Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

If God really exists, then he must be really good at getting things done.


The moment she saw the carriage rushing towards her.

For some reason, Agnes couldn’t move.

This was because her fear of death in her previous life had left her unable to move.

I thought i didn’t have any regrets about my previous life, but I didn’t know that i would still have trauma.

She felt vain and absurd.

I will die while going to the birthday cafe again?

“Are you sure this is right?”

She muttered helplessly in front of a man in a suit who was staring at her.

After being hit by a carriage and dying, her spirit quickly moved on.

She then met the familiar old man again.


A strong sense of déjà vu came over me.

The man sitting at what looked like a reception desk tilted his head at her like he had always done.

“Would you mind going out and waiting for a moment? I think something is wrong.”

Something about patience snapped. And it felt like it was cut off.

Th…These… !

Do you think I will be fooled again?!

Last time, she waited outside this building for three days and couldn’t return to her body because it was rotting.

She immediately grabbed the receptionist by the collar and shook him off.

“Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Last time, you made e sleep on the street for 3 days, so why wait again? I can’t wait! Bring the person in charge immediately! Bring him!”

When Agnes started to cause trouble, people who appeared to be managers were embarrassed and did not know what to do.

Then she lay down on the manager’s desk and started shaking her arms and legs.

The administrators’ complexions turned pale, as if they were seeing the truth like this for the first time.

After 10 seconds that felt like 10 years passed.

When she closed her eyes and opened them, her soul was transported somewhere again.

Looking through the clear glass window, I saw full of clouds, and it was the top floor.

The place where the woman she met last time, named goddess, was.

“I’m so sorry about this…”

When she closed and opened her eyes again, a beautiful woman appeared before her soul.

Dressed in white from head to toe, looked very mysterious.

She scratched his cheek as she looked at Agnes’ soul.

After being distracted by Goddess’s beauty for a moment, she sighed and poured out everything she had to say.

“Is there a way to kill someone like this without permission? No, if you accidentally killed me once, that’s fine. Does it make sense to kill me again? huh?!”

When asked logically, she hesitated.

“I don’t know why. This is the first time something like this has happened in hundreds of millions of years.”

“If you say you don’t know, is that the end? Please send the body back quickly before it rots!”

“Is that okay?”

for a moment.

She was about to shout to be sent back immediately, but stopped.

Last time too, she died due to a fateful mistake and met Goddess right in front of her.

Goddess said she would grant her the reward she wanted, and she unconsciously muttered that she wanted to meet her favorite character.

That’s why I was reincarnated as Agnes.


Shouldn’t compensation be given this time too?

The Goddess complexion turned pale, as if he had noticed her running her calculator in her head.

There was only one thing I could hope for as a reward.

The life of my beloved Kylo, who is destined to die.

“I’m sorry, but that’s not possible…”

It was just a thought in her head, but Goddess immediately shook her head.

“That wish can’t come true. He’s not dead yet…I don’t have that level of authority yet.”

Agnes bit her lip at the firm voice.

So what is there? Something needs to be ripped off…

“That… Look, if you don’t remember anything, don’t force yourself to think about it. I’ll send you back quickly, so wouldn’t it be better to go back?”

Goddess spoke hastily.

She realized that she was a genuine customer who wanted a huge reward.

But Agnes thought of just the right reward.

‘That would be nice.’

As the corner of her mouth turned up with a grin, Goddess expression became depressed.

“Give me that as compensation.”

“….Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about….”

“You read my thoughts just now! Give it to me! Give me that at least!”

“…Hmm. I can’t help it, I understand.”

The goddess nodded his head as if he had no choice.

Agnes thought that her spontaneous idea was perfect.

At that moment, she wanted to praise herself for coming up with it.

What she asked for was the kind of acting given to Raymond Spencer in the original work.

Since it was an item obtained in the latter part of Season 1, there were no scenes of it being used, but people noticed the use of the holy object and left comments.

[I think he will save a saint later with that in Season 2]

[If you look at episode 34, it says that you can borrow the power of an ancient god. It is said to be given only to those who are allowed to do so.]

[Didn’t they say that if you get that, you can temporarily use tremendous power? Looking at the rice cakes that have been sprinkled so far, if the saint or Hazel becomes dangerous, it might be possible to save their lives?]

[Our Raymond, become stronger!ㅠㅠ My baby]

‘I’m sorry, but instead of your cub, I got it…’

I felt no guilt about stealing Raymond’s things.

Anyway, even without that, Raymond Spencer is the main character.

“Now, I’ll send you back before your body rots.”

Goddess gestured to her with a look of disgust on his face.

As soon as she made that gesture, her eyes became dark.

Her soul began to fall endlessly somewhere.

The strong gravity pulled on her soul, and it felt as if her body and soul were connected.

So when she opened her eyes again.

She was back in Agnes’ body.

Agnes opened her eyes and checked the surrounding scenery.

This was the princess’s palace, her room’s bed.


The Chamberlain’s eyes widened when he saw that Agnes had opened her eyes.

The chamberlain hurriedly went out of the bedroom to call the court doctor.

Agnes tried to move her body as she felt herself coming back to reality.

At that time, he felt an unfamiliar sensation in his palm.

When I opened my right palm, I saw a small pendant shining silver.

‘It is a holy relic…!’

Agnes slowly raised her upper body, and the corners of her mouth rose.

In the original work, Raymond obtains this holy object with great difficulty.

On the other hand, she got it very easily.

‘No. It’s true that I also achieved it the hard way.’

Didn’t i get it by risking my life?

Anyway, the fact that I had intercepted something from the obnoxious Raymond Spencer made me smile.

It was then.


The courtiers who had been waiting in the living room filed into the bedroom.

They quickly checked Agnes’ condition.

Now that I think about it, my head feels a bit throbbing.


“P, princess…You don’t know how surprised I was…Oh no”


Agnes blinked as she watched the servants and maids crying.

The commotion didn’t stop there.

Afterwards, Emperor Alexander with a messed up face and Damian with a pale face burst into the bedroom.


The Emperor’s condition was speechless, as if he was shocked that he had almost lost his daughter.

Agnes hugged him and slowly patted my sobbing father on the back.

Damian must have been worried too, so he asked the court doctor again who said he was okay.

“Is she really okay?”

“Yes, everything is back to normal. The wound on her forehead has also healed with healing magic, so now you don’t have to worry as long as het mind and body are stable.”

“Her breathing stopped and came back. Is she really okay?”

“Yes, I can’t believe it either, but it really is.”

After checking several times, Damian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Damian’s unusually gentle hand stroked Agnes’ head.

Agnes tried to shake off her family mate’s hand, but just held back.

As she heard it, while she was bargaining, her body seemed to have stopped breathing and then returned.

I thought I knew why my father was like this.

It was then.

Damian gave an order in a low voice.

“Bring Sir Raymond Spencer to me at once.”

Then the emperor raised his head and said:

“Yes! Raymond Spencer, bring him back quickly! Hurry up so Agnes can find peace quickly!”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. tatant says:

    Thank you!

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