Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 85.1 Ghost Market

The takeaway was taken away, and he still had to live his life. Lin Banxia was helpless and thought. Forget it. Li Su got a bargain and behaved well. After a while, he sent a message to Lin Banxia, ​​praising the delicious food near Lin Banxia’s house. Lin Banxia was so angry that it made his teeth itch.

Song Qingluo had been sleeping, and Lin Banxia did not dare to disturb him. He gently closed all the curtains in the living room. He originally thought that Song Qingluo would sleep for a day or two like before, but at three o’clock in the afternoon Song Qingluo woke up.

Lin Banxia woke up more than an hour earlier and was a little hungry, so he casually grabbed some food in the refrigerator to satisfy his hunger. Both Xiaohua and Small Cave noticed that the atmosphere at home was different from usual, so they did not come out of the bedroom, which also saved Lin Banxia the effort of comforting the two little ones.

While Lin Banxia was eating, his ears were also paying attention to the movements in the living room. When he heard the sound of Song Qingluo getting up, he immediately rushed over.

Sure enough, Song Qingluo had woken up, and was leaning on the sofa with a look of exhaustion on his face.

Lin Banxia felt distressed and didn’t know what to do. He watched secretly for a while, then went to the kitchen to get a cup and handed it to Song Qingluo: “Do you want to drink some hot water?”

Song Qingluo was not feeling well at first, but when he heard Lin Banxia’s words, he suddenly smiled.

Lin Banxia was confused: “Why are you laughing?”

Song Qingluo: “It’s okay, I just think you’re a bit cute.”

Lin Banxia was confused.

Song Qingluo coughed twice, but still felt uncomfortable. Lin Banxia was beside him asking if he could help; asking him if he wanted to eat and if the air conditioner should be turned up higher.

Song Qingluo shook his head and waved to Lin Banxia: “Come here.”

Lin Banxia hurriedly rushed to Song Qingluo.

Song Qingluo raised his hand, took off the sunglasses Lin Banxia had been wearing, stared into his eyes for a while, and said hoarsely: “Why haven’t you changed back yet?”

Lin Banxia rubbed his eyes: “What on earth is going on?”

Song Qingluo said: “Infected people usually have some changes in their bodies…”

Lin Banxia asked strangely: “Then why don’t other people have this green line in their eyes?”

Song Qingluo said: “I don’t know, maybe it likes you more.”

Lin Banxia looked helpless.

Song Qingluo pondered, seeming to be thinking about how to deal with Lin Banxia’s abnormal pupils. Although he could usually wear contact lenses to cover it up, this was not a long-term solution. Sooner or later, the people in the base would find out. No, maybe it had already been discovered.

When Lin Banxia saw Song Qingluo’s uncertain expression, he suddenly felt a little nervous and thought. Is this matter serious? There seemed to be no sequelae.

Just as he was thinking this, Song Qingluo suddenly leaned over, kissed his eyes hard, and then licked them gently with his tongue.

There was a moist and hot touch on his eyelids, and Lin Banxia couldn’t help but let out a soft groan. He reflexively wanted to dodge, but Song Qingluo held his shoulders down with such force that he was held firmly in place.

“Don’t move.” Song Qingluo said softly.

Lin Banxia had no choice but to hold still. His eyeballs itched as Song Qingluo’s hot breath hit his cheeks. He couldn’t open them so his senses became more acute. He could even smell the light scent of Song Qingluo. A scent unique to him.

Although Song Qingluo’s movements were gentle, they inexplicably carried the aura of an invader. The feeling as if he was about to be swallowed into Song Qingluo’s stomach swept through Lin Banxia’s senses, reminding him of the black shadow in Song Qingluo’s body which swallowed up everything, and his body couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

Song Qingluo felt his flinch and fear, and his movements paused for a moment. It was only for a moment, and soon returned to normal.

Following Song Qingluo’s movements, something else seemed to enter Lin Banxia’s eyes. Unlike Song Qingluo’s hot touch, it was a bit cold.

Was that the shadow? Lin Banxia thought. Was that the shadows in Song Qingluo’s body? He didn’t expect that the shadow’s touch would be like this…

As the chill grew stronger, Lin Banxia felt a slight sting in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but groan. Song Qingluo immediately stopped moving.

“It hurts?” he asked in a hoarse voice.

“A little.” Lin Banxia said, “But it doesn’t matter…just…a little bit.”

Song Qingluo did not continue and let go of Lin Banxia.

Lin Banxia was a little surprised. He didn’t expect Song Qingluo to stop suddenly and hesitated: “Aren’t you going to continue?”

Song Qingluo said: “It’s almost done.”

Lin Banxia touched his eyes, got up and went to the toilet. Sure enough, he saw that the green in his eyes had faded and turned back to the normal black. Lin Banxia felt that the black seemed to not be pure, and there was a faint green light in the depths. However, upon closer inspection, the green light seemed to be his illusion.

Apart from the fact that there was something wrong with his eyes, Lin Banxia realized that he had been licked by Song Qingluo just now and his face turned red. He turned on the water, washed his face with cold water, wiped it clean, then returned to the living room pretending to be normal.

Song Qingluo leaned on the sofa lazily, propped up his chin and looked at him: “I’m hungry.”

Lin Banxia: “What should we eat?”

“Anything is fine,” Song Qingluo said, “How about you go buy some food and I’ll cook.”

“No way.” Lin Banxia said, “You… you just got injured, it’s better to rest.”

When Song Qingluo heard this, he lifted up the corner of his clothes without a care, exposing his abdomen. The wound that Lin Banxia made by his own hands was gone, but there was a faint trace running across Song Qingluo’s waist and abdomen. However, even if it was gone, did that mean that it hadn’t hurt? Lin Banxia thought. It was really difficult to treat Song Qingluo as if nothing had happened.

Song Qingluo thought Lin Banxia would smile, but he saw him tilting his head in embarrassment, as if he had thought of something painful. He thought forcing Lin Banxia to cut him open must have given Lin Banxia a psychological shadow, so he was at a loss: “Sorry, Banxia, ​​I had no choice at the time, next time…”

“Stop talking.” Lin Banxia said.

Song Qingluo pursed his lips slightly.

“Why are you apologizing?” Lin Banxia said, “You are obviously the victim… Do you often apologize? To whom? The person who cut your body open with their own hands?”

Song Qingluo: “…”

“I just feel uncomfortable.” Lin Banxia said, “There is nothing I can do.” He was just an ordinary person. He even bought the house at the cheapest price. He had no power, so naturally he couldn’t help Song Qingluo. To get justice, he could only find ways to make him feel better.

Only then did Song Qingluo understand why Lin Banxia reacted like this. It turned out that he was not blaming him, but feeling sorry for him. The confusion on his face suddenly disappeared and turned into a faint smile: “Actually, I really don’t think it’s that painful, it started at a very early age…I got used to it.”

Lin Banxia suddenly turned around, pushed Song Qingluo onto the back of the sofa angrily, leaned over suddenly, and kissed his lips. He didn’t want to hear the words ‘I got used to it’ coming out of Song Qingluo’s mouth again.

Faced with Lin Banxia’s sudden initiative, Song Qingluo was surprised at first, but then accepted it happily. He put his arm around Lin Banxia’s waist, and the two became entangled.



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