.”


“Do you think I won’t be able to run away if the princess doesn’t let me go? Even if I have to live with an ugly devil, it will be better than being by the princess’s side.”

So Raymond chose to hurt Agnes regardless.

No matter what he said, Agnes was not affected.

So he wanted to trample on that heart even more. More and more harsh words came out.

He wanted to insult her, tell her to please leave, and call her disgusting.

He thought it wouldn’t hurt her though.

Because Agnes is that kind of person.


Raymond slowly opened his eyes.

The dreams I had when I was younger were as vivid as if they happened yesterday.

“Are you okay?”

What I heard was Damian’s voice.

Raymond slowly got up. It was a room in his own quarters.

“What on earth is your problem? Was it that shocking that Agnes stopped breathing?”


Damian asked as if he didn’t understand.

“Honestly, I don’t understand. I thought you wouldn’t really care if Agnes died….”


Raymond was like that too.

But the moment I saw it with my own eyes, the moment I saw that little hand hanging down like a corpse.

He collapsed miserably.

It was an unexpected result.

Damian stared at Raymond with a pale expression for a moment, then sighed and asked.

“Have you changed your mind about Agnes now?”


“I need to know your heart so that I can help you or not. So tell me.”

“…I don’t know either.”

It wasn’t a lie.

Raymond also didn’t know what he wanted to do.

But…I couldn’t believe this situation.

This situation made no sense to him, as if heaven and earth were turned upside down and dynasties were changed.

Agnes doesn’t remember me.

Could that be possible?

Agnes only has me.

I am the only one in her life.

The only thing Agnes wanted in her life was his own heart.

“Do you want to try your best with Agnes now? If you’re thinking about getting married, let me help you.”


Raymond looked at Damian’s words.


He also expected that one day he might marry Agnes.

He hates it to die, but that’s how his fate will turn out…He thought naturally.

He wanted to escape, but he knew he could never escape.

He was a knight loyal to the empire and a protector of the royal family.

If the lord ordered, he would naturally marry Agnes.

Even if I hated her to the point of death, it was something I had no choice but to accept.

But now Agnes will not ask him to marry her.

Because she lost his memory.

So he should have been happy that he was finally free.

But why…..

Why does he feel like he was robbed of the future he deserved?

Come now.

“Raymond, I don’t understand you.”

“I am….”


“I will do anything my lord orders. Whether it’s death or marriage…”

“What I’m curious about is your opinion. I am asking if you plan to marry Agnes. No, just say that. Do you want Agnes to like you again like she used to?”


The other questions were difficult to answer, but this one was easily answered.

Raymond answered, looking at Damian with clear eyes.


No matter how trivially she treated and discarded his heart, Agnes’ heart was mine.

It was natural for him to get back what was taken from him.

Damian’s eyes widened at the unexpected answer.

He spoke after thinking for a moment.

“Then that’s actually good…Think good. Agnes doesn’t remember you, but that’s like saying she’s forgotten how you hurt her.”


“Isn’t this a rather good opportunity? If you show just a little kindness, Agnes will like you again.”

Yes, it will.

She lost her memory, but her nature probably hasn’t changed.

The guilt that had weighed on Raymond so much began to fade little by little.

Damian was right.

He could start all over again.

Suddenly, he remembered the time when he discovered his mother in Agnes.

I will never have to see her hurt and sad like my mother ever again.

Because it gave him the chance to be different from her father.

Raymond’s eyes sparkled strangely.


That night.

When everyone was asleep, Raymond left the dorm and headed somewhere.

He was in the direction where the princess’s palace was located.

The guards he passed by saluted him.

Raymond lightly accepted their greeting and walked without hesitation.

The place he arrived was a flower bed overlooking the princess’s bedroom.

He raised his head and looked to the bedroom window where Agnes was sleeping.

The lights were off as she had already fallen asleep.

After talking with Damien, his complicated head cleared up.

He still felt anxious, but thinking of it as a new beginning made him feel a strange tremor.

Yes, I was lucky to be able to start all over again.

Raymond stared at the window without taking his eyes off it.

I was afraid that Agnes, who was sleeping out there, might lose her breath again.

But it will be okay.

There was no way Agnes would die leaving him behind.

Even though she eventually died that day, she came back alive.

Holding Agnes’ cold hand, he swore.

I will do whatever you want now.

I’ll give it all, whether it’s marriage or anything else.

The moment I made that promise. As if by a miracle, Agnes’ breathing returned.

Agnes listened to him.

There was no way Agnes would have left this world with only the memories of being hurt by him.

Agnes was a selfish person by nature.

She was at the crossroads of death, and it was only after hearing his oath that she came back.

Agnes, who came back alive, will steal everything from him this time.

He was willing to give everything.

If he filled her with only good memories, Agnes would never be able to leave his side.

Because she is the kind of person who can’t possibly die leaving me behind.

Then he wouldn’t have to feel guilty anymore.

It’s not too late.

Even now, I wanted to give Agnes everything she wanted.

It was then.

“Ah… ”

A small exclamation came from his mouth.

As if it were a lie, Agnes’ bedroom window was open.

It was as if Agnes had responded to his words.

The moment I discovered Agnes’ face through the open window.

Raymond felt a strange shiver.

It was my first time feeling this way.


Under the quiet moonlight, the two people’s eyes met.

Seeing her face in person made me realize that she was really alive. A strange sensation came over me along with relief.

For the first time, Raymond thought that Agnes’ eyes were beautiful.

Now that he thought about it, he was curious.

How did Agnes fall in love with him before she lost her memory?

Did he fall in love at first sight, or did it sink in slowly?

And how will she love him this time?

Perhaps, at the moment when our eyes met, Agnes might have fallen in love with him again.

He felt as if this moment was part of a fairy tale he had read as a child.

The corners of Raymond’s mouth drew a slow line.

It was a smile as beautiful as if it had been painted.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:

    I truly LOATHE Damian
    Like, he is FIXATED on getting Agnes married, so his csn be stalled

    MADE MY BIRTHDAY, along with another manhwa update i have been DYING for

    1. Shyzune says:

      Como o damian ainda não foi deserdado?

  2. Nics says:

    Shame on ur delusions Raymond! Maybe turn back time when u were a kid so that I can loathe u a lotta times. 🔪 And since that’s the only time Agnes falls for you! 🥴

  3. Nobodynobodyma says:

    Thank you so much 💕

  4. Tania says:

    If I were to have a brother like Damian, I would’ve disowned him. The selfishness is incredible. Raymond should stop being so self important, people change. So annoyed at these two characters.

  5. tatant says:

    Thank you!!!

  6. Kzagsss says:

    Raymond be giving the ickkk vibes

  7. Sane says:

    Raymond, Demain both are psycho’s 🙂

    Thank you for the translation Esraa♥️

  8. Kyo says:

    Help!!!!! Mr cray cray Ray is delulu now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! Mayday mayday! We need a doctor! No! A psychiatrist!!! T_T KYLO COME AND SAVE AGNES!!! T____________T

    And I can’t believe what Kylo was thinking also hit Damian too…. that Raymond can start afresh with Agnes!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIGH SMH SMH SMH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damian, if you know how badly your sis got hurt, for the love of God, how could you suggest him getting her back again????to break her heart again once she’s all over him? When he hasn’t even confirmed whether he likes her?!!??!?! HE JUST WANNA GET BACK HER HEART?! WHAT A CREEP!!!! U THINK THE WHOLE WORLD BELONGS TO U OR SOMETHING? GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! So angry with mister cray cray delulu Ray!

  9. Yaya says:

    Wow! I thought Raymond is the one who would be the most despicable but I can’t believe Damian is even more loathsome. I didn’t like him since the beginning but he’s getting on my nerves even more with every increasing chapter.

  10. faranak says:

    Thank you so much for translations and updatesssss😍

  11. Delila says:

    Thanks for your work, I really enjoyed it !! It’s getting interesting can’t wait for the next chapter !!

  12. lemmeread says:

    Her brother in this chapter was seriously an ass. And annoying.
    Anyways, thank you so much for the chapters🖤

  13. Lc says:

    Ahhhhh I’m so so so invested rn

  14. daryl says:

    Dunno why it hurts me to think that I actually want to support raymond because of how pitiful he is. His circumstances made him this way😭😭

    1. Kuuzkaze says:

      I get it I get this. My heart has been aching because all things considered it is kind of pitiful. But this still is a bit shameless for him to think he can do that while knowing full well what he has done to the previous Agnes. Though we can say for sure that the current Agnes really couldn’t give a sh// it’s still wrong if you get what I mean :<

  15. Chungmyung says:

    At this point I think brother Damian loves and cares for Raymond more than his sister…..cause she just died and came back but he is more worried about Raymond….

    1. Esraa says:

      Yes! He is only thinking of benefiting from Agnes through political marriage

    2. chakitty_ says:

      Fr I was horrified when he asked Raymond if it’s really that shocking that Agnes stopped breathing. Wdym, sir?! That’s your sister! I thought Raymond was annoying as it is, I never there would be someone even more annoying. I don’t even feel that bad about the Gray Family anymore. Damian tops them all.

  16. Kylo kitty says:

    like i understand liking her but to the point it just sounds like guilty conscience or EVEN OBSESSION
    like a sick twisted obsession to make her his.

    While out kitty kylo loves her to the point of being willing to let go of his feelings
    just because he feels inferior

  17. Cathe says:

    EXCUSE ME?! You were “ROBBED of the future you DESERVED”?!?! 🤯🤬🤡💩☠️
    I have so many things to say about that and what you said/thought few minutes before and after, but I’m too lazy to write it all right now 😤 And I probably wouldn’t make much sense with how stupefied I am 🙄

  18. Cathe says:

    You know what? I was REALLY pitying Raymond, thinking it was all valid points and a lot of other things, but this chapter? I want to shake him HARD! 😡

    … but even though I said that, I don’t want Agnes to humiliate him (although I think that’s exactly what she’s going to do). Let his punishment be your distance; ignore him, avoid him, be cold. Give him his own medicine.
    Anyway, not I feel really sorry for the original Agnes. She probably didn’t know why he began to hate her and now not only is someone else in her body rejecting him, but also NOW he’s sorry, going after her and giving a smile she always desired and never got and never will see.

    1. chakitty_ says:

      I agree

  19. Cathe says:

    Damian… I want to strangle him.
    Because I liked Diana quite a lot, I was hoping for their happy ending with a sweet, easy and lovely story. But now? I hope he has a super hard time and loses his chances with her!
    I want a nice life for Diana with a flowery path, but for the crown prince? May misery and loneliness befall his romantic life!

  20. Isis says:

    really? Raymond are literally delulu now lol

  21. Namiii says:

    I wanna curse Damian so bad. Why not marry Raymond instead? Both these guys are so frustrating. So delulu

  22. rvmac06 says:

    I pray Diana will marry another man and leave effing Damien broken, battered, and alone. F YOU, you piece of poop of a brother

  23. Yudiskys says:

    my face reading This chapter 😰
    “Why does he feel like he was robbed of the future he deserved?”

  24. Sayuri says:

    Her brother and Raymond both are Delulu jerks


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