Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 67.1 Dream

In Lin Banxia’s memory, almost no one had ever said the word “like” to him. His parents died young, and his aunt treated him like a thorn in her flesh. The poverty of life and the heavy studies made him pay no attention to such things. When others are seventeen or eighteen years old, it may be the age when love begins, but for Lin Banxia, this word, was too unfamiliar. He didn’t have anyone he liked, and he couldn’t imagine others liking him. Even though he had vaguely felt something from Song Qingluo’s words and actions, when Song Qingluo said these words calmly, his mind went blank. He could only stare wide-eyed and said blankly: “What?”

Song Qingluo was amused by Lin Banxia’s expression. Fortunately, he had a lot of patience. He leaned close to Lin Banxia’s ear and said word by word: “Lin Banxia, ​​I like you.”

Lin Banxia, ​​I like you. It couldn’t be clearer. Lin Banxia wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he let out a slight sob. He put his hand on his face and found that he was actually crying. He didn’t know why he was crying, but he felt very uncomfortable.

“Why are you crying?” Song Qingluo was a little stunned. He didn’t expect Lin Banxia to cry, so he whispered, “Even if you don’t like me back, there’s no need to cry.”

Lin Banxia said: “I’m sorry, no one has ever said this to me.” He felt embarrassed and wiped the tears on his face in a panic. He couldn’t remember many things in the past, but he knew his in his heart. He firmly felt that no one would like him, so when he heard these words from Song Qingluo’s mouth, those hidden emotions came like a tide and overwhelmed him.

Song Qingluo turned sideways, blocking the other student’s view, and comforted him in a low voice: “Be good, don’t cry.”

Lin Banxia’s face was full of embarrassment. When he saw Song Qingluo staring at him, he said blankly: “Why are you staring at me?”

Song Qingluo stretched out his hand and caressed Lin Banxia’s cheek with his fingertips, wiping away the wet tears. He said, “Have you never had anyone confess their love to you?”

Lin Banxia: “Huh?”

Song Qingluo said: “Whether you refuse or accept, you should say something, right?”

Lin Banxia said cautiously: “I…can I accept it?”

Song Qingluo said warmly: “Of course.” He leaned over, took Lin Banxia into his arms, placed his chin on the top of his head, and rubbed against it gently. He had heard that many insecure children are obsessed with hugging, so Song Qingluo hoped to give some comfort to Lin Banxia, ​​who seemed very helpless.

Lin Banxia’s body really relaxed a lot, but he was still a little confused about his relationship with Song Qingluo at this point. Nevertheless, it didn’t matter, the two of them still had a lot of time, and Song Qingluo could slowly teach Lin Banxia about many things that he was not good at. Like hugging, and liking someone.

The atmosphere was just right at this time. Just when Song Qingluo was thinking about whether to take this opportunity to kiss Lin Banxia and take advantage of him secretly, Lin Banxia raised his head with tears in his eyes and said the words in a pitiful, weak and helpless voice. His expression was completely opposite: “So, the wound on your leg is real, right?”

Song Qingluo: “…” This time has not passed yet?

“Right?” Lin Banxia asked.

What else could Song Qingluo do? The confession was successful, so he couldn’t refuse to admit it, so he said helplessly: “Yes.”

Lin Banxia said: “I want to see it.” He guessed what Song Qingluo was going to say and immediately blocked his mouth, “Not now, I will look at it in the office at noon!”

Song Qingluo: “…Okay.”

“Then I’m leaving.” The school bell rang just in time, and Lin Banxia said, “You have a good time in class.” After saying that, he left without showing any worry.

Song Qingluo looked at his back and tasted a hint of ruthlessness in it, but what could he do? In the end, he just sighed and turned back to the classroom. His best friend laughed when he saw this, pointed at Song Qingluo and said: “Song Qingluo, are you okay? Why did you make your little cutie cry?”

“It’s none of your business.” Song Qingluo said angrily, “Wipe your own ass first.”

The teacher happened to walk in, and they both sighed at the same time and started class.


Lin Banxia had something hidden in his heart. Although he tried hard to listen carefully, it could still be seen that he was absent-minded. After class, Li Su quietly touched his shoulder and said, “What’s wrong with you? Why were your eyes red when you came back just now?”

Of course, Lin Banxia was embarrassed to say that he cried, so he said calmly: “The wind and sand got in my eyes.”

Li Su smiled and criticized: “Where did the wind and sand come from on this hot day?”

Lin Banxia said: “Why were you crying in the stairwell that day when there was no wind and sand?”

Li Su: “…”

Lin Banxia said innocently: “Did you really cry because you were bullied by Li Ye?”

Li Su: “…” Lin Banxia, ​​when did you become so sharp? No, Lin Banxia has always been a bit sharp, but he never showed it…

Li Su retreated in defeat and left with a resentful look in his eyes. Lin Banxia couldn’t help his lips twitching, thinking that Li Su looked a little cute like this.

Finally, when lunch time came, Lin Banxia was the first to rush out of the classroom. The teacher was stunned and asked Lin Banxia what was wrong.

Li Su shouted loudly: “Teacher, don’t mind him, he has diarrhea.”

The teacher exclaimed in understanding.

The class upstairs was also over. Song Qingluo was slowly clearing his desk when he heard a rush of footsteps approaching him. He looked up again and saw Lin Banxia, ​​who was panting. Because he was running too fast, the usually pale face was flushed, and those bright eyes were staring at his legs. When Song Qingluo saw this, she murmured in her heart, thinking that her face should be considered good-looking, but why was she not attractive at all here with Lin Banxia?

Lin Banxia shouted anxiously: “Hurry up, hurry up.”

Song Qingluo deliberately ignored him: “Why are you in such a hurry?”

Lin Banxia: “I want to see it!!”

Song Qingluo couldn’t help laughing: “Lin Banxia, ​​do you know that you look like you are being a hooligan?”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Song Qingluo said slowly: “But it doesn’t matter. Even if you act like a gangster, I still like you.”

After saying that, he stood up and naturally led Lin Banxia out of the classroom and went to the vacant office next door.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Banxia quickly closed the door and the curtains. Song Qingluo endured it for a while, but couldn’t hold it back and started laughing again. Lin Banxia saw his meaningful smile and asked him why he was smiling.

Song Qingluo said seriously: “It’s nothing.”

Lin Banxia looked confused and didn’t understand that Song Qingluo was actually the one who was playing rogue. He just felt a little anxious when he thought about what happened in the dream and said, “Come on, take off your clothes quickly.”

Song Qingluo said: “You will have to be responsible if you look at it.”

Lin Banxia said anxiously: “Talk, talk, talk! Hurry up!”

So, under Lin Banxia’s focused gaze, Song Qingluo took off his trousers, revealing his slender legs… and the eye-catching wounds.

It was unknown what was used to make the wound. The edges were uneven, some were scabbed, and some were new. Red and purple covered the entire outside of Song Qingluo’s thigh, which looked particularly terrifying. Song Qingluo was very smart. The parts where he hurt himself were all covered by clothes. Even if he changed into shorts, there would be no clues. Moreover, he controlled himself very well. Before the Song Qingluo in the dream told Lin Banxia those things, he had no doubts about Song Qingluo.

Seeing these wounds, Lin Banxia felt as if something was stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t speak for a long time. He stretched out his fingers and gently touched the edge of the wound. Song Qingluo didn’t cry out in pain, but his muscles twitched uncontrollably, showing that it was very painful. Moreover, the wound was not bandaged at all. It was hard to imagine what it would feel like when these wounds rubbed against the pants.

Seeing that Lin Banxia was silent, Song Qingluo, who knew he was in the wrong, said, “Actually, it doesn’t hurt very much.”

Lin Banxia said: “You’re lying.”

Song Qingluo: “…”

“If it doesn’t hurt. How can you tell whether it’s reality or a dream?” Lin Banxia looked at these wounds and made a decision in his heart. He said, “Do you remember what happened in the dream?”

Song Qingluo said: “I don’t remember, do you remember? Also, you said I told you this in the dream…”

“I don’t remember much either.” Lin Banxia already had something in his mind. He was very reluctant, but he still lied to Song Qingluo, “I just have vague memories. Tell me, what on earth do we do?”

Song Qingluo said: “It’s like an infection. Many people around me have this same situation. Some of them I know, some of them don’t. At first they were in a daze, then they started to harm themselves, and finally…”

Lin Banxia said: “In the end, just like Qin Xu, committed suicide?”

“That’s right.” Song Qingluo said lightly, “When you can’t distinguish between dreams and reality, death is the best destination.”

Lin Banxia said: “So to what extent are you now? Can you distinguish between dreams and reality?”


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