Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 80.2 Ghost Market

“Yes.” The neighbor said, “That group of people just left. There were dozens of them.”

Both Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo’s expressions changed. Song Qingluo said, “How long have they been gone?”

“Five or six minutes,” said the neighbor. “There wasn’t much movement when he arrived, but it was noisy when they left, as if there had just been a party… Maybe he went out with that group of people?”

Song Qingluo didn’t ask any more questions, turned around, walked to Yi Xinhe’s door, and started banging on the door. He was so strong that he quickly broke the lock of the security door, deforming it. The neighbor was frightened by them and shouted that he was going to call the police. However, Lin Banxia had no time to pay attention to him.

However, as soon as Song Qingluo opened the door and entered the house, Lin Banxia had a bad premonition. He smelled a sweet smell, and this sweet smell was mixed with a faint smell of blood.

“Yi Xinhe?!” Song Qingluo called Yi Xinhe’s name and quickly checked the rooms, but saw no sign of Yi Xinhe.

Lin Banxia searched for the smell and walked to the kitchen. He sniffed and determined that the smell was coming from several jars in the kitchen. These jars were used by ordinary people to pickle pickles. Now, it exuded a rich sweetness that left people almost breathless. Lin Banxia hesitated for a moment, reached out and opened the lid. Suddenly, the sweetness in the air became stronger. Lin Banxia coughed a few times, almost choking on the smell.

“Cough cough cough, cough cough cough!” Forced to take a step back, Lin Banxia saw the contents of the jar.

It was a jar of clear liquid, yellow and transparent, with a texture somewhat like honey, but not as thick. Lin Banxia took a closer look and immediately noticed something was wrong. There were vaguely hair-like things floating on the liquid. It looked like human hair.

“Qingluo!!” Lin Banxia shouted.

Song Qingli rushed over. He seemed to find the smell a bit pungent and blocked his nose with his hand. When he saw the jar of liquid, his brows instantly furrowed and he said: “…He’s gone.”

Lin Banxia said: “Is Yi Xinhe gone?”

Song Qingluo uttered one word: “Yeah.” He took out the mobile phone he found in the living room, “His phone is still here, so he must not have gone out. This thing…”

He didn’t say the rest. Lin Banxia knew very well that these jars of liquid were inseparable from Yi Xinhe.

While the two were talking, the police who had been called by neighbors also came. Song Qingluo negotiated with them and was not held responsible for the illegal intrusion, and was also given the right to watch the surveillance.

The two went directly to the property management and checked the surveillance video. The surveillance camera completely recorded the entire process of the incredible incident.

A girl knocked on the door of Yi Xinhe’s house, and after going in for about half an hour, when the door opened again, the girl was gone. Instead, there was a total of twenty-three people with very similar looks. The video was a bit blurry and the faces could not be seen clearly, but Lin Banxia noticed that their movements were almost exactly the same, one following the other, like a series of… black ants.

Yi Xinhe did not go out, he just disappeared into the house. The policeman originally wanted to ask if the security surveillance had been modified, but the police station called and said that someone had taken over the case and asked him to ignore it for the time being.

Lin Banxia guessed that it might be Sun Shui’s side. Sure enough, about half an hour later, Sun Shui came over panting and said, “What’s going on? How is Yi Xinhe?”

Song Qingluo said: “Check the hair in the two cans of sweet liquid in his house.”

Sun Shui was stunned: “Ah???”

Song Qingluo rubbed the corners of his eyes: “You’ll know when you go and see it.”

Sun Shui hurried upstairs and saw the two jars of sugary liquid and the hair floating in them. He was also a veteran policeman. When he saw this scene, he immediately understood something: “No way?!”

Song Qingluo stood aside and said nothing.

Sun Shui smiled and said: “It’s too much to turn people into two jars of sugar water…” He couldn’t go on. This was something beyond common sense, but heresy was already something that couldn’t be explained by common sense.

Some things were fine if you didn’t think about them, but the more you thought about them, the creepier they became. Originally, they all thought that the sticky liquid on the objects they touched was melted sugar, but now looking at Yi Xinhe’s fate, they had some bad premonitions.

Lin Banxia stood aside and remained silent until Sun Shui took the candy jars away. He whispered: “This incident is really bad…”

Song Qingluo said calmly: “When you find a few ants at home, it means you already have an ant nest at home. The worst thing is that you don’t even know where the ant nest is and how big it is.”

Lin Banxia: “What do we do now?”

Song Qingluo: “Go back and rest.”

After running back and forth several times, it was almost three o’clock in the morning. He could stay up, but Lin Banxia couldn’t. Besides, Lin Banxia didn’t sleep very well yesterday.

On the way back, Song Qingluo contacted Li Su and asked him to protect all of the people who had been exposed to the sugary liquid, including Li Xinyu and several of Sun Shui’s assistants. He also mentioned Yi Xinhe’s death.

Death was a common occurrence for them. Li Su was calm throughout the whole process and repeatedly confirmed whether they needed to send additional manpower.

“No need for now.” Song Qingluo said, “I won’t show off unnecessarily, but we may need some weapons. Please apply for me and send them over as soon as possible. We will go there tomorrow to have a look.”

Li Su said yes and hung up the phone.

Lin Banxia said: “This matter involves a lot of people…” According to today’s video, the people who came out of Yi Xinhe’s house did not seem to live in the same place. After getting off the elevator, they scattered. This situation was very scary. Lin Banxia really couldn’t imagine how many people in this city had already been affected.

Song Qingluo said: “There will always be a solution.”

Lin Banxia: “How many times have you encountered such a situation?”

Song Qingluo: “Not many, maybe three or four times.”

Lin Banxia said, “Oh.”

Song Qingluo sighed: “But every time…” He didn’t want to say any more and fell into silence.

Lin Banxia took his hand and whispered: “It’s okay, I’m here too this time.”

It was already four o’clock in the morning when they got home, and the two little ones at home were asleep on the sofa. After Lin Banxia took a simple bath, he went to bed with Song Qingluo. The two of them were a little tired after running for the entire day, so they nuzzled together for a while, then hugged each other and fell asleep.

Lin Banxia didn’t sleep very well. In the haze, he always felt like there was something there. Halfway through his sleep, Lin Banxia suddenly woke up. He opened his eyes in confusion and took a look at his mobile phone. He found that it was just past six o’clock, and a ray of golden morning sun penetrated through the gap in the curtains.

Happening to feel the need to urinate, Lin Banxia climbed up from the bed carefully, rubbed his eyes and went to the toilet. After quickly solving the physical problem, he originally planned to go back to the bed and continue sleeping, but Lin Banxia accidentally walked to the balcony and took a look outside.

This glance made Lin Banxia freeze on the spot.

He saw countless people densely packed downstairs, including men, women, old and young, wearing different clothes. However, they were all doing the same action. They raised their heads and stared at their location. Lin Banxia took a breath of cold air.

The next moment, these people seemed to realize that they had been discovered. They lowered their heads and began to walk towards the entrance of the community. In just three to five minutes, they completely disappeared, ​​as if the scene just now was just Lin Banxia’s imagination.

Lin Banxia was silent for a moment, and decided to go back and take a nap first, and then tell Song Qingluo about the matter when he woke up.

After sleeping until noon, Lin Banxia was again awakened from his dream by the smell of food. Lin Banxia woke up in a daze, saw Song Qingluo’s face close at hand, and said vaguely: “Someone is watching us… ”

Song Qingluo: “Huh?” He lowered his head, gently bit the tip of Lin Banxia’s ear, and said, “Are you dreaming? Be good… get up and eat.”

The slight tingling and itching at the tip of his ear made Lin Banxia wake up all of a sudden. He opened his eyes wide and said, “I was not asleep.” He sat up and described what he saw in the morning to Song Qingluo. Song Qingluo frowned after hearing this and confirmed, “They left after you discovered them?”

“Yes.” Lin Banxia said, “Left very uniformly.” He behaved like a controlled robot, as if he had completely lost his personal characteristics.

“Should I have woken you up right then and there?” Lin Banxia asked.

“It’s okay.” Song Qingluo was quite indifferent. “It’s useless to call me. How can we stop them and prevent them from leaving? Besides…”

Lin Banxia said: “What’s more?”

Song Qingluo said: “Besides, for this kind of thing, we have to start from the source. Let’s go eat.”

Lin Banxia hummed, got up, washed up, and had a simple lunch.

Song Qingluo began to make arrangements for the afternoon. After Li Su delivered the weapons, they planned to go to the old building again.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: Densely packed things make me uncomfortable

Song Qingluo threw one million in front of Lin Banxia.

Lin Banxia: 0.0 I think I can do it again…



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