Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 66.2 Dream

Lin Banxia said nothing and looked a little panicked.

Song Qingluo knew that this was not the time to be soft-hearted, but seeing Lin Banxia’s appearance, he really couldn’t continue speaking coldly. After a moment of silence, his tone became much softer: “It doesn’t matter, he will always be with you in the future.”

Lin Banxia said: “What do you want me to do? Kill everyone around me?”

“No, at least not for the time being.” Song Qingluo said, “Judging from the behavior of those people before, after they were swallowed by dreams on the second level, they seemed to be conflicted for a while before dying. This confusion should be the pollution which was caused after being devoured. This kind of pollution makes them unable to distinguish between reality and dreams, so they choose to commit suicide. According to the analysis of the clues, death in the dreams on the first level most likely means death in reality.”

Lin Banxia said: “How many people have entered the dream?”

Song Qingluo said: “There were thirty-seven when we came in.”

Lin Banxia did the math: “Will you wake up after everyone is dead?”

“When the rain outside stops, you will wake up.” Song Qingluo said.

Lin Banxia asked curiously: “Are the times in and out of our dreams the same? How long can this rain last?”

Song Qingluo said: “The speed of time cannot be determined. In real time, it can rain for seven days.”

Lin Banxia thought about it: “In this case, wouldn’t there be no clues at all?”

Song Qingluo said: “There will be clues, but the problem is that we need a special executor, such as you who can connect with the first level of dreams.”

Lin Banxia frowned: “What’s the clue?”

Song Qingluo said softly: “This disaster is not the first time. The first time the dream world emerged, hundreds of people died. After that, we sent many people to seal it. There were successes and failures, but there was only one who was considered a successful survivor. I discovered his existence in this dream and had a conversation with him.”

Lin Banxia said: “A conversation?”

“Yes.” Song Qingluo said.

Lin Banxia became nervous: “What did he say?”

“Go into the deepest dream.” Song Qingluo said.

Lin Banxia reacted immediately. He glanced at the dark sky outside and remembered what it looked like that day when the world melted. When this layer collapsed, a black twisted hole appeared in the rain curtain. He thought it’s definitely not a good thing if you get sucked into it.

Lin Banxia naturally understood what Song Qingluo said. Although he understood, he couldn’t understand what it meant. He licked his lips anxiously: “You don’t really plan to do this, do you? You killed so many people… Isn’t it just to prevent them from being sucked in? Now you actually want to go in by yourself?” When he thought that Song Qingluo would end up with so many wounds on his body, and finally commit suicide in a daze, he found it unacceptable, ” Is there no other methods?”

“Don’t be scared.” Seeing Lin Banxia’s expression, Song Qingluo explained, “I’ve already gone in once.”

Lin Banxia looked incredulous when he heard this: “You already went in?” He immediately remembered something, “Has Li Su also gone in?”

Song Qingluo said: “Yes.”

“Then his wounds are on his arms, where are your wounds?” Lin Banxia grasped the key point, “Don’t tell me you don’t have any wounds. I don’t believe it.”

Song Qingluo opened and closed his mouth as if struggling about whether to say something, then he sighed softly, with a hint of helplessness: “On…the leg.”

Lin Banxia remembered that Song Qingluo deliberately unbuttoned his shirt for him to check in the office, and suddenly laughed angrily: “You are quite smart, aren’t you? Did you want to strike first?”

Song Qingluo knew that he was in the wrong and coughed dryly: “I was afraid that you would worry.”

Lin Banxia sneered: “Oh, so that’s it.”

Song Qingluo: “…”

Lin Banxia thought for a while: “From what you said, we didn’t meet until many years later. So… when was it approximately?”

Song Qingluo said: “After you graduated from college, I moved in next to your house.”

Lin Banxia thought that this encounter was quite romantic, and he felt a bit happy then he heard Song Qingluo add: “Your house happened to be haunted, and I happened to go to deal with it.”

Lin Banxia: “…” Forget it, just don’t ask.

“Anyway, I will go into the depths of the dream again. If I find a method, I will tell you directly.” Song Qingluo said, “I hope you can bring the method to the first level of the dream and end this nightmare.”

Lin Banxia hesitated and said: “This is too dangerous.”

Song Qingluo: “Time is running out, there is no other way.” He raised his head and glanced at the sky outside. While he was talking to Lin Banxia, ​​a storm was brewing in the sky again. The darkness formed a huge hole and swallowed the entire world.

People seemed so small in front of such a terrifying spectacle. Lin Banxia glanced at Song Qingluo beside him. Surprisingly, he didn’t feel too scared. Song Qingluo felt Lin Banxia’s gaze, turned around, and put his hand in his hand and handed him the knife: “You can do it yourself.”

Lin Banxia knew that he had made a decision and said: “Okay…”

He reached out and took the bloody boning knife and put it against his neck. He didn’t know whether it was his imagination or not, but he felt that Song Qingluo’s eyes were particularly gentle when he looked at him. At that moment, Lin Banxia suddenly remembered that there was something important that he had not asked. He gritted his teeth and said, “What is our relationship in the actual reality?”

Song Qingluo was stunned for a moment, then smiled. He leaned into Lin Banxia’s ear and whispered softly: “We are the most important person to each other.”

The black hole behind him had reached the window. Song Qingluo knew that he could not delay any longer and used the palm of his hand to hold Lin Banxia’s hand which was clutching the knife, and with a little force, the blade obeyed his will and inserted into Lin Banxia’s throat.

There was no pain or fear. While looking into Song Qingluo’s warm eyes, Lin Banxia returned to reality again.

It was still the same classroom, and it was still a noisy recess. Lin Banxia stood up from his seat and rushed directly to the fourth floor. He remembered that Song Qingluo’s class was on the fourth floor, but he had never gone to it before. This was the first time.

When he reached the door of the classroom, Lin Banxia looked inside for a while and saw Song Qingluo sitting in the front row. He seemed to be reading a book, and there were two chattering friends surrounding him. They occasionally responded with a few words, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Lin Banxia thought for a while, then summoned up the courage to stand at the door and called Song Qingluo’s name.

In an instant, the eyes of almost the entire class were focused on the door, and someone shouted, “Song Qingluo, your little wife is here to see you.”

Lin Banxia was stunned when he heard the name “little wife”, wondering how Song Qingluo introduced him to his friends. While he was in a daze, Song Qingluo had already reached him. The Lin Banxia, ​​who was in high school, hadn’t eaten enough yet and hadn’t grown in height. He was thin and small. When Song Qingluo stared at him coldly, most of his indomitable momentum was gone.

He still said bravely: “Come out for a moment, you and I need to talk.”

Song Qingluo was a little surprised by Lin Banxia’s behavior, but he was considerate and didn’t ask why. He followed Lin Banxia quietly to the far side of the secluded corridor.

“What’s wrong?” Song Qingluo asked, “Why do you have this expression?”

Lin Banxia said: “Song Qingluo, you asked me to take off my clothes before, because you wanted to check if there were any wounds on my body, right?”

Song Qingluo said: “That’s right.”

Lin Banxia gritted his teeth and said, “Then do I also have the right to check you?”

Song Qingluo said decisively: “Of course.”

When Lin Banxia said this, his momentum was already low, and his voice was even lowered. Eventually he said: “Take off your pants for me.”

Song Qingluo thought he heard wrongly: “Huh?”

Lin Banxia said loudly: “I know what you did, take off your pants for me!” He was so nervous that his voice suddenly became louder, and the people around him cast strange looks at the two of them. Everyone stopped talking for a moment, and the originally noisy corridor was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Lin Banxia also discovered his gaffe, and immediately regretted it. The tips of his ears began to feel hot again, but the man standing in front of him actually laughed after hearing this. After laughing, he gave him a meaningful look and said warmly: “Take it off right here? Are you willing to let me be seen by others?”

Lin Banxia: “Of course not here!”

Song Qingluo: “That’s right.” His voice was very soft, and it sounded a bit serious, but when it came to what he said, it was just like being a hooligan in a serious way, “I’d better show Banxia alone.”

Lin Banxia: “I’m not trying to take advantage of you!!”

Song Qingluo said: “I know that I am taking advantage of Banxia.”

Lin Banxia was desperate and found that Song Qingluo was really difficult to deal with when he wanted to renege on his debt. He was just talking absolute nonsense. At this time, how could Lin Banxia let him get away it so easily, so he simply said: “Okay, you can decide to not let me look at it, but you have to tell me honestly, are there any wounds on your legs?”

The smile on Song Qingluo’s lips faded.

Lin Banxia said: “Yes, right?”

Song Qingluo asked calmly: “Who told you?”

Lin Banxia: “If I said it was you in a dream, would you believe it?”

Song Qingluo tapped his chin with his finger, as if thinking about something: “What else did he tell you?”

Lin Banxia: “A lot.”

“Then he must have told you.” Song Qingluo said seriously, “That I really like you?”

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: Don’t change the subject.

Song Qingluo: What topic? I like your topic?

Lin Banxia: When did you like me…

Song Qingluo: That started a long time ago.

Ten years later.

Lin Banxia: Hey, what did I ask you that afternoon ten years ago?

Song Qingluo:……


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