Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 81.2 Ghost Market

It stood to reason that it was normal for the body to be damaged, but Lin Banxia discovered that after the man’s skin fell off, what was exposed was not flesh and blood, but black holes… It was as if the flesh, blood and bones were gone, and only layers of skin were left.

Li Xinyu also saw it, and took two steps back in fright, barely able to calm down: “He, what’s wrong with him?”

Lin Banxia thought for a while, then grabbed a small sculpture that was placed on the cabinet as a decoration. He apologised to the man that he was offending, and then gently touched his skin with the sculpture. Sure enough, it was just as Lin Banxia imagined – this man only had a layer of skin left, and it was actually full of dark holes inside.

Li Xinyu said: “Why is it empty inside…?”

Lin Banxia was also confused, but he stared at the hole for two seconds and noticed something was wrong. He immediately said: “Quick, get out!”

Li Xinyu said: “What?”

Lin Banxia: “Get out of here quickly!”

As he said this, he grabbed Li Xinyu’s arm and ran away. As soon as the two of them ran to the door, they heard the sound of creaking. Li Xinyu couldn’t help turning around and saw a scene that she would never forget in her life. The man who had been dead in the rocking chair suddenly stood up. No, that was not standing up, that was being forcibly held up by something. There seemed to be something inside his body that stretched his skin into grotesque shapes. He staggered towards the door step by step. Before he had taken a few steps, a black shadow overflowed from his mouth and nose. Then, the only remaining piece of skin seemed to have no support and collapsed on the ground.

In the air, the sweet and greasy smell became more intense, as if it poured into the brain along the nasal cavity, making people feel dizzy.

Li Xinyu didn’t dare to look back anymore, and fled out of the house in embarrassment. She held on to the tree trunk, unable to hold back, and started vomiting violently.

Standing next to her, Lin Banxia also felt that sweet smell coating his body, and wondered if he could clean it after taking a bath.

After Li Xinyu finished vomiting, she wiped her mouth and took out the black notebook from her backpack with shaking hands.

Lin Banxia almost thought that her next move was to throw the notebook in front of her and resign and leave. Unexpectedly, she took out a pen again and took notes while retching. Lin Banxia was stunned: “You are very dedicated.”

Li Xinyu said: “It’s not that I’m dedicated, it’s just that I’m afraid that I’ll die soon and won’t be able to leave anything behind.”

Lin Banxia gave her a thumbs up.

Li Xinyu probably wanted to calm down a little by taking notes. After writing for a while, she finally got over it and stood up: “Where should we go next?”

Lin Banxia thought about it: “He said that if you want to find them, you have to join them, right?”

Li Xinyu was shocked and said: “You don’t really want to do what he said, right? He is an ignorant person who is influenced by heresy…”

Lin Banxia said: “Just thinking about it.”

Li Xinyu thought to herself. Your eager expression does not seem like you are thinking about it. These monitors are really strange. He didn’t even change their expressions after seeing such a disgusting scene. He was still chatting and laughing with her at this moment. She wiped her face and calmed down feeling that it was normal for such people to receive a high salary. After all, this kind of work was really not done by normal people.

Lin Banxia didn’t intend to act recklessly, and wanted to discuss it with Song Qingluo, so he headed towards building thirteen.

After arriving at building thirteen, Lin Banxia went directly to the sixth floor. Seeing that the door of Wei Zhimao’s house was open, he went in directly. The sweet smell that he had smelled before was much lighter now. Lin Banxia searched around the house but didn’t see Song Qingluo. He didn’t know where he had gone.

“Hey, was this note left by Mr. Song?” Li Xinyu found something near the door.

Lin Banxia took it over and looked at it. It was really Song Qingluo’s handwriting, which said that he had gone to Building 18 and asked Lin Banxia to go find him there. Song Qingluo’s handwriting was smooth and flowing. Maybe because he wrote too quickly it showed a bit of haste, but even with such handwriting, he drew a small heart at the end, which made Lin Banxia purse his lips and smile.

On the other hand, Li Xinyu next to him was confused and asked strangely: “Is this note really left by Mr. Song? Why did he draw a heart on it?”

Lin Banxia said calmly: “Maybe he is afraid that we will be scared, so he wanted to help us relieve our tension.”

Li Xinyu was doubtful: “Really?”

Lin Banxia: “Really.”

“Okay.” Li Xinyu gave up and continued to struggle. In fact, this was not the first time she cooperated with Song Qingluo on a mission. She had done so before. It’s just that Song Qingluo was still alone at that time, and everyone in the entire base was a little afraid of him. He was the kind of person who was not easy to get along with. Li Xinyu was afraid that she would annoy him, so she didn’t dare to talk to him often. However, now it seemed that Mr. Song was not as cold as the legend said. At least he seemed to be very considerate towards his partner.

Lin Banxia planned to go to Building 18 immediately, but when he got out, he realized that he had no idea where Building 18 was. There were dozens of buildings in this community. He originally thought that the eighteen buildings should be nearby, but the number of buildings in this community was actually a mess. Next to the thirteenth building was the sixth building, and next to the sixth building was the fourth building. After searching for a long time, he still couldn’t find Building 18.

Originally, Lin Banxia was thinking about knocking on a door again and asking, but Li Xinyu was already a little worried and said that they should just keep looking, since something weird might come out if they knocked on the doors. She had already vomited all her lunch, and there would be nothing left to vomit again.

Lin Banxia thought about it, looking at the state of the residents inside…asking questions might achieve nothing.

So, the two of them circled around a few more times, and finally found Building 18.

The eighteenth building was in a very remote location, with its back against a hill. When she walked to the door, Lin Banxia happened to meet Song Qingluo and Zhou Zhixiang who were coming down from upstairs.

Neither of them had good-looking expressions. From a distance, their bodies were actually wet. Before they even got close, the rich, sweet aroma came from their bodies.

Lin Banxia hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Qingluo, what’s going on?”

Song Qingluo said, “Let’s go out first.” He paused, his tone a little irritable, “I have to go back and take a shower.”

Lin Banxia saw that he was wet all over. Sure enough, it was not ordinary water, but sticky sugar stains.

Looking at Zhou Zhixiang’s face, he was about to cry. He kept rubbing his skin, as if he was dirty.

Song Qingluo said: “Let’s go.”

The group of people walked towards the exit.

Lin Banxia asked and found out what happened to Song Qingluo and Zhou Zhixiang.

It turned out that when Song Qingluo and Zhou Zhixiang were searching Wei Zhimao’s home, they found several people outside the door staring at them. Zhou Zhixiang was a little embarrassed by the stares, so he went out and asked the people what they were looking at. Unexpectedly, those people suddenly rushed towards Zhou Zhixiang without warning.

Fortunately, Song Qingluo happened to be next to Zhou Zhixiang. He reacted very quickly and pushed Zhou Zhixiang away with his hand, letting those few people miss.

Although the first attack failed, these people refused to give up and launched attacks on the two of them one after another. Song Qingluo still had some energy left at first, but finally got fed up and planned to knock them all out and take them away. His physical ability was different from ordinary people. If he really wanted to take action, no one would be his opponent.

However, an accident happened.

When Song Qingluo struck the attacker’s neck with one hand, intending to knock them unconscious, he found that the touch under his hand was wrong. It was too soft, with no bones and muscles that the human body should have. When he struck down, it was like he had hit a cowhide bag filled with water.

The next moment, the person he hit exploded like a water bag, and the sweet-smelling water splashed all over them. Song Qingluo didn’t like water in the first place, and this water even stuck to him. He was stunned for a few seconds on the spot. He was so angry that he tried to catch the remaining two people, but in the end, he only managed to catch one. The remaining one also managed to turn into a puddle of sweet water and sprayed all over them.

Zhou Zhixiang couldn’t help but vomited when he thought about what this sugar water was. Song Qingluo barely suppressed his anger and grabbed the man for interrogation.

The man refused to talk at first, but later Song Qingluo threatened to take him back, so he relaxed and said it was over there in Building 18. Song Qingluo wanted to ask again, but the man exploded in front of him, so he and Zhou Zhixiang were hit again, and both of them got even wetter.

Lin Banxia knew what happened next. After Song Qingluo left him a note, he went to Building 18. He didn’t seem to find anything special and could only return without success.

Although there were not enough clues at the moment, Song Qingluo decided to go back and take a shower before talking about anything else after smelling the sweet and cloying scent all over his body.

It was originally a very tragic story, but when Lin Banxia looked at Song Qingluo’s rare embarrassment, he couldn’t help but have a smile in his eyes. However, when Song Qingluo discovered it, he faintly asked him to wait.

Lin Banxia:…” He was wrong, he shouldn’t laugh.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: Hahahahahahaha

Song Qingluo: Laugh again.

Lin Banxia: What will happen?

Song Qingluo was expressionless: There will be more water too

Lin Banxia:………I suspect you are driving[1.], and I have evidence



Translator’s comments:

  1. Slang for sexual behaviour.

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