Phantom Skeleton Painting

T/N: Hey guys, sorry for the late chapters. Work has just been crazy this last week as we are currently having an audit of the company. This audit will probably continue for the next week or so, but I will try to be on time with the chapters.


Chapter 74.2 Dream

Lin Banxia and Bai Luze chatted for a while on their way to the restaurant.

Bai Luze introduced himself and said that he had been here for many years. Before, he was partnered with Cui Gaoyu. Later, something happened to Cui Gaoyu, so he found a new partner. Bai Luze spoke casually, as if changing partners was an easy task, but Lin Banxia noticed that every time he mentioned the name Cui Gaoyu, his back would tense up slightly.

“Why do you want to do this?” Bai Luze asked.

Lin Banxia said: “In the beginning, I was short of money.”

“Lack of money?” Bai Luze’s eyes widened, as if he heard some incredible answer, “You… you are a monitor, right?”

Lin Banxia said: “Yes.”

Bai Luze said: “Since you are a monitor, why are you short of money? Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that your partner is Song Qingluo who bought the Apple Jade Pendant.”

Lin Banxia: “…” Song Qingluo, how famous is your Apple Jade Pendant here? Why does it feel like everyone knows about it.

However, Lin Banxia had never thought about it before. Now that Bai Luze reminded him, he felt that something was wrong. The job that the monitors took was so dangerous. If you couldn’t earn the money you spent in a lifetime, why not change careers? Lin Banxia said: “Don’t you think…you can change careers?”

“It’s not that easy.” Bai Luze said, “You should know by now that most of the monitors are heretical companions. You should know what this place is used for, right?”

Lin Banxia was slightly startled.

This base was used to seal heretical objects, just like the little companion girl named Jiang Ruonan that he met before. After it was discovered that she was a companion, she was brought here, and it seemed that she underwent a series of test, as for what would be done after the test was completed, Lin Banxia really didn’t know.

“Those who are not dangerous can live freely and report regularly.” Bai Luze said, “But some companions who pose a threat to other people or the entire city cannot leave here casually. Only by choosing to be a monitor can we exchange for some freedom.”

Bai Luze smiled: “I am one of them.”

Bai Luze’s ability was to make it rain when he was injured. This ability seems ordinary at first glance and does not seem to be dangerous, but if it was used by someone with ulterior motives, it would be terrible. If he was tied near a dam and deliberately wounded, it would only take about ten days to destroy all the cities downstream. So, from this point of view, he was indeed a dangerous and unstable factor.

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived at the restaurant. Bai Luze casually ordered some food and asked Lin Banxia what he wanted to eat. Lin Banxia was a little hungry, so he ordered a set meal and two bottles of Coke. Bai Luze smiled and asked if he could finish the two bottles.

Lin Banxia said: “I’ll take a bottle to Song Qingluo.”

“You two have such a good relationship.” Bai Luze said.

“Yeah.” Lin Banxia said vaguely, “As partners, we have a good relationship. You and Cui Gaoyu also have a good relationship, right?”

Bai Luze replied lightly: “Not bad.”

It was still early and there was no one in the entire cafeteria. The two chose a remote location and started eating. Speaking of eating, Bai Luze obviously had no appetite. After taking two bites, he put down his chopsticks and asked, “What did you experience in your dream?”

Lin Banxia said: “It was a mess, everything was confusing in there.”

Bai Luze said: “Then did you see Cui Gaoyu inside?”

Lin Banxia said: “…I saw him.”

Bai Luze pursed his lips and whispered, “Did he say anything?”

Lin Banxia thought of the notes left by Cui Gaoyu in that room, but he hesitated whether to tell Bai Luze. Maybe his expression was too obvious, and Bai Luze saw it. His hand was grabbed, and Bai Luze He said anxiously: “Yes, right?”

Lin Banxia said: “Yes.”

Bai Luze said: “What?”

Lin Banxia said: “Bai Luze, wait for me to come back.”

Bai Luze looked at Lin Banxia blankly, as if he couldn’t understand. His eyes were full of shock and astonishment. He said hoarsely: “What?”

Lin Banxia repeated carefully: “Bai Luze, wait for me to come back.”

The chopsticks in Bai Luze’s hand fell directly to the table. He lost control of his emotions, his chest heaved violently, and he supported his forehead with his hands, looking overwhelmed. When Lin Banxia saw this, he was a little worried and wanted to help him, but was refused.

“No need.” Bai Luze said, “I’m fine.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

“Actually, he was not in this business.” Bai Luze said, “He was just a normal person. Unexpectedly, he was unlucky enough to meet me.” His trembling voice was choked, “He just came in. At first It was okay for a few years. After all, I have a special constitution and I don’t have to participate in some particularly dangerous jobs. Later, he became more and more powerful, and the heretical objects he came into contact with became more and more troublesome. I expected this day to come, but I didn’t think it would come so quickly.”

Lin Banxia was silent.

Bai Luze said: “Actually, I didn’t think too much. I just thought that when he died, he could die by my side. Who knew that this turned out to be a luxurious hope.” His eyes were wide-open as a tear fell on the table with a splash.

Lin Banxia deduced some unusual information from Bai Luze’s words, but Bai Luze looked so sad that he could not ask the questions in his mind.

“Sorry, I made you laugh.” Bai Luze’s emotions changed quickly, as if the tears Lin Banxia saw were just his illusion.

Bai Luze picked up the chopsticks again and began to eat the food in front of him bit by bit.

The person who couldn’t eat now turned out to be Lin Banxia. He rarely saw others crying and didn’t know how to comfort him, so he was a little restless.

“Do you want to know what Song Qingluo is doing now?” Bai Luze asked.

Lin Banxia said: “Isn’t he taking things out of his body?”

Bai Luze said: “Yes, do you want to know how they do it?”

Lin Banxia was stunned for a moment and said, “I think so.”

Bai Luze smiled slyly and said, “Come here.” He took Lin Banxia and walked to the corner, through several doors, detoured through several paths, and finally arrived in front of a locked door. Bai Luze took out the key, unlocked the door, and made a shushing gesture to Lin Banxia, ​​telling him to keep quiet.

The light in the room was a bit dark, like someone’s bedroom. Bai Luze did not turn on the light after entering. Instead, he walked to the bed, picked up the remote control and turned on the display.

The display screen flashed a few times, revealing the picture. Lin Banxia took a look and found that both the scene and the cold voice were very familiar. It seemed to be the process of a heretical object being sealed. Bai Luze did not speak and used the remote control. After changing a few channels, Lin Banxia discovered that at this moment, everyone in the base seemed to be carrying out this sealing behavior.

The screen flickered a few times and then stopped. Lin Banxia saw Song Qingluo on the screen. Song Qingluo was lying on a white bed, with his eyes half lowered, looking particularly fragile. He was wearing a somewhat loose t-shirt. The shirt looked like a nightgown, with the collar wide open, exposing the abdomen.

Lin Banxia just glanced at it and took a breath. He saw a big hole opened in Song Qingluo’s abdomen, and he could still see the scarlet texture. At the same time, a mechanical arm was slowly pulling out a black box which was inserted into his body.

Song Qingluo’s body suddenly shook, as if he was suffering from some severe pain, and his neck lifted up feebly.

The pain was not relieved until the mechanical arm completely dragged out the black box. At this time, Song Qingluo was covered in cold sweat, and there were blood marks on his lips. He lowered his eyes. His eyelashes fluttered like dying butterflies, and Lin Banxia even wondered if he was already dead.

Then, his wound was sutured and smeared with a transparent liquid. The hideous wound recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although it was not completely healed, it did not look like it had just been injured.

Lin Banxia had a panoramic view of this scene. He stared at it, unaware that the nails clenched into his fists were deeply embedded in his flesh.

“How could this happen?” Lin Banxia said, “Even if it means having an abdominal dissection, why not give him an anaesthetic?”

“Of course not.” Bai Luze said, “He has to control his body until the things in his body are completely sealed.”

Lin Banxia turned to look at Bai Luze: “Why are you showing me this?”

Bai Luze said warmly: “Why should you be hostile to me? If I didn’t show you, wouldn’t these things still have happened? No, it has been happening and will continue to happen, but you wouldn’t know.”

Lin Banxia’s expression suddenly turned cold. He stared at Bai Luze with an extremely fierce expression.

Seeing such an expression on the face of the gentle Lin Banxia, ​​Bai Luze didn’t care at all. He said calmly: “Don’t look at me like that. If you think what I did is unnecessary, you can beat me.”

Lin Banxia said coldly: “No, I should thank you, but it’s a pity that I may not be able to give you what you want.”

Bai Luze was slightly startled: “How do you know what I want?”

Lin Banxia said: “Do you want me to bring back Cui Gaoyu who was sealed away by Song Qingluo?”

Bai Luze blinked, neither admitting nor denying.

Lin Banxia said: “But can you tell me first, how do you know that what Song Qingluo sealed was not the dream, but Cui Gaoyu.” He approached Bai Luze’s ear and whispered, “Did you actually go in too?”

Entering that bad dream, that’s why he knew this secret that Song Qingluo had never mentioned.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: No one can hurt Song Qingluo in front of me!!

Song Qingluo: Touched

Lin Banxia: Except for that bastard businessman who sells apple jade pendants!!

Song Qingluo:…………



If possible please consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-fi. I will be working on a stockpile for Patreon where you can read advanced chapters for as little as $3 a month. Alternatively, I will release an extra chapter for every Ko-fi donation I receive. It might not be on that exact day, but it will be released within the week.



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