Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 67.2 Dream

Song Qingluo said: “With you here, I can tell the difference.”

These words sounded quite nice, but the atmosphere was wrong, and Lin Banxia couldn’t be happy. He thought of Song Qingluo in his dream. He once again entered the twisted darkness that seemed to swallow everything, and he didn’t know what impact will this would have on Song Qingluo in reality.

Lin Banxia said: “When was the last time you committed self-harm?”

Song Qingluo pondered for a moment: “It seems like three days ago.”

Lin Banxia was silent.

Song Qingluo said: “I had a dream three days ago, but I can’t remember the content. I felt very uncomfortable when I woke up.” He continued casually: “I grabbed the pen on the table…”

Only then did Lin Banxia understand why the wound on Song Qingluo’s leg was uneven. It was even worse than cutting himself with a knife. The pen was not very sharp, so for it to penetrate into the flesh and leave such a deep wound…it was unknown how much effort it would take.

Lin Banxia took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Song Qingluo was originally worried that Lin Banxia would scold him, but he didn’t expect that although Lin Banxia was very sad when he saw the wound, he never told him not to do it from the beginning to the end. It was him who thought too much. Song Qingluo didn’t want to hurt himself, but sometimes when he woke up from a dream, it was really difficult to distinguish the boundary between reality and illusion from the surrounding scenes. Only pain could give him a sense of reality.

Lin Banxia has experienced this feeling many times, so he naturally understood Song Qingluo.

After that, Lin Banxia did not persuade him, but sat opposite Song Qingluo and remained silent for a long time. It was so long that Song Qingluo felt inexplicably uneasy, and then he saw a relaxed smile appearing on Lin Banxia’s face again.

“I like you too.” Lin Banxia said, “So…if I can, I definitely want you, okay.” He looked at Song Qingluo, with stars shining in his eyes, which made Song Qingluo’s expression also soften.

Regarding the matter of self-mutilation, Lin Banxia did not mention it again. The two of them tacitly decided to enjoy all the precious time they could have together. Accidents may occur at any time, but at least at that moment, they could still enjoy a peaceful time.

When it was time for self-study in the evening, the rain that had been falling finally stopped, and death came as expected. This time, it was a student Lin Banxia didn’t know who died. The cause of death was unknown, but Li Su discovered the body.

He stood next to Lin Banxia’s seat, looked out the window, and suddenly asked doubtfully, “When did our school build a swing?”

Lin Banxia was puzzled: “Swing? There aren’t any swings in the school.”

Li Su said blankly: “Then what is that thing on the playground?”

Lin Banxia looked up. It was dark and he couldn’t see clearly, but he could still vaguely see a person wearing white clothes floating in the air. From the perspective of the window, it looked like he was sitting on a swing. However, Lin Banxia was very familiar with the playground equipment, so after looking at it for a while, he put the clues together and his expression changed accordingly.

Li Su saw that Lin Banxia’s expression changed and asked quickly: “What happened?”

Lin Banxia said: “…He is not swinging.”

Li Su said: “What do you mean??”

“That area is where the horizontal bar is.” Lin Banxia said, “He seems to… be hanging by his neck on the horizontal bar.”

When Li Su heard this, goosebumps suddenly appeared on his back, and he hurriedly went with Lin Banxia to tell the teacher about it. The teacher called a few more students, and they rushed to the playground together. They saw the man in white clothes from a distance, but when they got close enough to the man, no one was willing to move forward because they all saw clearly the man’s corpse.

He was indeed hanged. His neck was stretched to an incredible length, and his body seemed to have no bones. It was slowly drifting back and forth with the wind. For a timid person, their scalp would explode just by looking at it. The teacher called the police and the students screamed, the same tired routine.

Fortunately, Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo were not eyewitnesses this time, and the police even joked with them, saying that they ran a little slowly this time.

Lin Banxia didn’t know how they could still laugh. If you thought about it carefully, this school was full of all kinds of things that were not consistent with common sense. If a real school had so many people dying every few days for a month, the parents of the students would have made a fuss a long time ago. How could they ask students to continue attending classes as if nothing happened?

“Are you okay?” Li Su asked Lin Banxia.

“I’m okay.” Lin Banxia restrained his gaze and said calmly, “I’m fine.”

Li Su: “…” At a certain moment, he actually felt that Lin Banxia’s expression was somewhat similar to Song Qingluo’s. No, no, no, it must be his misunderstanding. The personalities of Lin Banxia and Song Qingluo were so different, how could they be similar? Li Su laughingly though that he must have thought too much.

Before figuring out the meaning of the dreams, Lin Banxia didn’t like rain very much. Previously he thought that the students were cursed, causing those bizarre accidents to happen, but after realizing that what happened in the dream could only be solved in the dream, the meaning of the rain changed for Lin Banxia. He hoped that this damn thing could be ended before Song Qingluo got hurt.

The rain came again late at night a few days later.

This time, Lin Banxia recognized the strangeness of his roommates and quickly realized that he was dreaming, and that the setting of the dream was in the dormitory. When he realized that he was dreaming, the surrounding environment began to change, and those familiar figures gradually faded away. Finally, only Lin Banxia was left in the empty dormitory.

Lin Banxia left the dormitory. He felt that Song Qingluo should also be in the dream, but after searching the entire campus, Lin Banxia found no trace of him. Instead, he saw Li Su and Li Ye at the top of the teaching building. corpse. The two of them hugged each other until they died. The sharp blade pierced their chests, and the blood mixed together without distinguishing each other.

Lin Banxia glanced at them for a few times, then turned and left, calling Song Qingluo’s name, but no matter how he called, there was still no response.

As time passed, the sky became darker and darker, and a storm was gathering close by. Lin Banxia watched helplessly as the darkness in the sky gradually changed. The huge black hole, like a greedy mouth, began to swallow the entire world. Lin Banxia originally wanted to discuss the matter with Song Qingluo and analyse the situation, but now it seemed that Song Qingluo must have encountered an accident, so he could not come out to see him. However, that was fine, Lin Banxia was sitting on the roof of the building, looking at the approaching black storm. No one would stop him from entering the depths of the dream.

Yes, Lin Banxia decided to go in. He remembered that Song Qingluo said that Li Su had also gone in before. Since Li Su came out alive, there was no reason why he couldn’t go in.

Lin Banxia made this decision the moment he saw the wounds on Song Qingluo’s body. He didn’t want to sit back and wait for Song Qingluo to save him. He also had people he wanted to protect. The kind of person who was reluctant to let go of even if he lost himself.

The darkness arrived in front of him, and Lin Banxia appeared as small as an ant in front of it. He raised his head, and the violent wind blew his large coat about, making a flapping sound. The twisted darkness swept everything away, including the insignificant Lin Banxia.

Before being swallowed by the darkness, Lin Banxia had many conjectures about the situation inside, which were bizarre and horrifying. However, after being swallowed by the darkness, Lin Banxia felt a kind of creepy feeling wandering across his skin. Everything around him had not changed. The only change was that Li Ye and Li Su’s bodies were missing.

Lin Banxia heard someone talking. He lowered his head and saw countless students walking towards the outside of the school. It seemed that it was time for school to end.

Lin Banxia rushed down the stairs and reached the fourth floor.

In that classroom, Lin Banxia saw Song Qingluo talking with a smile to his friend. When he saw him at the door, he stood up with a smile, waved to him, and shouted: “Banxia.”

Lin Banxia walked slowly in front of him, lowered his head, and picked up Song Qingluo’s pencil case.

Song Qingluo looked at Lin Banxia’s movements and was stunned: “Banxia?”

Lin Banxia didn’t speak to him, but took out a pen from the pen bag, lifted the cap of the pen, and stabbed it hard into his arm.

“Lin Banxia?!” Song Qingluo didn’t seem to have anticipated Lin Banxia’s move. He was shocked and stretched out his hand to stop it, but it was too late. The sharp pen tip had already penetrated Lin Banxia’s arm. Immediately, blood gushed out, and Lin Banxia’s face turned pale. There was deep disbelief in his eyes, and his hands trembled violently because of the severe pain. That’s right, severe pain.

In this level of dreamland, he actually felt pain.

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: Before Song Qingluo, no one had ever confessed to me.

Li Su: You haven’t thought about it. In fact, they confessed their feelings, maybe you just didn’t understand?

Lin Banxia: Impossible, I can definitely understand it!!

Song Qingluo: No, you can’t.

Lin Banxia:_(:з ∠)_



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