Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 87.2 Tiger Rose

In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo, who had packed their luggage, got into Li Su and Li Ye’s car on time.

Li Su was fully armed. Because of his health, his summer was very sad. He almost wrapped himself into a rice dumpling and did not dare to expose his skin at all.

The wonderful sunshine for others was torture for Li Su. His fragile skin couldn’t withstand the sunshine at all. Just a short time in the sun might cause serious consequences.

The car’s glass was covered with a thick film. After entering and closing the door, almost nothing could be seen. Li Su sat in the back seat of the car, patted Li Ye on the shoulder and said, “Let’s go.”

Li Ye hummed lightly and headed towards the airport.

Lin Banxia had only seen the place they were going to on TV, so he casually asked Li Ye about the situation there.

“The view from that house is really amazing.” Li Su said, “There is a huge waterfall right outside the door, surrounded by greenery, making it the most suitable for a summer escape. You know, I can’t bask in the sun, so I have to go somewhere else at this time of year to hide for a few days, otherwise I can only squat at home…”

Lin Banxia listened to his description and expressed great expectations.

Li Su continued: “The house is not too out of the way, and there is a porcelain-making town nearby. You can basically buy anything you want… The four of us can play mahjong together, which is just right.”

Lin Banxia asked: “Song Qingluo can play mahjong?”

Li Su: “Hey, don’t look at his otherworldly appearance. He is very good at playing cards, but you… don’t lose your underwear at that time.”

Lin Banxia smiled and didn’t answer. He knew how to do it. He just played occasionally with his friends in college. At that time, everyone was poor and didn’t pay. The loser was responsible for cleaning. As a result, Lin Banxia hadn’t touched a broom for almost a semester, but Ji Leshui, who was addicted to poker but had poor skills, became a contract worker in the dormitory.

Speaking of Ji Leshui, he and Song Qingluo went out to play for a few days and entrusted Xiaohua and Small Cave to Ji Leshui. Ji Leshui basically became the principal of the kindergarten. He went to work on weekdays and had to babysit the children after work, which made Lin Banxia was very grateful, so he promised to buy him some gifts before coming back.

The whole process from car to plane to arrival at the destination took about half a day. Soon Lin Banxia saw the property that Li Su said Li Ye had bought.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked when he saw the villa standing on the mountainside. The villa had an exquisite appearance and was surrounded by mountains and rivers. Even someone like Lin Banxia, ​​who didn’t know much about real estate, could tell that the word “expensive” described it from top to bottom. The villa was surrounded by a fence. Inside was a very well-kept garden. It was July, so the lush flowers set off the fairylike atmosphere, like a peach orchard.

There were lush trees all around, and a tree-lined path led to a quiet area. Li Su said that there was a waterfall there, and that they could go see it after they had unpacked their luggage.

Once they reached the villa, someone opened the door for them, and Li Su casually introduced him as the housekeeper who managed the villa. When they were not there, he was responsible for the maintenance and care.

Lin Banxia carried his luggage and walked cautiously inside. He felt like Grandma Liu visiting the Grand View Garden, but Song Qingluo yawned lazily, not very interested in these… If Lin Banxia didn’t like it, he probably wouldn’t even have bothered to come over.

The villa was very large. Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo were arranged in the same room. Li Su and Li Ye obviously knew about their relationship. Li Su even winked at Lin Banxia and said that everything they needed was placed in the bedside table…

Li Ye looked gloomy and reached out to carry him away.

Li Su was at most 1.7 meters tall and Li Ye was over 2 meters tall. Carrying Li Su was like carrying a baby. Lin Banxia cast a sympathetic look at him.

After unpacking his luggage in the huge room, Lin Banxia threw himself on the soft big bed. The sheets should have been freshly replaced and had been dried in the sun, giving off the smell of sunshine.

“It feels so good.” Lin Banxia sighed as he buried his face in the quilt.

Song Qingluo said: “Do you like it here?”

Lin Banxia said: “I like it.” Who wouldn’t like this kind of house? However, after he said he liked it, he saw that Song Qingluo was deep in thought, and asked strangely: “What are you thinking about?”

Song Qingluo said: “If you like it, we will get the same.”

Lin Banxia smiled and said, “Are you rich?”

Song Qingluo said: “I’m not able to get it now, but I will be able to by this time next year.”

Lin Banxia: “…Really?” He was only paid about one million per mission, but this house cost tens of millions no matter how cheap it was. It was not something that could be bought easily.

Song Qingluo said: “Our salary standards are different.”

Lin Banxia: “…” So the question was, how much money had Song Qingluo spent over the years.

The two of them played in the room for a while, then a servant came and asked them to go downstairs for dinner. Lin Banxia arrived at the dining room and saw Li Su and Li Ye already seated and chatting.

The dining room was also very large, with European-style decor. However, Lin Banxia noticed that there were several paintings hanging in the corners of the room. At first, he thought they were works of art. However, after taking a closer look, he discovered that they were family portraits. There are three generations in total. Three elderly people, two adults, and two children. One of the children was still a baby, and the other was a teenager. He had white hair and looked as delicate as a doll. The boy looked forward with a smile. Lin Banxia found him familiar. He glanced at Li Su sitting next to him and hesitated: “Li Su, is that you in the painting?”

Li Su was discussing with Li Ye what to expect on the dinner table, but when he heard Lin Banxia’s question, he didn’t even look back: “Yes, that’s a family photo of my family.”

“Ah?” Lin Banxia said, “Oh… it was just hung up?” Li Su had previously said that Li Ye had just bought this house. Lin Banxia naturally thought that the owner of the house was Li Ye, so seeing Li Su’s family portrait here, he found it a bit strange.

“No, it has been hanging for several years.” Li Su wiped his hands with a wet towel, “This used to be my family’s house.”

Lin Banxia was surprised, thinking that this house was actually the ancestral property of the Li Su family. It seemed that both Song Qingluo and Li Su had good family backgrounds before they started this business, but the Li Su family could live in a place like this. Obviously, it could be summed up in more than just the word ‘good’.

“I have poor health, and my family always pampered me.” Li Su said, “Before I was fourteen, I didn’t suffer much.”

Lin Banxia said: “…” This sounds unlucky.

Sure enough, Li Su continued: “Later something happened at home, the family fell into decline, and the house was sold.” It should be an unpleasant story, but he told it calmly, leaning on the back of his chair and tilting his head, ” Li Ye bought the house behind my back, so I was quite surprised.” He said he was surprised, but in fact there was no joy in his tone, and Lin Banxia didn’t know why.

In fact, since he met Li Su, he was a little confused about the relationship between the two. Judging from the information he knew, Li Ye was an orphan Li Su picked up from Russia. He should respect Li Su who rescued him, but on the contrary, Li Su was a little afraid of Li Ye. Every aspect of his life was strictly controlled. Even smoking a cigarette was snuck in like a thief.

Looking at Li Ye again, he has a silent personality and rarely talks, but he is by Li Su’s side almost anytime and anywhere, even traveling thousands of miles to Russia to look for Li Su. The bond between the two is obviously not as simple as friends. Combined with the scenes Lin Banxia saw in the dream, he has reason to suspect that the relationship between the two was the same as between him and Song Qingluo, but if it was the same, why was it inexplicably withdrawn? Lin Banxia really couldn’t figure it out.

Song Qingluo didn’t have Lin Banxia’s worries. He simply ignored the family portrait, sat opposite Li Su, and said, “I want to drink Coke.”

Li Su said: “How old are you, and you still drink Coke?”

Song Qingluo raised his eyebrows: “Do you think I won’t dare to beat you when Li Ye is here?”

Li Su immediately turned around and complained: “Li Ye, Song Qingluo wants to beat me!”

Li Ye said expressionlessly: “Beat him, I brought medicine.”

Li Su: “…”

Song Qingluo sneered.

In the end, Song Qingluo drank his Coke with satisfaction, while Lin Banxia tried Li Su’s new wine. He didn’t know much about this, but he could also feel that the wine was silky in the mouth, with a sweet aftertaste.

“Let’s go out for a barbecue tonight.” Li Su geared up, “The butler has bought all the ingredients, and we’ll bake them near the waterfall!”

“Okay.” Lin Banxia liked these activities very much, “Is there a town near here? Can I go check it out this afternoon?”

Li Su said: “You and Song Qingluo go. I can’t bask in the sun and it’s too hot to wrap up tightly.”

“Okay.” Lin Banxia nodded.

After eating, everyone dispersed. Song Qingluo went back to the room and took a nap. Lin Banxia couldn’t sleep well, so he wandered around the villa.

The villa was really big, with four floors. The top floor was a locked attic, and going down, there were rooms with various functions everywhere. The beautiful floors were covered in carpets with beautiful patterns; every corner exuding a sense of exquisite luxury.

There was also a faint woody fragrance in the air. Lin Banxia thought it should be emanating from the floor. He walked all the way from the first floor to the third floor and saw a series of old photos hanging at the end of the corridor on the third floor, which seemed to record all of the past owners of the villa.

Soon, Lin Banxia also found the Li Su’s family hiding among them. Just like the photo below, the seven people standing neatly in the photo frame all had bright smiles on their faces and seemed to be very happy. This should be a big family. Lin Banxia reached out and touched the photo frame. It felt very clean. Someone clearly took care of it regularly.

It was unknown what happened to Li Su’s family to cause such a big change. Just when Lin Banxia was thinking like this, he suddenly found that the person in the photo in front of him blinked, very quickly. Lin Banxia even suspected that he had seen it wrong.

Could it be that I saw it wrong? Lin Banxia felt a little suspicious in her heart.

The author has something to say:

Li Su: The two of them watch Peppa Pig at home every day.

Lin Banxia:……

Song Qingluo:……

Li Ye: Is it good?

Lin Banxia & Song Qingluo: It’s beautiful…it’s because it’s so beautiful that we fell in love

Li Ye grabbed Li Su and said, “Let’s go, come with me for a while.”

Li Su:?????

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