Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 83.2 Ghost Market

In the end, Song Qingluo did not move and watched Lin Banxia stop in front of him.

Song Qingluo lowered his eyelashes, stretched out his hand, and gently helped Lin Banxia push aside a strand of hair covering his eyes, and said, “Sorry, I’m late.”

Lin Banxia did not respond.

Song Qingluo looked at Lin Banxia. Lin Banxia was shorter than him. When he lowered his head, he could only see the hair swirling on the top of his head. He had kissed him there tenderly a few days ago. Lin Banxia would become embarrassed and turned his head away in embarrassment and mumble asking what he was doing.

Song Qingluo called him again, his voice softer than usual, with a gentle tone.

“Yes.” Lin Banxia again responded. He took a step forward, this time almost touching Song Qingluo.

Song Qingluo didn’t move and followed Lin Banxia’s movements. He saw Lin Banxia reaching out to hug him.

It was a tight hug, which seemed to take up all Lin Banxia’s strength. Song Qingluo reached out and squeezed the back of Lin Banxia’s neck, with a hint of helplessness in his tone, but also hidden doting: “You can do whatever you want to.”

Lin Banxia said nothing and pressed his cheek against Song Qingluo’s chest.

“It’s okay.” Song Qingluo said, “I won’t blame you for anything you do.”

“Really?” Lin Banxia looked up.

“Really.” Song Qingluo said seriously.

Lin Banxia’s lips pursed into a tight line, and Song Qingluo saw green light flashing in his black eyes, eventually forming a vertical green line. At first glance, it looked like the pupils of a feline. Then the green thread quickly dispersed into little pieces in Lin Banxia’s eyes. Lin Banxia suddenly raised his head and bit Song Qingluo’s throat. He was very forceful at first, and then seemed to control himself. The force gradually slowed down and turned into careful licking.

Song Qingluo squeezed the back of Lin Banxia’s neck slightly harder, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: “Don’t make trouble…”

Lin Banxia relaxed, his tone a little vague: “Didn’t you say that I can do anything?”

Song Qingluo: “Is this what you want to do?”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Song Qingluo’s right hand slid down Lin Banxia’s arm and touched the dagger tightly held in one of his hands: “When you hugged me before, you always used two hands.”

Lin Banxia said: “I seem to be a little out of control.” Although he was talking to Song Qingluo now, his current mental state was actually very unsubtle. His mind was in confusion, and while he was seriously thinking about whether to insert the dagger into Song Qingluo’s chest as ordered, another voice shouted, saying that Song Qingluo had been in pain so many times, how could he be willing to let him get hurt again?

What made Lin Banxia the most uncomfortable was Song Qingluo’s overly doting attitude. He could easily snatch the knife from his hand, but he insisted on luring him into hugging him and telling him what he was doing to him would be all right.

“How could you do this?” Lin Banxia said slowly, “If I really did it, how long would I have to be sad?”

Song Qingluo laughed softly. Lin Banxia didn’t know if his aggrieved expression pleased him. He slowly took the dagger from Lin Banxia’s hand and clasped their fingers together. He lowered his head, and left a kiss on Lin Banxia’s messy hair, “Where is it?”

“In front.” Lin Banxia said.

Song Qingluo: “Sorry, I’m late.”

“It’s not too late.” Lin Banxia said, “At least I can still talk to you.” He paused, his expression became confused and the green light appeared in his eyes again, and he let go of Song Qingluo, stumbling back a few steps.

Song Qingluo supported him.

“You go over.” Lin Banxia said, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself when I go over. Be careful…it’s big and dangerous.”

Song Qingluo: “Okay, just wait where you are.” He squeezed Lin Banxia’s fingers, “I’ll be right back.”

Lin Banxia stared at him and agreed. He watched Song Qingluo’s back disappearing, and then the strange voice in his head sounded again. He didn’t know it, but there was a green glint stirring in his eyes again, and then it shattered like stars, and the stars all scattered. In the bottom of his eyes reason and chaos were constantly intertwined. Lin Banxia sometimes heard its call, sometimes heard Song Qingluo’s whisper, until a clear girl’s laughter comes from nowhere, Lin Banxia trembles all over, and finally escaped this bad state.

He looked into the distance and saw that Song Qingluo had already walked in front of the thing. It was strange that Song Qingluo seemed unable to see the existence of the giant thing. He was still looking around, as if he was looking for something.

Lin Banxia was a little worried, hesitated for a moment, then moved closer to that side and called: “Qingluo!” Song Qing Luo heard his call and turned around: “What?”

“Can’t you see it?” Lin Banxia didn’t dare to get too close and shouted from a distance.

Song Qingluo could indeed see nothing. There was only an empty flat land in his sight, and there was nothing in the center of the flat land. He smelled the sweet smell that became stronger and stronger as he got closer, and finally even became a little pungent. He thought that what Lin Banxia was talking about should be nearby, but unfortunately no matter how hard he searched, he couldn’t find the existence of that thing.

At this point, Lin Banxia also understood. No wonder Song Qingluo couldn’t catch this heretical object. It turned out that as long as he was not one of them, he wouldn’t be able to detect it. He could only judge their existence from the strange behavior of the people around him.

Lin Banxia rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath: “I’m coming over!”

Song Qingluo said: “Wait!”

Lin Banxia didn’t listen to him. He knew that Song Qingluo really needed him at this time. If he continued to drag it on, this thing might notice that he had regained consciousness. Since there were so many controlled people around him, if they launched an attack on them at the same time it would be difficult to end the fight without hurting someone.

So, Lin Banxia walked towards Song Qingluo. Of course, he was afraid that he would really stab Song Qingluo, so he simply dropped the dagger at his feet.

Song Qingluo originally wanted to refuse Lin Banxia’s approach, but when Lin Banxia walked towards him, he understood that his refusal was obviously meaningless, because Lin Banxia would definitely not listen, so he simply shut up.

The two have been getting along for half a year, so he naturally understood Lin Banxia. On the outside, he looked gentle and harmless, as if he was easy to fool, but in fact he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he was very smart, so it was difficult to deceive him.

When they first met, he didn’t find him so difficult to deal with. Song Qingluo thought helplessly.

Lin Banxia walked very slowly, not because he wanted to waste time, but because he was afraid that he would suddenly lose control. Fortunately, the feeling of chaos did not reappear, and he walked to Song Qingluo’s side without stopping.

Not far from them was the snow-white giant. Its countless green eyes were flashing, and it seemed to be trapped in some kind of doubt. Why did Lin Banxia not kill Song Qingluo as it ordered?

“It’s right in front.” Lin Banxia sniffed the sweet fragrance in the air and said, “What should I do?”

Song Qingluo looked towards where Lin Banxia was pointing. There was nothing there. He pondered for a moment: “I can’t see it.”

Lin Banxia was stunned: “So… there is nothing we can do?”

“Of course there is.” Song Qingluo said, “Although I can’t see it, you can.” He smiled lightly, as if he wanted to use this smile to appease Lin Banxia, ​​”This time, it’s up to you to seal it.”

Lin Banxia: “What should I do?”

Song Qingluo’s hand grabbed Lin Banxia’s wrist and pressed it gently on his chest. Facing Lin Banxia’s blank gaze, his smile became even wider. He lowered his head slightly and whispered in Lin Banxia’s ear saying: “Cut me open.”

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: Isn’t it bad to know your internal structure just like that?

Song Qingluo: There’s nothing wrong with it. Anyway, I will know your internal structure in other ways.

Lin Banxia:? ? ? ?

Hou, you don’t even know what your lover’s body looks like inside, how can you say you love him! Huh?


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