Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 75.2 Dream (End)

Ji Leshui: “…”

Lin Banxia: “Please think clearly, that’s my sister.”

Ji Leshui felt that either Lin Banxia was crazy or he was crazy. Faced with Lin Banxia’s serious question, as Lin Banxia’s good friend, he couldn’t say anything else and could only choke and cry. Two words came out of his mouth: “Very cute.”

Super cute and brainless[1.].

Lin Banxia showed a bright smile.


On the other side, while Ji Leshui ran away, Small Cave had already taken Xiaohua out of the drawer. Hearing the movement in the corridor, the two little things raised their heads and came out. Xiaohua looked timid as if she was frightened by Ji Leshui’s scream which sounded like something straight out of a horror movie? When she saw Lin Banxia, ​​she sweetly called brother.

Lin Banxia hurried over, took her into his arms, and coaxed her twice: “Be good, don’t be afraid. This screaming chicken is your brother’s friend, although he is a little cowardly, he is still a very nice person.”

Ji Leshui looked at Lin Banxia coaxing his sister, and thought sadly, ​​you are really not a human being, it is obviously me who was frightened and lost his soul.

When Small Cave saw Xiaohua being picked up, he also tugged at the corner of Lin Banxia’s clothes and stretched out his arms to signal that he wanted to hug his too, so Lin Banxia bent down again, and picked up the two little ones together with one on each side.

Ji Leshui stood watching from a distance, looking up and down at Xiaohua. He had to say that after coming out of the drawer, this little girl looked really cute. She did look very similar to Lin Banxia, ​​with baby fat on her face, round eyes, and two playful braids. No matter how you looked at it, she was just an ordinary child. That was if he had not seen her in the drawer just now.

“Call him brother quickly.” Lin Banxia said, “He is timid. Don’t scare him like this again.”

Xiaohua grabbed Lin Banxia’s chest and called out softly to Ji Leshui: “Brother, I’m sorry, Xiaohua didn’t mean to scare you.”

See such a cute little thing apologizing to him Ji Leshui’s frightened soul was indeed soothed, but he was still a little wary and whispered: “Lin Banxia, ​​is your sister really a human?”

Lin Banxia lied without blushing and said: “Yes.” Then he handed Xiaohua over and said, “Come and give her a hug.”

Ji Leshui hesitated for a moment, then tentatively stretched out his hand under Lin Banxia’s encouraging eyes.

Xiaohua was not afraid of strangers, so she called him brother again, and was carefully hugged by Ji Leshui.

Ji Leshui was an only child. Although he had wanted a younger sister since he was a child, he just thought about it. He had also never held any children. As soon as Xiaohua was in his arms, he was immediately at a loss. He felt like he was holding a piece of tofu and with a little force, he might break her into pieces.

Lin Banxia guided Ji Leshui with kind eyes: “Take your time, take your time. Yes, this is the posture…”

Ji Leshui’s helpless look made Lin Banxia laugh at Little Cave in his arms.

The two were tossing around when soft footsteps came from the other end of the corridor. Lin Banxia turned around and saw Song Qingluo. He was carrying a lot of vegetables in his hand. He must have just gone to the supermarket and said, “What are you doing?”

Lin Banxia whispered: “Did you release Xiaohua?”

Song Qingluo said, “Uhm, I let her out as soon as I woke up.”

“Ji Leshui got off work.” Lin Banxia said, “When he opened the drawer, he saw Xiaohua inside…”

Song Qingluo was silent for two seconds and said, “Sorry, I forgot he was next door.” He originally thought that there was no one around, so it would be okay to let Xiaohua out for some air, but he forgot that Ji Leshui, the screaming chicken, was off work. Fortunately, looking at the way he was holding Xiaohua cautiously now, it was obvious that he was so big-hearted that he had forgotten what happened just now.

Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo looked at each other in tacit understanding and decided to change the topic. Lin Banxia said, “You bought so many vegetables, what are we going to eat for dinner?”

“Let’s eat crayfish.” Song Qingluo said, “I saw how fresh it was in the vegetable market and bought a few kilograms.”

“Okay, let me help you prepare it.” Lin Banxia said.

The final scene turned into Ji Leshui taking care of the children in the living room, and Lin Banxia helping in the kitchen. It was nicer to say that it was taking care of the children, but it was more accurate to say that he was watching Peppa Pig with the children. This was Small Cave’s favorite program. After introducing it to Xiaohua very generously, she immediately fell into it and her eyes never left the TV.

Ji Leshui, who was sitting next to them, had the illusion that he had begun to lead a parenting life. Unfortunately, the birth of the two children seemed to have nothing to do with him. He looked like a kindergarten teacher.

Lin Banxia stood in the kitchen, holding a toothbrush and carefully brushing the crayfish that Song Qingluo bought. After experiencing so many weird things, he loved this calm life. When he raised his eyes, he saw Song Qingluo wearing an apron and cutting vegetables with his head lowered. He seemed to have noticed Lin Banxia’s gaze and said, “What?”

“It’s okay, I’m just taking a look.” Lin Banxia quickly looked away, a little embarrassed.

However, because of this, he missed the way Song Qingluo curled his lips into a smile.

After washing the crayfish, they put it into a pot and stir-fried it along with the vegetables and some special spices, and soon a large pot of fragrant crayfish was ready. The delicious smell floated throughout the house, making people salivate.

Lin Banxia took a few bottles of wine and Coke from the refrigerator, and the three of them started eating.

Lin Banxia didn’t know if Xiaohua could eat human food, so he tried to peel some crayfish for her. Xiaohua didn’t like it very much and was still thinking about Peppa Pig on TV, so Lin Ban Xia didn’t bother with her anymore. He put her and Small Cave on the sofa, and let the two little things continue to watch TV with relish.

Ji Leshui ate the delicious dinner and completely forgot about the fright he had received before, and casually asked about the situation in Lin Banxia’s hometown.

Lin Banxia thought for a while and then said what he could. He said that his aunt was ill and that his uncle and brother went crazy for some reason, so the family’s situation was not very good. He also told him that he went to visit his parents’ graves and planned to go back and take a look every once in a while in the future.

Ji Leshui had also heard some rumors about Lin Banxia’s family. The uncle even called him and threatened to come to Lin Banxia. At that time, he was afraid that Lin Banxia would feel uncomfortable, so he didn’t say anything about it. After hearing the fate of the family, he said angrily: “The bad guys are finally receiving vengeance. This person and his family are famously bad-hearted. It’s not a pity that they are in this situation.”

Lin Banxia smiled but said nothing. Because Xiaohua was there, the pain in his childhood memories had actually faded a lot. Listening to Ji Leshui’s words, it was like listening to other people’s stories.

“By the way.” Ji Leshui said, “While you were out, an old man came to see the boss. I asked him what his name was, but he refused to tell me. He just said that Song Qingluo knew him.”

Lin Banxia asked curiously: “Did he come to the door?”

“Yeah.” Ji Leshui said, “I asked him to call the boss, but he said he didn’t have the boss’s contact information… I was surprised. He knew where the boss lived, but he didn’t have his contact information?”

This was strange. Lin Banxia glanced at Song Qingluo.

Song Qingluo pondered for a moment and said, “Ok, I understand.”

Lin Banxia said: “Who is it?”

Song Qingluo said: “Someone I knew before.” He didn’t seem to want to talk about this topic anymore, so Lin Banxia didn’t continue to ask.

The meal lasted until after nine o’clock in the evening. The three of them were full of wine and food, and then they dispersed. Ji Leshui went back to his room. Before going back, he repeatedly confirmed with Lin Banxia that Xiaohua would not appear in the cabinet again, right? Lin Banxia didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. In order to not cast another shadow on Ji Leshui’s weak mind, he could only ask Xiaohua to promise not to visit next door at night. Even if she wanted to go, please knock on the door to get in.

After receiving Lin Banxia’s guarantee, Ji Leshui left with peace of mind.

Lin Banxia looked at Xiaohua’s aggrieved expression and explained that everyone was either afraid of her or felt that it was a bit impolite to come out of the closet. Xiaohua could play casually at home, but she had to be polite outside and shouldn’t hide in the closet casually.

Xiaohua nodded and said agreed obediently.

Lin Banxia’s heart melted when he saw her. He knew that Xiaohua was not used to it yet, but it didn’t matter. They still had a lot of time so they could take their time.

After Ji Leshui left, Song Qingluo took the initiative to mention the old man that was mentioned previously. He said that he did not want to hide it from Lin Banxia, but Ji Leshui was present at the time, and some things were not easy to talk about.

Lin Banxia immediately thought that the old man had something to do with heresy, and asked nervously: “Did something happen?”

Song Qingluo said: “Actually… it’s not an important matter.”

Lin Banxia clearly noticed the hesitation in his tone, which was a little strange. He had never seen Song Qingluo with such a weak expression before. Just when he was about to ask again, he heard Song Qingluo speak softly, almost whispering: “He introduced a seller to me, and the seller later sold me a jade pendant in the shape of an apple.”

Lin Banxia was quiet for two seconds, barely digesting this too cruel fact. He had already discovered that the legendary apple jade pendant did much more harm to Song Qingluo than the heretical objects did. Even just mentioning it, his expression started to become dazed…

Lin Banxia saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, wondering how the world could be so cruel to Song Qingluo? He was just a poor child! So, he rolled up his sleeves angrily and said, “Let’s go and reason with him! He’s lied to you previously, and yet he still dares to come to your door! See if I don’t beat him!”

Song Qingluo glanced at Lin Banxia faintly: “So you already knew about this, right?”

Lin Banxia then remembered that when Li Su mocked Song Qingluo, Song Qingluo seemed not to be there.

This time the weak person became Lin Banxia: “Listen to my explanation…”

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: When did you find out?

Lin Banxia: We have to start from one winter ten years ago…

Song Qingluo:???

Lin Banxia: Just kidding, it wass 2:17 in the morning on May 27th

Song Qingluo: …you still remember it quite clearly

Lin Banxia feels guilty



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