Portable Space: Little Miracle Doctor

Better Not to Come Back

Chapter 142 – Better Not to Come Back

Seeing how nervous her younger brother was, Liu Ke understood.

The Third Miss Yan was indeed very charming. With her elegant demeanor and superb embroidery skills, she could easily win a man’s heart.

“What’s the big deal? When a man is of age, he should marry; when a woman is of age, she should marry too. If you’ve truly taken a liking to Miss Yan, I can find a matchmaker and propose a marriage for you.”

Liu Xu’s heart stirred at her words, but after calming down, he thought it was too early to talk about marriage.

“Sister, don’t worry about this now. I’ve only known Miss Yan for one day. If you call a matchmaker now, it would seem a bit too abrupt.”

“That’s true.”

Liu Ke laughed and covered her mouth with her sleeve.

“You’re right. We shouldn’t rush this. Since Miss Yan is going to be an apprentice in our shop, you can get to know her over time. If you still find her agreeable, I can call a matchmaker for you.”

“Sister, don’t you mind that the Yan family is poor?”

Liu Ke replied seriously, “Being poor for a while doesn’t mean being poor for a lifetime. What I care about is character. As long as you like her, regardless of her wealth or poverty, I will support you.”

These words deeply touched Liu Xu.

Their parents had passed away early, and his elder sister had raised him single-handedly. She was like a mother to him, and her discipline was strict. Until now, he had been worried that she would interfere in his marriage.

“Sister, thank you.”

“If you want to thank me, come in and help with the work. Don’t stand foolishly at the door. The cart they rode on is already out of sight, you won’t see anything anymore.”

Upon hearing Liu Ke’s words, Liu Xu looked up to find that the cart carrying the Yan family was indeed out of sight. But thinking that he would see Yan Shuyun tomorrow, he felt a small sense of anticipation and excitement.


After leaving Xu Family Fur Store, Ms. Zhong asked Tian Dazhuang to take the oxcart to the food market.

They bought some vegetables, pork, and grain at the market, and came out loaded.

Having sold their firewood and hairpins and bought their food, Tian Dazhuang thought it was time to leave Daxing Town and return to Shaoyao Village.

“Aunt Yan, Yan Xiaosi, should we go back now?”

Yan Xiaosi was half lying on the cart, leaning against a hemp bag filled with rice, legs crossed, looking very relaxed.

“Let’s go to the clothing shop before we go back.”

Ms. Zhong thought for a while, then added, “Yun’er will be working at Xu Family Fur Store tomorrow. We need to get her some decent clothes so others don’t see her in tattered clothes and bully her.”

Upon hearing this, Yan Shuyun immediately shook her head like a rattle drum.

“Mom, we need to save money to buy land and build a house now. Let’s save all the silver. I can wear the old clothes just fine.”

“Third sister, we’re buying cotton clothes, not silk ones. It won’t cost much. We need to build a new house, and we also need to buy new clothes. We can’t cut back on living expenses just because we are building a house. Besides, money is earned, not saved.”

Yan Shuqin chuckled.

“You always have some strange theories.” After saying that to Yan Xiaosi, she turned her face to Yan Shuyun and said, “But Xiaosi is right. We can’t cut back on living expenses just because we’re building a house. Daxing Town is not like our Shaoyao Village. Most households are poor there. People won’t look at you strangely if you wear patched clothes. But Xu Family Fur Store is the best fur shop in Daxing Town. If you dress too shabbily, not only will others look at you strangely, but it may also affect their business.”

Yan Xiaosi looked at Yan Shuqin with surprise in her eyes.

She didn’t expect her sister to be able to articulate such reasoning.

Thinking of the strengths of his three sisters, Yan Xiaosi couldn’t help but sigh.

If her three sisters had been able to study in a private school from a young age, they would certainly not be inferior to those so-called young ladies from noble families.

After hearing Yan Shuqin’s words, Yan Shuyun also feared that her appearance would affect the business of Xu Family Fur Store, and agreed to go to the clothing shop.

“Big Brother Dazhuang, drive the ox cart forward. When you see the first fork in the road, turn right. There’s a decent clothing shop there. I bought a set of clothes for Long Hao there before.”

When Yan Xiaosi mentioned Long Hao, Tian Dazhuang felt a little uncomfortable, especially when Yan Xiaosi said she had bought clothes for Long Hao too.

“Xiaosi, where did that Long Hao go?”

Yan Xiaosi leaned casually on the bag of rice, not noticing the change in Tian Dazhuang’s tone.

“Who knows where he went.”

“Is he coming back?”

Yan Xiaosi gritted her teeth and replied, “I hope he doesn’t.”

For some reason, she felt angry at Long Hao’s abrupt departure.

“Our family took care of him for so many days, yet he just left quietly without telling us. He’s a heartless bastard.”


In the Four Sisters Mountain, the War King suddenly sneezed, feeling as if someone was cursing him.

Murong Qinjian, walking beside him, glanced at him and asked, “Long Yu, have you done so many guilty deeds that you’re being cursed?”


Long Yu touched his nose and continued walking. “Murong Qinjian, don’t talk nonsense with this king now. Help me find saltpeter quickly. If Rongdi King Chunyu Hanfeng successfully develops a new weapon, Great Chu will suffer. If Great Chu falls, this king will die at most in battle. With your beauty, you’ll definitely be captured by the Rongdi and become a male pet for those noble women. I’ve heard that the Rongdi are very open and it’s common for women to keep male pets.”

Murong Qinjian’s face tightened, a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

Living in Rongdi as a male pet for those noble Rongdi women was definitely not the life he wanted.

“Long Yu, I’m really unlucky to have met you in this life.”

“Murong Little Bitch, if you dawdle again, this king will show you what it means to be really unlucky.”

Murong Qinjian’s face tightened again, and he hurriedly caught up.

To find the saltpeter as quickly as possible, the two of them used their movement skills in the mountain, following the rough mountain path. After a quarter of an hour, Murong Qinjian stopped on a steep slope.

“Long Yu, I found the saltpeter. All the stones under this mountain are saltpeter.”

Long Yu used his skill to float to his side.

The two stood on the high ground, looking down at the slope.

Under the slope were all grey stones, and some men dressed like Chu commoners were digging out those grey stones with shovels. Looking around, there were many signs of digging under the slope that looked older. Obviously, someone had been digging those grey stones a long time ago.



  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    Thanks for update 💐

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