Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 77.2 Ghost Market

After gluing the house number back on, the two of them went back to the house pretending nothing had happened and chatted for a while.

Song Qingluo said that Xiaohua was using Lin Banxia’s bedroom, so Lin Banxia should not disturb the child’s sleep and just sleep with him.

Lin Banxia felt a little embarrassed when he heard this. He whispered: “Have you ever been in love before? Are we doing this too fast?”

Song Qingluo said calmly: “I have talked about it many times; this is not fast.”

Lin Banxia: “Oh, who did you talk to? In the base?”

Song Qingluo: “…”

Lin Banxia: “Male or female? Monitor or recorder?”

Song Qingluo: “…”

Lin Banxia: “Why don’t you dare to look at me?”

Song Qingluo stood up: “I’m going to take a bath.”

Lin Banxia couldn’t help but laugh, thinking that Song Qingluo was so cute, ah, he really wanted to hold him and give him a kiss.

After taking a shower, it was time to go to bed.

It was not the first time that the two of them slept on the same bed, but it was the first time after the relationship had been confirmed. Lin Banxia thought that he would be too excited to sleep, but who knew that he would fall asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. In the end, Song Qingluo was left staring at Lin Banxia with a complicated expression. He didn’t say anything for a long time. He took out his phone and browsed for a while. He couldn’t help but find a love forum and posted a post: My lover slept with me for the first time. What does it mean if they fall asleep without doing anything else?

Then the first reply came quickly: Is there an issue in that respect?

Song Qingluo took a breath, glanced at Lin Banxia from the waist down, silently turned off the phone, and fell into long contemplation… It’s okay if he didn’t think about it carefully, but when he thought about it carefully, Lin Banxia seemed to be really stoic…it couldn’t be…

No, he had to find a chance to try as soon as possible… Song Qingluo secretly made up his mind.

Lin Banxia’s sleep was of extremely high quality, and he slept until the next morning. The only pity was that Song Qingluo was no longer beside him when he woke up.

Lin Banxia got up, walked to the living room, and saw Song Qingluo serving the two little things breakfast. They said it was breakfast, but the round thing on the plate looked suspicious.

Lin Banxia came over and asked doubtfully: “What is this?”

Song Qingluo said: “I don’t know, they dug it out of the closet.”

Lin Banxia: “…can it really be eaten?”

Song Qingluo: “It should be okay. It seems like they like it quite a lot.”

While the two of them were discussing, Xiaohua tried hard to use a fork to stab a round object that looked like an eyeball, put it in her mouth and chewed it. Her cheeks were bulging. Song Qingluo looked at it and felt that she looked a bit similar to Lin Banxia.

Forget it, let the children eat what they like. Lin Banxia decided to give up on trying to figure out what it was: “Don’t give them too much, be careful not to spoil their stomachs.”

Song Qingluo: “Okay.”

The two finished breakfast, and at almost ten o’clock, Mr. Zhu called, saying that their car was parked downstairs and asking them to come down quickly.

The two put Peppa Pig on for the two little guys, and then hurried downstairs.

Mr. Zhu was driving the car. Lin Banxia glanced at the angel-shaped car logo[1.] and immediately respected the old man. When he got into the car, his posture was a bit stiff, fearing that he would dirty the car by getting into it.

“I wanted to ask before.” Mr. Zhu said, “Your community is quite clean. Does no one live there?”

Lin Banxia said: “No one lives there, so it’s quite clean.”

Just as Mr. Zhu was about to show his original expression, Song Qingluo cruelly added: “They are all urns.”

Mr. Zhu: “…”

Song Qingluo: “So don’t come here.”

Mr. Zhu’s face was ashen, and he was choked by Song Qingluo’s words for a long time without saying anything. Finally, Lin Banxia calmed the atmosphere and asked which hospital they were going to.

Mr. Zhu said: “Which hospital on the east side is there?”

Lin Banxia said: “Saint Mary?”

“Yes, that’s it.” Mr. Zhu said.

Lin Banxia thought that he was indeed a rich man. He went to private hospitals here. He had heard of this hospital. It was famous for its good service and its reputation for being expensive.

After driving for two hours, they arrived at the hospital. Mr. Zhu led Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo to the ward, but before they entered the corridor, he heard a girl crying and cursing from the ward. The sound of crashing things seemed to be the girl named Lu Yinyin he mentioned last night.

“Let me go, let me go, I’m going to die, I’m going to die.” The female voice was originally very nice, but the scream became a little too sharp. Lin Banxia walked to the door and finally looked at the situation inside.

He saw the irritable Lu Yinyin in a hospital gown being pinned down on the bed by several nurses, with a large circle of bandages wrapped around her neck. She looked crazy, screaming like a madman and attacking other people. Several male caregivers had to use their strength at the same time to force her down on the bed to let the doctor check her.

Next to her, a middle-aged couple stood, who seemed to be her parents. The man looked sad, and the woman was wiping her tears. When she saw Mr. Zhu coming, she looked surprised and hurriedly came out: “Mr. Zhu, you’re finally here, if you didn’t come back, Yinyin would really die!”

“Why can’t it work? Isn’t this okay?!” Mr. Zhu scolded, “Don’t talk nonsense!”

The middle-aged woman quickly said yes and wiped the tears on her face with a tissue. She also noticed the two young men following the old man. They both looked good, but one of them actually looked quite familiar…

Before Mr. Zhu had time to introduce him, the middle-aged man recognized Song Qingluo’s identity and said in surprise: “Hey? Isn’t this the boy from the Song family that played with Yinyin before? I haven’t seen him for so many years. He’s gotten so big!”

Song Qingluo’s attitude was not very enthusiastic, and he nodded slightly in greeting to the man.

After the man reminded her, the middle-aged woman also remembered it and said in surprise: “It turns out to be Qingluo!”

Song Qingluo said: “Let me check on Lu Yinyin’s situation first.” He obviously didn’t want to reminisce about the past, and his attitude seemed very cold.

The middle-aged woman wanted to say something more, but the man pulled her back and gestured for her to stop talking.

Song Qingluo walked to Lu Yinyin’s side. She had just been given a shot of sedative, and finally calmed down, but even so, she still looked frightened, as if she was afraid of something.

Song Qingluo leaned over and observed Lu Yinyin carefully. He looked at her for a while then said, “I want to see her wounds. Is that okay?”

“Look at the wound? But…” Lu Yinyin’s mother was a little confused and didn’t seem to understand what Song Qingluo was here for, but Mr. Zhu hinted at her, so she called the nurse and asked the nurse to take off the bandage. It seemed that Mr. Zhu was very important in the eyes of the two of them, otherwise they would do whatever he said.

Lin Banxia stood aside and gasped when he saw the wound on Lu Yinyin’s neck. Her neck was a mess of blood and flesh. The wound didn’t look like a cut with a sharp weapon, but rather like it was slowly ground with a blunt instrument.

“How did she do this?” Lin Banxia couldn’t help but ask.

“It was…she scratched it open by herself after entering the hospital.” Lu Yinyin’s mother said.

Scratched it open? Lin Banxia glanced at Lu Yinyin’s fingernails. Sure enough, they were cut cleanly. Only a madman could use nails to leave such an exaggerated wound on their neck. And the most indispensable thing among them is lunatics.

Song Qingluo asked: “Where is the hairpin?”

Lu Yinyin’s mother took the hairpin which was wrapped tightly in cloth from her bag. Song Qingluo took it in her hand and looked at it, frowning slightly: “Strange.”

Lin Banxia said: “What?”

Song Qingluo said: “There is no strange smell.”

Lin Banxia knew that he was referring to the smell of heresy, and wondered whether what Lu Yinyin encountered was not a heresy, but actually her spirit being stimulated? However, this was really impossible. Judging from her performance, it didn’t look like something a normal person could do.

“What do you think, Qingluo?” Lu Yinyin’s mother was a little anxious, “What happened to our Yinyin?”

Song Qingluo said: “The hairpin will stay with me for the time being. I don’t know yet. I have to look at it again.”

Lu Yinyin’s mother said: “Is that so, you…what are you doing now?” She carefully probed, “Is our Yinyin possessed by an evil spirit?”

“No.” Song Qingluo said, “She was just unlucky and touched something she shouldn’t have touched.”

Lu Yinyin’s mother said, “What should we do?”

Song Qingluo glanced at Mr. Zhu: “It’s best to find the person who sold her the hairpin now.”

Mr. Zhu said sadly: “How can it be so easy to find…”

Song Qingluo said: “As soon as possible, she won’t last long.”

After saying that, he turned around and went out. Lin Banxia followed him and asked, “Is the situation bad?”

Song Qingluo said: “It’s very bad.” He held the hairpin in his hand and said, “Can you feel anything from the hairpin?”

Lin Banxia took it and shook his head, saying that he couldn’t feel anything.

“Oh, I forgot that your inspiration is very low.” Song Qingluo said, “You shouldn’t be able to feel it.”

When Lin Banxia heard this, he felt that he had been discriminated against. No wonder Song Qingluo didn’t let him roll the dice every time…

Song Qingluo raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said, “Let’s report this to the police first. Let’s send two recorders over there first.”

Lin Banxia said: “Can’t you take private work?”

Song Qingluo said: “Taking private work means getting no wages.”

Lin Banxia: “…” What you said makes sense!

Song Qingluo called over there and explained Lu Yinyin’s situation, and then walked back to the ward with Lin Banxia. However, as soon as they reached the door, they heard the sound of discussion coming from the ward. Although the voices were very low, Lin Banxia still heard it clearly.

Lu Yinyin’s mother said: “How did Song Qingluo’s father die back then?”

Lu Yinyin’s father said: “How would I know?”

Mother Lu added: “The police came several times, but with no results. A good person was skinned and left with just a skeleton. Even if you listen to it now, it’s really weird… …It’s no wonder Song Qingluo’s mother quickly moved away with him.”

Father Lu said impatiently: “Why are you so mouthy?”

Mother Lu said: “Why am I so talkative? This matter was a big deal back then. No one in the yard knows about it. However, after so many years, Qing Luo is a very talented person. He is about the same age as our Yinyin. I just don’t know if he has a family yet…”

Song Qingluo reached out and knocked on the door expressionlessly, and the sound inside stopped abruptly. He walked straight in, put the hairpin on the table, and said that someone would come to investigate in detail later, so he would be leaving first.

Mother Lu was still talking about Song Qingluo just now. Now she saw his expression as cold as ice and did not dare to stop him. Father Lu also hesitated to speak, but Mr. Zhu sighed helplessly, waved his hand to Song Qingluo and said: “Let’s go, I’ll ask the driver to take you back.”

“No need.” Song Qingluo refused and turned around to leave. Lin Banxia quickly followed him and left the ward together.

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: I have been in love many times

Li Su: He lied, he lied. Before Lin Banxia came, there were not even ghosts around him!

Song Qingluo drew his sword and started stabbing.


Translator’s comments:

  1. I believe that he is referring to the emblem of the Rolls-Royce brand.



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