Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 72.2 Dream

“You don’t have much time.” Cui Gaoyu withdrew his eyes and looked at Song Qingluo again, “I hope your beloved partner is smart enough not to offend him.”

“So what if he’s annoyed?” Song Qingluo sneered.

Cui Gaoyu said: “Do you know why when the rain stops, everyone will die?”

Song Qingluo said: “Why?”

Cui Gaoyu said: “It’s not that it will disappear when the rain stops, but it just chooses a favorite companion in humid weather. Once the rain stops, if the companion is not chosen, everyone will die.” Sighing, he comforted his friend, “Fortunately, it likes a lot of people who have entered the dreamland, so there are a few survivors left. The best ending now is for Lin Banxia to inherit my position, thanks to him, you can successfully leave the dreamland and forget everything here…”

Song Qingluo: “Then he becomes the next you until he is burned out, and then you let him choose other victims?”

Cui Gaoyu blinked and said nothing.

Song Qingluo said, “Although you are my good friend, I’m sorry, but I really can’t agree.” He smiled at Cui Gaoyu, “I have a way to get the best of both worlds.”

Cui Gaoyu said: “What?”

Song Qingluo said: “You never knew why they are afraid of me.”

Cui Gaoyu looked sluggish and didn’t quite understand what Song Qingluo meant. In fact, he and Song Qingluo met not when they were students, but after they entered an organization that sealed heretics. At that time, Song Qingluo was still very young, a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. It was said that he had been there for five years. In other words, Song Qingluo might not even have been ten years old when he officially entered.

Song Qingluo was good-looking and had a good temper. For some reason, their fellow students seemed a little afraid of him. Cui Gaoyu never quite understood it, and Bai Luze had no intention of explaining it to him. He told him that this was Song Qingluo’s personal matter.

After going back and forth like this, he and Song Qingluo became friends. The two would often go out to eat and chat, which made him feel that Song Qingluo just seemed difficult to get along with, but actually had a pretty good personality.

Song Qingluo said: “You should really ask Bai Luze, but even if you don’t ask, you won’t be friends with me.” He said, picking up the boning knife.

When Cui Gaoyu saw this, he thought he was going to attack him. He was about to persuade Song Qingluo not to do meaningless and useless things when he saw Song Qingluo raising his knife, but song Qingluo didn’t stab him…instead he stabbed himself.

It was a sharp knife, so it opened an exaggerated wound directly on the waist and abdomen like a disembowelment. Blood spurted out immediately, along with soft internal organs.

Cui Gaoyu was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene. Before he could react, his hand was grabbed by Song Qingluo. Logically speaking, he should be able to break free from Song Qingluo’s grasp easily in the dream, but for some reason, when Song Qingluo grabbed his hand, it was as if he were made of iron. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break free.

“It’s such a pity.” Song Qingluo said, “If you as a pillar are gone, it will definitely be troubled.” Cui Gaoyu understood what Song Qingluo was going to do this time and was shocked: “You can’t… You’re going to kill them!!!”

“Then let’s all die.” Song Qingluo said, “It’s better to end all this than to enter the next cycle.” He pulled Cui Gaoyu’s body closer to him little by little, leaned against his ear, and whispered softly, “I would rather he died than suffer like that.”

Lin Banxia, ​​who was standing outside the house, witnessed everything that happened inside. When he saw Song Qingluo cutting himself with a knife, he almost jumped up from the ground and reflexively wanted to rush forward. It took him a few steps to realize that he was in a dream. He cut himself in a dream. It should be okay, right? Lin Banxia could only comfort himself in this way.

Just as Lin Banxia was thinking this, everything around him began to distort. The floor under his feet melted together with the surrounding rooms. The howling wind returned to Lin Banxia’s ears. He raised his head and saw a bright moon hanging in the sky, the mottled shadows on the moon began to swallow up the cold brilliance. Gradually, the moon became a black hole emitting cold light. The sound of the wind was getting closer and closer. Lin Banxia turned around and saw it again in the darkness behind him, looming like a mountain.

The shadow twisted and struggled in the darkness, as if it was angered. The howling wind was extremely gloomy. Lin Banxia watched helplessly as it surged towards him like a tide. Its huge body covered the sky and directly buried Lin Banxia.

It was obviously insubstantial, but the moment it covered him, Lin Banxia felt a kind of suffocation, as if his soul was being strangled, unable to breathe. He reflexively wanted to struggle, but his body was firmly trapped, and then he fell endlessly. In his ears were the cries and wailings of his companions. He heard Li Ye’s suppressed cry and Li Su’s sobs. He heard Song Qingluo’s hoarse scream…

His body finally fell to the ground again, and Lin Banxia gasped violently, because the all-too-real feeling of suffocation made him cough non-stop, as if he wanted to cough out his internal organs.

After coughing for an unknown amount of time, Lin Banxia managed to recover. He raised his head and found that he was back in that empty room with no windows or lights. Looking up, he could see the bed in front of him.

However, compared to when he left earlier, there were a few more wads of cotton wool on the bed, and the stuffed bear placed beside the bed was also a lot more tattered. It looked like someone used the stuffed bear to vent their anger.

Lin Banxia reluctantly stood up. Before he could stand still, he was pushed violently again. He was forced forward and almost fell onto the bed.

The meaning of this thing was very obvious. It wanted him to lie down on it and become a being like Cui Gaoyu.

Lin Banxia smiled bitterly. He didn’t know how long he would be tortured if he refused, and how many times Song Qingluo would die. However, time was running out, and Bai Luze was using his life to buy them time. He thought that continuing to delay was not a good solution.

So, do you really want to try it? Lin Banxia remembered what Xiaohua said. Although he couldn’t explain it, his intuition told him that he should believe Xiaohua. No, he had to believe her, Lin Banxia thought, even if he hadn’t remembered his relationship with Xiaohua yet, he always felt that he and that girl were inseparable.

People may not trust others, but they had to trust themselves, Lin Banxia thought.

He stood up from the ground again, the howling wind wrapped around his body and forced him to the bed. Just when he reached the bed, it let go, as if it didn’t want to, or couldn’t, force him to the bed.

Lin Banxia steadied his steps and stood beside the bed without moving. He looked around with his peripheral vision, and finally landed on the shabby wardrobe not far from the bed.

There were two old handles on the closet door, which were not locked. It seemed that it could be opened as long as you stretched out your hand. However, Lin Banxia knew very well that he only had one chance. As long as that thing found out what he wanted to do, there may be no chance. However, even if he opened the cupboard door and released Xiaohua, how could the little girl help him? Lin Banxia was a little confused. He really didn’t think that Xiaohua could defeat this heretic in the dream… After all, she was just a thin and cute girl.

However, now there was no other way. Lin Banxia decided to listen to Xiaohua’s words – “open the cabinet”.

He staggered a few steps, pretending that his legs and feet were injured and his steps were unsteady. He tried to walk forward, but fell to the ground again, screaming in pain, acting extremely weak. It had to be said that this was really a bit difficult for Lin Banxia. After all, he usually didn’t complain about pain, and even grievances were rare. The reason why a child cries for milk to drink, is because must be at least one person who is willing to feed them. Otherwise, as Lin Banxia had known since childhood, the harder you cry, the harder the beating would be.

Almost using up all his acting talent, Lin Banxia pretended to be about to have a nervous breakdown while pretending to cry, and finally touched the edge of the cabinet. For a moment, a layer of sweat broke out on his forehead, muttering to himself that this might be the most difficult thing he had ever encountered in the entire dream… Those horrific corpses before were nothing to worry about.

Lin Banxia’s hand finally grabbed the handle of the cabinet. Lin Banxia didn’t dare to drag it any longer and opened the cabinet door with all his strength. When he did this, the howling wind behind him paused for a moment, obviously not expecting him to make such a move.

After opening the cabinet door, the little girl was also exposed. She was hiding in the cabinet in a twisted posture. When she saw Lin Banxia, ​​she smiled sweetly and called him brother sweetly at the top of her voice.

How could such a little thing save Lin Banxia? The howling wind sounded again, as if there was a hint of laughter inside, mocking Lin Banxia’s innocence.

Lin Banxia’s expression froze for a moment, and he shouted: “Xiaohua…” Just as he was about to ask what to do next, he saw Xiaohua nimbly jumping out of the cabinet like a monkey and turning into an invisible shadow which rushed towards the small bed not far away.

The moment he saw her movements, Lin Banxia immediately understood what she was going to do.

It also naturally understood, and the surrounding environment immediately became distorted, as if it wanted to force Lin Banxia and Xiaohua out of the room.

However, it was too late. Xiaohua threw herself on the bed at an incredible speed. She giggled sweetly, grabbed the already worn teddy bear, and then tore it apart without hesitation then stood up.

Her actions undoubtedly angered it. Lin Banxia’s body was thrown upwards with great force and hit the ceiling heavily. Lin Banxia cried out in pain. At the same time, he actually saw countless shadows spreading out from both sides of the bed, wrapping up the thin Xiaohua.

When Lin Banxia saw this scene, he couldn’t help turning pale with fright and shouted: “Xiaohua!!!”

The author has something to say:

Song Qingluo: Is Xia Xia okay?

Lin Banxia: It’s okay, it just wants me to go to bed.

Song Qingluo: What????

Lin Banxia was shocked: It’s not what you think!!!

Song Qingluo drew his sword violently: I’ll kill it!



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