Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 73.2 Dream

As soon as she said these two words, the ground under Lin Banxia’s feet disappeared and he fell directly from the sky. A strong sense of weightlessness swept over him. However, at the moment of falling, Lin Banxia did not forget to hug Xiaohua tightly. The little girl was not afraid at all, she was giggling as if she was playing some interesting game with Lin Banxia.

A moment later, Lin Banxia’s body came into contact with the soft bed, but before he could look at the surrounding scenery, the feeling of weightlessness hit him again – he woke up again.

Constantly falling, constantly waking up, constantly falling from the sky, breaking countless dreams. He didn’t know how many times he fell, but Lin Banxia was almost numb. Xiaohua became happier and happier in his arm, and her laughter resounded throughout the sky. Lin Banxia sighed in his heart that children’s ability to withstand stress is different, but then his sleeve was pulled. Lin Banxia lowered his head and heard Xiaohua say: “Brother, brother, is that the brother Song you like?”

Lin Banxia was stunned at first and glanced in the direction Xiaohua was pointing. He was shocked to see Song Qingluo in mid-air.

Unlike his intact state, Song Qingluo’s body hung weakly and seemed to have lost consciousness. Lin Banxia tried hard to move in his direction. Fortunately, the distance between the two was not too far. Before waking up again, Lin Banxia successfully grabbed Song Qingluo’s arm.

“Qingluo, Qingluo…” calling his name, Lin Banxia hugged him as tightly as he hugged Xiaohua. Suddenly, Xiaohua, who was caught in the middle, raising her arms to imitate Lin Banxia she also grabbed the corner of Song Qingluo’s clothes with her small hands and shouted: “Brother Song, Brother Song.”

Song Qingluo’s eyes were closed tightly and his face was pale. He was completely unaware of Lin Banxia’s call. Lin Banxia was extremely distressed as he tried his best to hold him in his arms. However, he felt sorry for Xiaohua who was about to be squeezed into a small ball.

Just hugging each other, Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo fell out of the dreams one after another, until the surrounding scenery began to scatter like burning ashes, and the voices became quiet. Lin Banxia felt that his arms were empty, and the person who was holding him had disappeared. He kicked his foot forward suddenly and kicked something hard. The force was too great, and his ankle couldn’t help but hurt.

“Ah!!” Lin Banxia cried out. He opened his eyes with sweat on his face and heard a clanging sound. He found that he was actually sitting on a train, and it was still raining heavily outside the window. Song Qingluo, who was lying next to him, had his eyes closed and his expression was peaceful, as if he was sleeping.

It had to be said that the moment he saw Song Qingluo’s sleeping face, he actually doubted whether he was still dreaming. Lin Banxia thought for a while, stretched out his hand and pinched his arm. This time, his head broke out in cold sweat immediately because his arm didn’t hurt at all!!

Was he still not awake yet?? Was Xiaohua also just a scene in a dream? This thought was indeed enough to drive people crazy. Lin Banxia stretched out his hand and wiped it on his forehead, feeling the cold sweat on his hand. Just as he was struggling with this problem, Song Qingluo’s long eyelashes trembled, and he seemed to be waking up.

When Lin Banxia saw this, he quickly shouted: “Qingluo!”

Song Qingluo opened his eyes and saw Lin Banxia. There was a hint of joy in his eyes, but they were soon covered with gloom. Lin Banxia watched him fumble around in his backpack, taking out a dagger and aiming it at his arm.

Lin Banxia was shocked and quickly grabbed Song Qingluo’s hand: “No, no, no, no, we’re out already!!”

Song Qingluo said nothing and stared at Lin Banxia expressionlessly.

It had to be said that Lin Banxia discovered that Song Qingluo had always been merciful to him and had never looked at him with such eyes before today. This lifeless and indifferent look filled Lin Banxia with a sense of danger, as if the moment he said another word, the knife in Song Qingluo’s hand would fall on his neck.

Lin Banxia didn’t dare to take risks and stepped back: “Qingluo, calm down, we should be really awake!!”

Song Qingluo still looked cold and said nothing.

Lin Banxia muttered: “I just don’t know why. I didn’t feel anything when I pinched myself… I guess I woke up, right?” He pinched himself again as he spoke. This time he used all his strength and screamed out. “Fuck, it hurts…” He calmed down for a while, then realized why it didn’t hurt earlier, “Oh, I was sleeping in the wrong position just now, and my arms were numb.”

Probably because Lin Banxia didn’t look like the person in the dream, Song Qingluo’s eyes softened slightly, and he reached out to unbutton his clothes.

Lin Banxia was shocked when he saw this. He now had the memory from the dream, so he naturally knew what happened between him and Song Qingluo. Seeing Song Qingluo’s actions, he was a little confused and blushed: “Qingluo. Calm down, this is a public place, let’s go home…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Song Qingluo’s exposed abdomen. On the wound that should have been almost healed, there was a new wound, dripping with blood, and if it had just been cut. When Lin Banxia saw the wound, he took in a breath of cold air, but Song Qingluo seemed to be unaware and pressed heavily on the wound with his palm.

Blood immediately poured out and stained his clothes.

Lin Banxia was shocked: “What are you doing?”

Song Qingluo’s expression softened and he whispered, “Are we really out?”

“We should have come out.” Lin Banxia thought for a moment, “How about you slap me twice and try again to see if it hurts?”

A smile appeared in Song Qingluo’s eyes, amused by Lin Banxia’s words.

“Where is Xiaohua? Where is Xiaohua?” Lin Banxia said, “If it weren’t for her, we would definitely not be able to get out.”

Song Qingluo asked: “What happened?” He was with Cui Gaoyu from the beginning to the end. After sealing Cui Gaoyu, Song Qingluo did not expect the dream to end. However, what he didn’t expect was that after Cui Gaoyu was sealed, the surrounding environment began to undergo strange changes. He began to fall and wake up continuously. The world around him began to collapse due to unknown reasons. He was falling because he was too weak. He passed out directly in the process, but vaguely, he felt someone hugging him. The embrace was extremely warm, which made him relax and let himself continue to fall until he woke up completely.

Lin Banxia was actually a little confused at the moment. Thinking about it carefully, them coming out had an inseparable tie to Xiaohua, so he told Song Qingluo what he saw and heard in detail.

After Song Qingluo listened, he was silent for a while and picked up the box containing Xiaohua next to him.

When Lin Banxia saw his action, he immediately became a little nervous and said, “Is Xiaohua still in there?”

Song Qingluo said: “The box is specially made. Normally, heretical things can’t come out if they go in.” He sighed again, “But heretical things are not ordinary, and accidents are normal.”

After saying that, he entered the password of the box and opened the lock of the box. With a soft click, the contents inside the box were exposed. Lin Banxia was a little nervous until he saw Xiaohua huddled in the box. Finally, the tension in his heart relaxed.

“Brother.” The little girl’s voice was still so sweet. The small box was so crowded that only her head could be seen. It was a bit scary at first glance. However, Lin Banxia didn’t feel it at all and even pinched her worriedly. He patted her cheeks and said, “Xiaohua, is it a little crowded inside?”

Xiaohua said: “Not crowded, not crowded, just right.”

Lin Banxia said: “Are we out yet?”

Xiaohua said: “You’re out, you’re out.”

Lin Banxia was finally relieved.

He originally wanted to say a few more words to Xiaohua, but Song Qingluo gently touched his hand and whispered: “Stop talking, this is not the right place.”

Lin Banxia was about to ask why it was inappropriate. When he looked at Song Qingluo from the corner of his eye, he found that several middle-aged people sitting next to his were looking at them with strange gazes. Only then did Lin Banxia realize that his and Song Qingluo’s behavior was indeed a bit suspicious, and quickly closed the box pretending to be ignorant.

However, the two of them woke up a little late. After a few minutes, someone came with an attendant.

“Yes, yes, comrade, those two are the two of them.” The brave old man with white hair opened his mouth and said, “I suspect that the two of them are abducting children.”

Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other’s eyes.

“Comrade, this is a misunderstanding.” Lin Banxia quickly stood up and explained, “We didn’t bring any children…”

“Then why did I hear you talking to the child just now?” The old man looked like he had very sharp ears. “You asked her if she was feeling crowded, and the child said no!”

Lin Banxia helplessly cast a look at Song Qingluo asking for help. Song Qingluo spread his hands, looking helpless.

The flight attendant looked at Lin Banxia and then at Song Qingluo. He probably felt that these two people did not look like bad people, but to be on the safe side, he checked their belongings.

The old man was watching eagerly from the side, and Lin Banxia didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, feeling that he was really in trouble. However, to a certain extent, they should really thank the alert people. After all, they really had a child with them.

Because the size of the box didn’t really look like it could hold a person, it wasn’t checked. The two of them passed the search smoothly and sat back in their seats. They didn’t dare to continue the discussion, after all, the people next to them looked like they were listening at all times.

Lin Banxia was very worried about Song Qingluo’s health and asked him if he wanted to go directly to the hospital after getting off the train.

As before, Song Qingluo firmly stated that he was fine and had no plans to go to the hospital.

Lin Banxia showed a look of helplessness. Song Qingluo saw it and ran his fingers along the back of Lin Banxia’s hand, and gently interlocked their fingers.

Although in the dream, the two had already held hands, in reality this was the first time. Lin Banxia felt that the roots of his ears began to feel a little hot again. He pretended to turn his head casually and looked out the window, but in fact he just wanted to cover up his panic.

Song Qingluo’s fingers were a little cold. After clasping Lin Banxia tightly, he felt the temperature of Lin Banxia’s skin spread to his hands little by little. It was a temperature unique to human skin, but a simple touch made him feel very comfortable.

Song Qingluo looked at Lin Banxia and found that he had turned his head and looked out the window deliberately. Little did he know that the reflection on the glass had completely reflected his face, including the expression of joy, the nervous eyes, and the red ears.

Song Qingluo wondered if he really woke up. If he did, why would everything seem as beautiful as an unreal dream?

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: I am holding Lin Banxia’s hand and I am very happy.

Lin Banxia: Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I am holding Song Qingluo with my left hand and touching my bank card with my right hand. I am even happier!!

Song Qingluo gritted his teeth: Give me your bank card!

Lin Banxia handed it over aggrievedly, and then both hands were held by Song Qingluo.


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