Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 69.2 Dream

It seemed that he didn’t recognize him.

Lin Banxia was a little confused as to why Song Qingluo knew Cui Gaoyu but not Bai Luze. It was obvious that the name came from the mouth of Song Qingluo in the dream, but outside he didn’t know him. After thinking about it, Lin Banxia guessed a possibility. If what Song Qingluo said in the dream was right, then was it possible that Cui Gaoyu was one of the infected people that Song Qingluo mentioned? And Bai Luze didn’t enter the dream?

Of course, this was just Lin Banxia’s guess. He simply felt that the two people Song Qingluo knew in the second level of dreams did not know each other in the first level, which really didn’t make sense.

“Why are you asking this?” Song Qingluo asked.

Lin Banxia said: “Do you have a clear memory of him?”

Song Qingluo said: “It’s pretty clear.” He was not stupid either. Although Lin Banxia didn’t say it clearly, there must be some reason for asking suddenly.

Lin Banxia said oh, but did not continue. In fact, he was hesitating whether to tell Song Qingluo everything in the dream. In fact, he was a little worried. If he told Song Qingluo that the reality they were in was also a dream, Song Qingluo would suspect that he was crazy.

Seeing that Lin Banxia didn’t speak for a while, Song Qingluo didn’t force him. He raised his hand and looked at his watch and said, “You haven’t eaten, have you? Let’s go shopping nearby first, eat something, and we’ll talk while eating?”

“Okay.” Lin Banxia was indeed a little hungry.

The two of them arrived at the canteen. At this moment, the main window in the canteen was not open, only the window for the stir-fry was open. Because of the price, Lin Banxia had never ordered food there. Thinking of inviting Song Qingluo to dinner, Lin Banxia gritted his teeth and volunteered to order the most expensive dry pot[1.]. After ordering, he returned to his seat, crossed his arms and looked serious.

Song Qingluo couldn’t help laughing and asked, “Why this expression?”

Lin Banxia said wistfully: “I found that when people are poor, they are poor even in their dreams…” He was completely sure that he was in a dream, and he felt a little sad when he thought that he was just as poor in his dreams. Would he become rich in the future? It seemed like he didn’t know how to do it. After all, according to Song Qingluo’s description, he actually lived miserably in a haunted house, and the only advantage of the haunted house was that it was cheap. However, in this way, it seemed that he could have his own house in the future… which was… not bad?

Song Qingluo saw Lin Banxia’s ever-changing expressions, from sad to depressed to excited, and wanted to knock him on the head to see what he was thinking.

When Lin Banxia came back to his senses, he saw Song Qingluo holding his chin and staring at him with an unpredictable expression. Only then did he realize his gaffe and laughed awkwardly: “Why are you staring at me??”

Song Qingluo said: “Have you thought of something good?”

Lin Banxia smiled and said: “I dreamed that I bought a haunted house.”

Song Qingluo: “…”

Lin Banxia: “I’m very happy.”

Song Qingluo looked at Lin Banxia with pity, probably thinking that this child had a hard life. However, while sighing, Lin Banxia happily added: “I also dreamed that you were my neighbor.”

Song Qingluo: “…” Oh, it turns out he isn’t that rich.

Just as Lin Banxia was happily talking about the future with Song Qingluo, the cafeteria uncle brought the fragrant dry pot in front of the two of them.

Lin Banxia broke off the disposable chopsticks, handed them to Song Qingluo, and said, “By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, what do you do at home?” He said to himself, “I am an orphan, my parents left early, so I lived with my aunt.”

In fact, Song Qingluo had known about this for a long time, but when he heard Lin Banxia say it indifferently, he still felt a little uncomfortable. He lowered his eyes and said, “My mother is a nurse in the hospital, and my father is an archaeologist.”

Lin Banxia said: “Archaeology? What a strange profession.”

“Well, it’s quite strange.” Song Qingluo said, “Unfortunately, even if you want to know, I don’t know what he does. He is busy and rarely comes home. When he comes back, he will bring some strange things.” He picked up a piece of beef, put it in his mouth, and chewed it slowly, “My mother has a good temper, and always spoils him.”

Lin Banxia smiled and said, “Your parents should have a good relationship then, right?”

“It’s okay.” Song Qingluo said, “We only see each other a few times a year. No matter how bad the relationship is, how bad can it be.” He didn’t seem to like his father very much. When he talked about his father, he looked very indifferent. However, when he spoke about his mother, his whole expression softened.

Lin Banxia was actually quite interested in the profession of archaeology, but because he was afraid that Song Qingluo would be disgusted, he didn’t ask any more questions. The two chatted for a while, and then Lin Banxia learned that Song Qingluo actually spent most of the time at home alone because his father was not home and his mother was busy at work. Somewhat similar to himself.

The dry pot tasted good. Lin Banxia was so full that he burped feeling a little stuffed.

Song Qingluo asked Lin Banxia to wait while he went to the nearby canteen to buy something. Lin Banxia watched him walk out of the cafeteria. He stood up and planned to pick up the pot to return it when he suddenly heard a thumping sound coming from the playground next to the canteen, like a ball hitting the ground.

Lin Banxia was a little curious about who was playing basketball this weekend. He looked over there and unexpectedly saw the person he and Song Qingluo were discussing just now, Cui Gaoyu.

Cui Gaoyu had the word “gao”[2.] in his name, and he was also tall, half a head taller than the well-developed Song Qingluo. It stood to reason that with such a height, he should be very aggressive, but his temperament was very gentle. Just looking at him like this, Lin Banxia felt that he should be an easy person to get along with.

Because of what Song Qingluo said in the second dream, Lin Banxia was very curious about this person, so he quietly stood aside and looked at him, wanting to see what was different about him.

Cui Gaoyu scored several three-pointers in a row. Just when Lin Banxia was thinking that this man had good skills, his shoulders were pressed heavily. When he turned around, he saw Song Qingluo, whose expression was not quite right. Song Qingluo was holding two bottles of Coke in his hand, and his tone was a little cold: “What are you looking at?”

Lin Banxia didn’t realize what was wrong, and said happily: “I’m watching Cui Gaoyu play.”

Song Qingluo: “Does it look good?”

Lin Banxia: “It’s not bad, he scored several three-…” Before he could say anything, he realized that something was wrong, because Song Qingluo’s expression was getting worse and worse.

“Better looking than me?” Song Qingluo said, “You were so focussed that you didn’t even hear me call you several times.”

Lin Banxia had nothing to say. Although he had never been in love, he understood that Song Qingluo was jealous, so he had to carefully please him with a few words, saying that he was just curious about Cui Gaoyu and that he had no second thoughts about Song Qingluo. If he has second thoughts, he will be poor for the rest of his life.

This oath was a bit harsh, and Song Qingluo’s expression softened slightly: “Do you want to say hello to him and get to know him?”

This was of course the best. After all, Lin Banxia felt that Cui Gaoyu might contain important clues, but he was afraid of offending Song Qingluo again, so he said insincerely: “There is nothing to know.”

Song Qingluo clicked his tongue: “Little liar.”

After he finished speaking, he handed the Coke in his hand to Lin Banxia, ​​then went out again, walked to the basketball stand and said a few words to Cui Gaoyu, probably introducing Lin Banxia. After a while, Cui Gaoyu smiled at Lin Banxia and waved at him saying: “Hello, kid.”

Lin Banxia wondered to himself why they all started calling him a kid. He was just shorter. Is this discrimination?

Song Qingluo waved to Lin Banxia, ​​motioning for him to come over, and Lin Banxia hurried over.

“If you have anything to ask, just ask.” Song Qingluo said.

“Well…” Lin Banxia said, “It’s a bit presumptuous, but I wanted to ask you, do you know a person named Bai Luze?”

Cui Gaoyu was originally smiling, but when he heard the name Bai Luze, his expression turned cold for a moment, but he immediately recovered, as if the gloomy look was just Lin Banxia’s illusion. He smiled and said: “Where did you hear this name?”

Lin Banxia said perfunctorily: “I heard it from a friend.”

“Which friend?” Cui Gaoyu pressed forward step by step.

Lin Banxia was not a vegetarian, so he asked unceremoniously: “So you know this person? Someone asked me to bring you a message.”

“What?” Cui Gaoyu asked.

“You haven’t come out yet.” Lin Banxia said, “Bai Luze is waiting for you.”

The moment these words were spoken, the entire atmosphere froze. No, not just the atmosphere, it should be that the entire world froze. Lin Banxia even thought this was his illusion, but when his eyes found a leaf staying in mid-air and not falling further, he realized that this was not an illusion. At a certain point in time, the space they were in froze for a moment.

It only took a moment, and returned to normal in an instant. Cui Gaoyu smiled and said: “Song Qingluo likes you very much. I have something to tell you.”

Lin Banxia stared at him.

Before Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo could react, Cui Gaoyu suddenly approached Lin Banxia and whispered something in his ear.

When Song Qingluo saw this, he frowned and pushed him away from Lin Banxia. He said dissatisfied: “What are you doing? Stay away from him.”

“Just kidding.” Cui Gaoyu spread his hands, “You guys can play, I’m leaving first.” After saying that, he turned around and left, without a word.

Of course, Lin Banxia heard what he said clearly. Cui Gaoyu only said five words: You can’t tell the difference.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: As long as I’m with you, I’m not afraid of anything

Song Qingluo: Does it include poverty?

Lin Banxia: Can we not buy the apple jade pendant?

Song Qingluo:……


Translator’s comments:

  1. Dry pot (干锅, gānguō or 麻辣香锅, málà xiāngguō) is exactly what it sounds like—the dry version of hotpot. It takes the flavorings and ingredients of mala Sichuan hotpot and subtracts the oily broth, so all that’s left is your meats, your veggies, your spices and just enough sauce to moisten it all.
  2. The Gao (高) in his name means tall.


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