Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 79.1 Ghost Market

Lin Banxia stretched out his hand and saw a moist crimson patch between his fingers. It turned out to be blood. He thought something must have happened upstairs, so he raised her head and shouted, “What’s happened with you?”

“We’re fine!!” Li Xinyu responded, “Something happened to Wei Zhimao!!”

A problem occurred? Lin Banxia was slightly startled, turned around and ran up the stairs. As soon as he reached the corridor on the fifth floor, she saw Li Xinyu standing in the stairwell with a pale face.

“What happened?” Lin Banxia saw her unsteady steps and quickly reached out to support her.

“Someone died upstairs.” Li Xinyu said, “I think it is Wei Zhimao…”

Lin Banxia said: “He’s dead, how did he die?”

Li Xinyu said: “I don’t know, he was already dead when we went up.”

Hearing this, Lin Banxia said: “My mobile phone has no signal. You can call the police from here and I will go up and take a look.”

“Okay…” Li Xinyu nodded.

Lin Banxia immediately went to the sixth floor and saw the crime scene as Li Xinyu said. It was exactly as she said, a mess. The ground was covered with fresh blood and scattered pieces of meat, and the pungent smell of blood irritated the nose. Even someone like Lin Banxia, ​​who was used to seeing corpses, felt it was a bit too stimulating. Lin Banxia really couldn’t imagine how this person died. It was as if he had been pulled into pieces by five horses. He even saw some internal organ remains on the ground.

“He just died?” Lin Banxia asked.

“He must have.” Song Qingluo said, “When we came up, the blood was still flowing.”

Lin Banxia: “…” No wonder blood dripped on him where he was standing below.

“Let’s call the police first.” Song Qingluo’s reaction was the same as Lin Banxia’s.

However, when they took out their phones and tried to make a call, they all found that their phones had no signal.

Yi Xinhe said helplessly: “My phone can’t get through. Is the signal blocked?”

Lin Banxia suddenly noticed something and pointed to the corridor: “What is that?”

Everyone looked up and saw some messy footprints along the edge of the corridor. Those footprints followed the edge of the corridor, and disappeared at the end of the dimly lit corridor.

Lin Banxia said: “Would you like to go over and have a look?”

Song Qingluo said: “I’ll go.”

After saying that, he walked towards the end of the corridor. Lin Banxia stood there, watching Yi Xinhe continue to fiddle with his mobile phone, feeling very confused. The population density of this apartment building was so high. Even if everyone went to work during the day, there should still be some elderly people here. However, from beginning to end, they saw no one in this building. Could it be that they heard the noise and didn’t dare to come out? Lin Banxia thought this, walked to the nearest house, and knocked on the door. He originally just tried casually and didn’t expect it to actually open. Nevertheless, the door made a soft creaking sound and actually opened. A young face emerged from the door. It was a young woman. When she saw Lin Banxia standing outside the door, she did not take the initiative to speak.

“Hello.” Lin Banxia said, “Are you a resident living here?”

The woman didn’t respond.

Lin Banxia said: “Did you hear anything suspicious earlier?”

The woman slowly shook her head.

“No?” Lin Banxia frowned, “No movement at all?”

The woman shook her head again. Her reaction seemed to be very slow. Just shaking her head. She acted like a robot that was about to run out of power.

Lin Banxia found it extremely strange. Behind him was a bloody crime scene. Normal people would react a little when they saw it, but this woman didn’t seem to see it. Those black eyes were almost glued to him as if she didn’t care at all about what was going on nearby.

Such an obvious abnormality could be noticed by anyone. Lin Banxia wanted to ask a few more questions, but Yi Xinhe’s frightened cry suddenly sounded from behind him, and he said: “Lin, Mr. Lin, something doesn’t seem right. ”

Lin Banxia turned around: “What?”

“You… look over there.” Yi Xinhe pointed to the building opposite them.

The building that Yi Xinhe was pointing to was the one that Lin Banxia had noticed something strange about before. He looked up and saw a group of people appearing in the corridor opposite. They were standing in the corridor, with different genders and appearances, but they were staring at Lin Banxia and the others with the same eyes. That kind of look is difficult to describe in words. It was like a group of mentally ill patients who were barely suppressing their emotions. It felt like they could do anything.

Yi Xinhe was stared at so much that his hair raised: “Mr. Lin, what are they doing?”

Lin Banxia felt something was wrong: “Call Song Qingluo back, let’s leave first.” When he turned around, he found that the girl he had interacted with just now was still staring at him, and her eyes were almost exactly the same as those of the people opposite. Just as Lin Banxia was about to say something, he saw the girl smile, revealing her snow-white teeth… and some red stuff in her teeth that looked like minced meat.

Before Lin Banxia could react, the girl reached out and slammed the door. No matter how much Lin Banxia screamed, she didn’t open it again.

Over on the other side, Yi Xinhe called Song Qingluo back. They took stock together and planned to leave first.

They went downstairs and when they walked out, the eyes of the people on the building followed their steps, watching them leave.

Li Xinyu got goosebumps from being stared at, and whispered: “I thought it wouldn’t be that scary this time… but it turns out, people seem to be scarier than the heretical objects.”

“Let’s go out first.” Yi Xinhe smiled bitterly, “I feel that if we stay a any longer, they will pounce on us and kill us.”

The four people did not dare to stay and quickly left the community. When leaving the community, Lin Banxia noticed that some residents were coming out one after another from other floors in the community, looking into the distance with their weird gazes. Watching them until they crossed the alley and headed into the city.

When they arrived outside, they finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the crowds of people walking around.

Yi Xinhe touched the sweat on his forehead and said: “The phone has signal again. I will contact the police first and ask them to come and assist.”

Lin Banxia said: “Okay, but how will you explain it?”

“No need to explain.” Song Qingluo said, “We cooperate with the police.” Yes, their work content was so special, so it was normal for them to have contact with the police. The previous few times were in other places, so Lin Banxia forgot.

Taking advantage of Yi Xinhe’s contact, Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo discussed the clues obtained by both parties. Song Qingluo said that he found the remaining parts of Wei Zhimao’s body at the end of the corridor. In fact, only the crushed bones were left. It was very difficult to completely dismember a person, but obviously, the murderer Wei Zhimao met did it all perfectly.

Not only did he kill Wei Zhimao, he even crushed all his flesh, blood, and bones. If they hadn’t gone there by chance, the remaining traces might have disappeared already.

Although it was unbelievable, Lin Banxia did smell an inhuman aura among those residents.

The police officers contacted by Yi Xinhe arrived at the scene after about half an hour. They were wearing plain clothes and seemed to be familiar with Song Qingluo. When they arrived, they greeted him first and called him Mr. Song with great respect.

Song Qingluo briefly explained the situation inside. After learning that they were carrying weapons, they decided to go back together to take a look.

So, with a vigilant attitude, a total of six people returned to the 13th building of the old residential area.

The people who had been staring at them in the corridor before was gone now, but they still didn’t dare to relax and climbed to the sixth floor where the crime was committed.

What Lin Banxia didn’t expect was that after they returned to the sixth floor, the messy murder scene was gone. Both the ground and the railings became spotless, as if everything they had just seen was an illusion.

“What’s going on?” Li Xinyu was shocked, “So quickly and so cleanly? Is the murderer still in the building?”

“I’ll go ask.” One of the policemen named Sun Shui said. He turned around and knocked on the door next to him. After a while, Lin Banxia again saw the girl who opened the door for him just now.

However, unlike the nervous expression Lin Banxia saw, she looked like an ordinary person. After seeing the police officer’s certificate, she even showed a little nervousness naturally: “What? A dead person? I don’t know, I’ve been at home the entire time.”

Sun Shui said: “It is illegal to give false testimony.”

“I didn’t commit perjury. I was really at home the entire time.” The confusion on the girl’s face didn’t seem like she was lying. “And no one knocked on the door just now. Did you find the wrong person?”

Sun Shui looked back at Lin Banxia and emphasized his tone. However, no matter what he said, the girl insisted that she had not seen anything. Her attitude was very tough. If the four people present had not seen it, they might all suspect that there was something wrong with them.

Helpless, Sun Shui went to knock on several other households. At this time, Lin Banxia and the others discovered that almost every household in the whole building had someone at home, including young people, children and old people. It was completely different from the atmosphere as dead as a tomb they had encountered when they first came.

However, no matter who they asked, they all said the same thing. They did not hear or see anything. Even the seven or eight-year-old children had blank expressions, as if they had no idea what they were talking about.

If they were acting, this acting was a bit too good.

Sun Shui also became more and more helpless. They did see identical objects placed on all of the floors, but there was no law against doing so, so the investigation suddenly reached a deadlock.

Under the scorching sun, Li Xinyu felt an uncontrollable chill on her back. She had seen a lot of strange things, but this was the first time she saw so many people having problems together.

Lin Banxia had an idea and said, “By the way, we haven’t entered Wei Zhimao’s house yet. Why not go into his house to check?”

The police came anyway, so if they went in to search it wasn’t a crime.

“Okay.” Song Qingluo said thoughtfully, “Let’s go in and take a look.”

They knew Wei Zhimao’s room number, so they walked to the door. They were still thinking about how to get in. Unexpectedly, when Lin Banxia turned the door lock, they found that the door was not locked at all, and he opened it directly.

The moment he opened the door, a faintly sweet aroma hit him in the face. Lin Banxia took a sniff and felt that the smell was very familiar.

“It’s so sweet.” Li Xin said, “It smells like honey.”

Wei Zhimao’s house looked ordinary at first glance, just a place where ordinary people lived. The group searched the house, but found nothing for a while. The unsuspecting Yi Xinhe reached out and opened the refrigerator.

“Fuck!” The moment he opened the refrigerator, Yi Xinhe took a few steps back almost bumping into the person behind him. He cursed involuntarily, “What is in the refrigerator?!”


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