Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 87.1 Tiger Rose

Lin Banxia was a very easy to support. He was used to a narrow living space and did not need a lot of sunlight and air to live well, but who didn’t long for beautiful things? After tasting the taste of sugar, you realize how bitter the life you have lived has been.

The heretical objects soon had their own numbers. Maybe due to having covered such a wide range, it had special and very easy-to-remember names 53331 and 54442. Almost all of the people involved were admitted to the hospital. Of course, they had no memory of what they had done. The official announced that it was a large-scale food poisoning and reminded the public to pay attention to food safety…

Lin Banxia also went to see the entire process of the sealing. The large heretical object was sealed in a huge warehouse. The outside of the warehouse was wrapped with special materials, and there were people holding hands around it.

The little ant that Li Su brought back was sealed in the box. During the sealing process, the characteristics of two heretical objects were also detected.

The big one could turn human tissue into components of honey, and the honey could turn people into puppets it could then manipulate. However, its control range was limited. The accurate range was within a radius of 23.75 kilometers. It was not very aggressive and would not actively look for prey. Only when the prey was close would it try to transform it. After being transformed, the bones and muscles of the transformed person would disappear, leaving only the skin and hair. It was as if they turned into a jar filled with honey. They would explode when poked with a sharp instrument.

Of course, not everyone controlled by it would turn into honey, otherwise so many residents would be completely destroyed. It would select some people that it wanted to eat from its own puppets. The specific judgment method was related to the beauty and ugliness of that person…

When Lin Banxia saw this, he fell into deep thought and asked Song Qingluo how the quality of the transformed person was judged.

Song Qingluo, who was playing with Xiaohua on the sofa next to him, replied without raising his head: “It was tested. At first, all men, women and children were put in. The ones who were turned into honey were all young people. Later, a group of young people were sent in. From that group, most of the people who were transformed were beautiful girls and good-looking boys…”

Lin Banxia thought to himself that these days even the heretical objects were facial cons. If he was ugly, he wouldn’t even be qualified to turn into honey: “Are the people from the test okay?”

“Of course they’re okay.” Song Qingluo said, “We are not an anti-human organization. Of course we will guarantee the human rights of the testers.”

When Lin Banxia heard this, he muttered in his heart. When you were dragged out for experiments, your human rights were not guaranteed… Of course, he did not say it out loud.

Different from 53331, 54442 was a lot more aggressive. It was a creature about the same size as an ant, with a length of only 5.42cm. At first glance, it looked no different from an ant, but it was very aggressive and would attack anything that came close. The creature could split into countless small insects that are exactly the same, burrowing into human beings through their mouths and noses, and then multiply rapidly.

During this period, the person being used as a vessel would be in agony and would try every means to end their life. When the host died, the bugs wouldn’t crawl out of the body, but would instead disappear directly. However, if during this period the surroundings threatened the existence of the main body, and the insects would continue to attack. The bugs created by 54442 were obsessed with the honey created by 53331. After eating that honey, the bugs would fall into a dizzy state, similar to when humans are drunk.

In this way, 54442’s obsession with 53331 was completely explained. It was responsible for bringing people into the lair and allowing 53331 to transform them partly into puppets and partly into food. It was simply a perfect cycle.

Moreover, those infected companions were like normal people most of the time. The only manifestation was that they did some of the same things, such as changing all the layouts in their houses to the style that 53331 likes, and so on…

Such companions blended in with the crowd and did no harm to the people around them, so they were quite difficult to detect. If Song Qingluo hadn’t happened to meet the infected Lu Yinyin, it was feared that it would have taken some time for this matter to be discovered. By that time, there may be more than one old community that had been invaded.

The matter finally came to a successful conclusion. Song Qingluo and Lin Banxia solved two incidents in a row and received a large and generous bonus. Lin Banxia accepted the money like a poor man who suddenly became rich. Full of disbelief. Although he already has eight figures in the bank, for some reason, the change in his life was only to the extent that he could turn on the air conditioner and drink ice cola at home. As for the kind of luxurious life only for the rich, Lin Banxia didn’t even think about it.

Along with the generous bonus, there was also a long vacation. After thinking about it, Lin Banxia decided to quit his job, although he was a little reluctant to let it go.

Ji Leshui was very puzzled by his reluctance and asked what exactly he was reluctant to part with. Those colleagues who came and went were not familiar with him. Could it be that he was reluctant to part with those weird corpses?

Lin Banxia said: “You don’t understand. This is my first job. After all, I have some sentiment towards it.”

Ji Leshui’s hair stood on end: “Are you serious?”

Lin Banxia said: “Of course I am serious. I still remember the first corpse I saw. It was a young man who committed suicide by jumping off a building. It was so broken that it was impossible to pick it up…”

Ji Leshui made a stop gesture: “Shut up, please.”

Lin Banxia spread his hands; his eyes full of innocence.

After resigning, Lin Banxia played at home for a few days. He and Song Qingluo drank every day and didn’t get up before twelve o’clock. Neither of them liked drinking, but they were addicted to Coke and looked like they were drinking heavily.

Li Su came to Lin Banxia’s house. As soon as he entered the house, he saw two people, Ge You lying on the sofa paralyzed. They heard him push the door open and come in without even raising their heads.

There were countless Coke bottles on the table next to them. It was clear that they hadn’t been out for who knows how long.

“What have you been doing these days? Not answering the phone?” Li Su said, “They thought something had happened and asked me to come over to take a look.”

Lin Banxia rested his head on Song Qingluo’s thigh and did not get up to greet the guests: “We have nothing to do.”

Li Su: “Why don’t you answer the phone if you have nothing to do?”

Lin Banxia answered honestly: “I put my phone in the bedroom and I’m too lazy to get it.”

Li Su was speechless. He walked to the two of them and found that they were actually watching Peppa Pig. He was shocked: “What’s wrong with you? Are you watching this? If something important happens while you are looking at this and they can’t get in touch with you, what would you do?”

Song Qingluo said: “You would come anyway.”

In fact, of course it was not them who were watching Peppa Pig, but Xiaohua and Small Cave. Unfortunately, the two little ones hid in the bedroom after hearing Li Su’s knock on the door, so it was Lin Banxia who ended up watching Peppa Pig. The atmosphere between Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo was a little awkward. Lin Banxia said bravely: “It’s quite fun.”

Li Su: “…”

Song Qingluo agreed calmly: “Not bad.”

Li Su: “…”

The three of them were quiet for a minute and Lin Banxia couldn’t hold back: “Are you okay?”

Li Su said: “It’s okay, I’ll come and watch Peppa Pig with you.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

“Just kidding.” Li Su sighed, “I’m not as boring as you two…”

Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo both felt guilty and remained silent, with expressions on their faces of you don’t understand.

“Li Ye bought a new house. Since I have nothing to do during the holidays, do you want to go over and play for a few days?” Li Su got down to business.

Song Qingluo pondered: “Where is it?”

Li Su: “It’s over in H City, with a mountain and a very good environment…”

Song Qingluo didn’t say anything, and glanced at Lin Banxia, ​​probably asking if he wanted to go. Lin Banxia quite liked going out, but traveling was a waste of money and time. He used to have no money and no time, so this matter had nothing to do with him. Now he finally had some spare money, had quit his job, so going out to have fun with his friends seemed nice.

“Okay.” Lin Banxia agreed happily.

Li Su said: “Then we’ll go there tomorrow afternoon, remember to pack your luggage.”

Lin Banxia: “When was the flight booked?”

“No, Li Ye is chartering a plane.” Li Su stood up, waved and prepared to leave.

Lin Banxia thought that Li Su and Li Ye were rich enough, but he didn’t realise that his expression was extremely obvious. Li Su laughed and said, “If Song Qingluo didn’t buy his antique gadgets, he could afford them too…he has been a monitor for more than ten years…he should have accumulated hundreds of millions long ago.” After saying this, he waved and left, leaving the room in silence.

Probably realizing that Lin Banxia’s expression was not right, Song Qingluo tactfully turned off the Peppa Pig in front of them, stood up and rolled up his sleeves while calmly walking to the kitchen, pretending not to see Lin Banxia’s increasingly serious expression.

“Qingluo.” Lin Banxia called from behind him.

Song Qingluo’s back stiffened slightly and he said calmly: “Huh?”

“How much did you spend on those gadgets of yours?” Lin Banxia asked.

Song Qingluo: “Not much…”

Lin Banxia: “How much is not more?”

Song Qingluo said vaguely: “…10…”

Lin Banxia: “How many thousands?”

Song Qingluo: “…tens of millions.”

Lin Banxia stretched out his hand and pinched himself, feeling as if he was about to faint the next moment.

Song Qingluo turned his face away guiltily and whispered: “I’ll buy less in the future.”

Lin Banxia: “You mean you still want to buy it?”

Song Qingluo blinked: “You can buy the genuine product.”

Lin Banxia felt that he had to hold back hard to avoid being moved to tears by this incident. He said in a trembling voice: “I heard you say before that you knew a little bit about it and thought you were being modest. Who knew? You really know something…” Hearing Lin Banxia’s words, Song Qingluo couldn’t help but smile even though he knew the atmosphere was wrong.

Lin Banxia cried: “We can’t continue like this. We still have children to raise…”

Song Qingluo laughed and agreed softly.

In the end, the two reached an agreement during dinner time. Song Qingluo could continue to buy antiques in the future, but only if he took Lin Banxia with him. According to Lin Banxia, ​​although he didn’t know the authenticity of the antiques, he at least knew about iPhone and Peppa Pig.


Translator’s comments:

  1. “Ge You lying” refers to the pose of actor Ge You in the 17th and 18th episodes of the 1993 sitcom ” I Love My Family “.

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