Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 65 Dream

“Hahahahaha.” Li Su was amused by Lin Banxia and said, “Don’t worry Banxia, ​​he and I are very innocent, but it’s useless to say this. Anyway, you won’t remember it when you wake up.”

“Nonsense I don’t remember anything!” Lin Banxia was furious, “I remember everything clearly! I will file a complaint with Li Ye soon, saying that you and Song Qingluo were having an affair, and let him beat you up again.”

“What?” Song Qingluo’s hand tightened slightly, “What did you say?”

Lin Banxia thought he was defending Li Su, and became even more angry: “I will tell Li Ye to beat Li Su!”

“Just beat him up.” Song Qingluo said nonchalantly, “I mean what you said before.”

“Which part?” Lin Banxia said, “That I remember it clearly?”

“Yes!!!” Li Su clapped his hands, “You said you remember the dream clearly??”

Lin Banxia nodded, and was about to ask what the problem was, but found that Li Su and Song Qingluo’s eyes changed the moment he nodded, especially Song Qingluo, who was still helpless and doting just now. Now he was like a hungry wolf seeing a fat sheep. The arms holding Lin Banxia were so tight that it felt as if he wanted to embed Lin Banxia into his body.

Fortunately, Lin Banxia didn’t feel the pain in the dream. He was held in Song Qingluo’s arms like a baby, and said weakly: “What do you want to do?”

“Are you sure you remember, right?” Li Su confirmed again.

“Yes.” Lin Banxia said, “I remember… so what.”

“It’s difficult.” Li Su looked at Song Qingluo, “Although he remembers the dream, he doesn’t remember what happened before he came in.”

Song Qingluo said thoughtfully: “Should we just explain it?”

Li Su said: “How do we explain? Do we say that we are a government organization that comes in to deal with abnormal events? That he needs to kill everyone he knows? This damn thing sounds even more unreliable than a dream.”

Song Qingluo sighed: “Yes.”

Lin Banxia heard what the two said, but it was almost as if he hadn’t heard anything. He was still confused and didn’t know what they meant.

“What should we do?” Li Su glanced at the sky outside, “We are running out of time, we have to wake up.”

Song Qingluo was a little irritable and said, “There’s only next time.”

Li Su said: “The more times this happens, the more serious the pollution will be, and the greater the sequelae. Oh, forget it, there is no other way.” He turned to look at Lin Banxia, ​​”Next time, don’t be anxious. If you want to commit suicide, come to us and we will give you the answers you want.”

“If you don’t come.” Li Su made a fierce expression, “I will kill all your friends!”

Lin Banxia said angrily: “My only two friends, you and Song Qingluo, are both here. Go ahead!!”

Li Su: “…” He glanced at Song Qingluo and immediately realized that he obviously couldn’t kill Song Qingluo. It seemed that suicide was not a good idea. Finally, he gave up in frustration, “Okay, then I won’t kill your friends.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Song Qingluo said coldly: “Stop making trouble.”

Li Su spread his hands: “Don’t always act like I’m making trouble unreasonably. Is there any way you can make your little cutie obedient?”

Song Qingluo said: “Lin Banxia, ​​time is running out now. I can’t explain it to you in detail, but you have to know that we are helping you. This is indeed a dream, and only death can allow you to leave, but every time they leave the dream they forget. If they do not wake up before this space collapses, then in reality their spirits will be seriously polluted, and they may even be thrown back into the dreamland. The more times they come, the more likely they will be polluted and the harder it is to tell the difference between the dream and reality – this is the information we have gotten so far, but now there is an extremely difficult problem.”

Lin Banxia had already guessed the problem. He said, “You can’t take the memory out of the dream?”

“Smart!” Li Su praised, “Yes, in fact, I am not very aware every time I wake up. Even Song Qingluo, as long as he wakes up from the dream, he will only have some vague memories and cannot fully remember them, so you are an exception. As for why you are an exception, to be honest, I don’t know…”

Lin Banxia almost understood, he hesitated and said: “As long as you sleep, will you enter this dream?”

“No.” Li Su said, “When this dream appears, it usually rains.”

Lin Banxia said: “Okay, I understand.”

Song Qingluo said: “I’m leaving.”

Lin Banxia whispered: “I’d better do it by myself, I don’t want to be killed by you again.”

Song Qingluo glanced at him, agreed, and handed over the knife in his hand.

Lin Banxia was also happy. He took a sharp boning knife and cut his neck viciously. There was still no pain. He was indeed in a dream.

Darkness swept across his vision, and the faces of Li Su and Song Qingluo faded in front of his eyes. He suddenly woke up from his dream and saw the hospital bed beside him.

Li Su was sleeping soundly and sweetly with his hand on his diaphragm. Lin Banxia thought for a moment and pushed him gently, trying to wake him up from his dream. However, no matter how hard he tried, he even slapped him hard in the end, Li Su showed no intention of waking up. He didn’t look like he was asleep, but rather like he was in a coma.

Lin Banxia called him for a while, but he still didn’t respond. Just when Lin Banxia was thinking about calling the doctor, Li Su let out a slight groan, slowly opened his eyes, and whispered: “Who, who is hitting me?”

Lin Banxia quickly stopped: “Li Su, are you finally awake?”

“I just slept for a while.” Li Su murmured, “Why would you do this to me?”

Lin Banxia said innocently: “I was afraid you’d died in your sleep.”

Li Su said: “Thank you for treating me as a friend.”

Lin Banxia: “You’re welcome.”

Li Su: “So it was you who hit me just now, right? Can you let me hit you back?”

Lin Banxia inexplicably felt that the conversation between him and Li Su was familiar, as if this scene had happened somewhere before, but it seemed that he was the one who was beaten at that time. Of course, this feeling only passed by for a moment. Lin Banxia smiled and said: “Of course not.”

Li Su: “…” Lin Banxia, ​​you are really unlike your honest appearance.

In order to show that he still cared about this friend, Lin Banxia very considerately went out to pour a glass of water for Li Su. This time he specifically looked at the drinking fountain for boiling water and made sure that the wire on it was plugged into the socket. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Su was already sick and was sleeping in a daze. He really didn’t have the energy to talk to Lin Banxia. He took the water glass with a sigh and drank it all.

Lin Banxia naturally still remembered the things in the dream. He sat next to him and teased Li Su: “What did you dream about just now? Do you still remember?”

“I don’t remember.” Li Su shook his head, “The dream was a mess…I don’t remember much…”

Lin Banxia said oh, but did not ask further questions.

“But it seems that Li Ye died in the dream.” Li Su murmured doubtfully, “I did it myself. No, why would I kill him? Did he find a girlfriend behind my back?”

Lin Banxia thought that it was not that he found a girlfriend behind your back, but that he found Song Qingluo behind your back.

Li Su glanced at the time: “You go to class. I’ll send a message to Li Ye to come over. You are a good student. You can’t miss the class. Don’t delay for too long for me.”

When others say this, it may sound a bit like ridicule, but Li Su’s tone is sincere, and Lin Banxia accepted it. That’s right, he couldn’t treat his studies as perfunctorily as others. After all, scholarships were his only source of income when he was studying in school. Without this money, he might not even be able to stay in school.

So, Lin Banxia didn’t insist and said a few words to Li Su before getting up and leaving.

After wasting one class, he still had two more classes, and it was almost time for them to begin.

Lin Banxia originally wanted to go to the cafeteria, but before he left the classroom door, he was caught by Song Qingluo.

Maybe the image of Song Qingluo in the dream was too deep for Lin Banxia, ​​which is why Lin Banxia didn’t dare to look up at him today. He kept his head lowered all the way upstairs.

Song Qingluo naturally noticed it. After pushing the lunch box over, he asked, “Why are you so quiet today?”

Lin Banxia whispered: “I’m the same as usual.”

Song Qingluo said: “No, you usually look at me secretly.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

It was a sumptuous lunch. After opening the box, you could smell the rich and tempting aroma inside. Lin Banxia was already hungry, so when he smelled the aroma, his stomach immediately began to growl. Song Qingluo handed the chopsticks to Lin Banxia, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said warmly: “Eat.”

Lin Banxia took the chopsticks, took a bite, and said softly: “Song Qingluo…”

Song Qingluo said: “What?”

“Where were you during the second class in the morning?” Lin Banxia asked.

Song Qingluo said: “I was still at home at that time.”

Lin Banxia thought that the top students were really top students, and they were really different from ordinary students like them who worked hard to make up for their shortcomings. If they didn’t come to class, the teacher wouldn’t say anything. He said, “What were you doing at home?”

Song Qingluo smiled half-heartedly: “Why do you ask?”

Lin Banxia: “I just… care about you.”

Song Qingluo said: “I was ready to go out, but suddenly I felt sleepy and fell asleep.”

Lin Banxia thought that it was indeed the case. If it was true as Song Qingluo in the dream said that he was indeed pulled into the dream, then Song Qingluo in reality must be sleeping, otherwise it would not make sense at all. Lin Banxia thought for a while and said tentatively: “Then do you remember what you dreamed about?”

“I don’t remember.” Song Qingluo said, “My dreams are vague most of the time.”

Lin Banxia: “Is there ever a clear moment?”

Song Qingluo said: “Yes.”

Lin Banxia: “What did you dream about?”

Song Qingluo said calmly: “I remember it very well when I dreamed about you.”

Lin Banxia: “…”

Although he said such ambiguous words, Song Qingluo’s expression was so calm, as if the person whose thoughts were wrong was Lin Banxia.

Song Qingluo said: “I dreamed that when you grew up, you were still as cute as you are now, and we were lying on a big pink bed.”

Lin Banxia’s heart almost jumped out of his mouth, and he hurriedly said: “Stop, stop, stop…”

Song Qingluo looked indifferent: “You asked first.”

Lin Banxia’s face turned red and he felt like he was digging a hole for himself to jump into. He said, “Okay, okay, I understand.”

Song Qingluo clicked his tongue lightly, looking like he didn’t say enough.

Lin Banxia was sure that Song Qingluo didn’t remember what happened in the dream. After thinking about it, he felt that there was too little information. If he really wanted to understand why those students died, he might have to go into a dream. But after several previous experiences, he had clearly realized that dreaming was a very dangerous thing, because if there weren’t some subtle flaws in the dream, he wouldn’t even know how long he would be deceived.

Lin Banxia suddenly felt a little worried.

Song Qingluo knocked on the table: “What are you thinking about? Let’s eat first.”

Lin Banxia had no choice but to think about it while eating. Song Qingluo looked at Lin Banxia from the opposite side without saying anything, and it was unknown what he was thinking. After Lin Banxia was full, he burped a little and was about to leave. Song Qingluo took a folding bed out of nowhere and said, “Don’t leave, just rest here.”

Lin Banxia was dumbfounded when he looked at the bed, thinking that this office was prepared by the school for Song Qingluo alone. Even if he didn’t see the teacher usually, a bed was even prepared. Naturally, he wanted to refuse, but it was Song Qingluo’s request, and he never seemed to be able to refuse. In desperation, Song Qingluo pulled him down onto the bed and covered him with a thin quilt.

The rain that has been falling since before was still continuing. It was dark outside the window and only the hazy sky could be seen. Lin Banxia thought of what happened in the dream, and then what Li Su said to him. His mood became more and more complicated, and it was difficult to fall asleep. On the other hand, Song Qingluo was lying on the table, his breathing seemed to have become even, and Lin Banxia’s angle was just enough to see his side profile.

Song Qingluo looked as good-looking as he was in the dream. At first, Lin Banxia felt that he was completely different from the person in the dream, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that the two actually had a lot in common. It’s just that the Song Qingluo in reality seemed to be more straightforward and had less scruples, while the Song Qingluo in the dream, although more aggressive, Lin Banxia always felt that he seemed to be hindered by many things.

When would they meet again? Lin Banxia thought. After meeting, could he fully understand what happened?

The author has something to say:

Lin Banxia: I am definitely not jealous.

Li Su: Can you please remove your hands from my face when you say this?

Lin Banxia: 0.0 It’s not possible, Li Ximen[1].

Li Su: …Song Qingluo, take care of your jealous family!!



Translator’s comments:

  1. I’m not sure if this is a reference to some historical Chinese character etc. or a pun, but it was written as Li Ximen in the raws. If anyone knows let me know.


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